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Everything posted by Arie

  1. Perhaps inside the executable, I haven't checked as I use the executable file itself myself.
  2. Integrate the latest CAB-files from Microsoft as mentioned on Tomcat76's hotfix lists on the HFSLIP web site, that works.
  3. If you prefer WinRAR, that is fine as well. The advantages of 7-Zip are that it's freeware, whereas WinRAR is shareware, and 7-Zip can compres files better than WinRAR, but the result in filesize won't differ that much. Choose which ever you prefer.
  4. What Not To Remove For Some Programs Customizing Windows $OEM$ folders do nothing more than copy files to the place where you want them. The variable $1 refers to the root of the patition where you're installing Windows to. If Windows is installed on your C-drive for exaple, this means that a folder is created in the root of your C-drive called "install". The contents of $OEM$\$1\install get copied to this newly created folder. Nothing more than this happens. If C:\install contains files which should be installed, registered, et cetera, you can do so via RunOnceEx for example. Below is an example of how to import a registry file via RunOnceEx which you previously copied to C:\install. Change where necessary of course. REG ADD %KEY%\123 /v 1 /d "REGEDIT /S %SystemDrive%\install\your_registry_file.reg" /f Hope this helps.
  5. If I understand you correctly, you integrate SP2 and nLite your source and after that you integrate the hotfixes? If so, you should integrate the hotfixes prior to running nLite or integrate the hotfixes using nLite. Also, perhaps you integrated hotfixes which are not meant for your source. Without knowing which hotfixes your exactly applied, it's hard to say.
  6. I play Battlefield 2 online via PC every now and then. Hope to buy Call Of Duty 4 for PC some time soon as I would like to play it online too. I also play Call Of Duty 3 online on XBOX 360 every now and then. Can't say that I'm much of a gamer.
  7. Yes, I meant burning a physical disc for testing purposes within Virtual PC 2007. I don't believe however that your statement about ejecting the CD-ROM tray is correct. When launching the Additions normally within Virtual PC 2007, it temporarily mounts a virtual CD-ROM which contains the installer files. If you have a physical disc in your tray, it simply temporarily "disappears" if I'm not mistaken and replaced by the virtual disc. Once the installation of the Additions is done, the virtual disc is ejected from the virtual tray. In this case, the physical disc stays in the physical tray and is not ejected. I could be wrong, but this is my assumption at the moment, but I can only find out of course by actually testing this and thus far I haven't had time for it, but it's defenitely on my to-do list! Please keep me informed of your progression
  8. I would suggest not to use nLite, as using nLite for other use than personal use, you will break the EULA. Be aware!
  9. To change the Internet Explorer 7 start page, add the following to your registry. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main] "Start Page"="<your-home-page-here>" [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main] "Start Page"="<your-home-page-here>" To change the search assistant in Internet Explorer 7, add the following to your registry. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search] "SearchAssistant"="<your-search-page-here>" "CustomizeSearch"="<your-search-page-here>" To add your own search providers, have a look at the following two registry keys and their subkeys. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes] [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes]
  10. I don't quite understand what you're trying to achieve?
  11. Because Windows XP Home doesn't have advanced user administration such as Windows XP Professional does. The "net" commands in Windows XP Home have been disabled partly. There are third party tools however I believe which replaces these missing features, but you would have to Google for those.
  12. Add renuser.exe to a folder named SOFTWARE and voilà [GuiUnattended] DetachedProgram = "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" Arguments = "/Q /C FOR /F %? IN ('%SystemRoot%\system32\mountvol.exe^|FINDSTR :\') DO IF EXIST %?WIN51 START %?SOFTWARE\renuser.exe Administrator Arie"
  13. HFSLIP can integrate the downloaded hotfixes for you as well and gives you much more control over the final result.
  14. Customizing Windows would be a more appropriate section
  15. I have never experienced this myself, which makes me believe that this problem has nothing to do with Windows XP itself, but more with other software which might be installed. You give too little information though, so troubleshooting is impossible. Which version of Windows XP are you using, which Service Pack, do you have all the latest hotfixes, anti-virus and anti-spyware software disabled when you try, full desktop screenshot which includes the error message so that we can see at which screen exactly the error message pops up, have you run a full virus and spyware check, et cetera?
  16. You can't install it silently like this via SVCPACK.INF, only for instance via RunOnceEx, which means that applications which rely on Microsoft .NET Framework 1 or 2 can't be installed during SVCPACK.INF either. It would be better to install Microsoft .NET Framework 1 and 2 via SVCPACK.INF first, afterwhich all applications which rely on them can get installed via SVCPACK.INF, and install Microsoft .NET Framework 3 via RunOnceEx. I haven't tried installing Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 via RunOnceEx yet though.
  17. You can have most software install silently at T13 via SVCPACK.INF by creating self-extracting archives which install the applications, and the few remaining applications can be installed silently via RunOnceEx. For starters, read the Unattended Guide.
  18. Thank you for proving my point There is no freeware version of Partition Magic. Please look up the definitions of freeware, shareware and demo software.
  19. You should simply download all hotfixes via the corresponding KB articles on the Microsoft web site. Downloading them on your own system via Windows Update for example isn't the easiest way. See which hotfixes are installed on your up-to-date system and download the corresponding hotfixes via their KB-number from the Microsoft web site. You can also have a look at Tomcat76's hotfix lists for instance. It's linked from the HFSLIP web site and contains all updates since SP2. Another way is to use the tool Windows Update Downloader, which is somewhere for grabs on this forum.
  20. If I'm not mistaken, you can do this via WINNT.SIF and/or IEAK...?
  21. There is no such thing as a stupid question, but asking a question which is clearly answered in the FAQ and of which you even state that you have read it, especially the question "Can i add things back once they have been removed?", comes close Which part of "cannot" do you not understand?
  22. Installing drivers meant for Windows Vista on Windows XP is not advisory. If you will succeed, it might make your system less stable, your devices might not function properly, et cetera. If I were you, I would simply contact HP and ask them for the appropriate drivers instead of asking here.
  23. I don't use nLite myself, but by using the Search function I found the following in seconds... Direct X9c and nlite addon maker DirectX 9.0c bi-monthly (Needed?) Slipstreaming DirectX 9c?
  24. Indeed. Please note that requesting illegal software is not permitted on this forum. As for a free alternative, instead of using GParted, I prefer Parted Magic.
  25. This thread is close to two years old, in my humble opinion you could have better created a new thread. But to reply to your question, I can install the (retail) executable fine with the following parameters. /qn /REBOOT=ReallySuppress Afterwhich I import my registration information and preferred settings via the following registry file. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; REGISTER APPLICATION [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Info] "UserName"="<your user name here>" "ServerKey"="<your server key here>" [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Info] "UserName"="<your user name here>" "ServerKey"="<your server key here>" ; SET LANGUAGE TO ENGLISH [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options] "Language"="1033" [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options] "Language"="1033" ; CONFIGURE APPLICATION [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2000478354-1677128483-1343024091-1003\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options\Display] "AutostartWhenWindowsStartup"="0" "ExecuteInFullScreen"="0" "ListPhysicalDevicesFirst"="1" "CleanFileListBeforeImporting"="1" "NotifyDiscrepanciesWithImageFiles"="0" "ShowApplicationIn"="1" "ShutdownApplicationAfterPushingCloseBtn"="1" "TrayIconIndex"="0" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options\General] "AutoCheckCurrentVersionViaInternetAtStart"="0" "EnableScreenSaver"="0" "OneInstanceOnly"="0" "DeleteFileDirectly"="0" "EnableAutoPlay"="0" "IOControlInterface"="0" [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options\General] "AutoCheckCurrentVersionViaInternetAtStart"="0" "EnableScreenSaver"="0" "OneInstanceOnly"="0" "DeleteFileDirectly"="0" "EnableAutoPlay"="0" "IOControlInterface"="0" [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2000478354-1677128483-1343024091-1003\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options\Shell Extension] "ExchangeIconForAlcoholDefault"="0" "EnableOtherExtensions"="0" "OtherExtensions"="" [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2000478354-1677128483-1343024091-1003\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options\Sound Effect] "PlaySounds"="0" [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2000478354-1677128483-1343024091-1003\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options\Virtual drive] "MountImageTo1stDeviceOnDblClickingImageFile"="1" "RemountImageUponSystemReboot"="1"
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