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Everything posted by Arie

  1. Re-reading this topic and I'm now somewhat confused as to what the topic starter wants. It seems like he wants to rename various machines, but in his post he mentions renaming "My Computer", so not the machine name itself. What do you want to do exactly Demonforce; rename the machine or rename "My Computer"?
  2. Why would a certain prompt be any faster than the normal way of renaming machines? And why not change your unattended installation to retrieve the computernames from a file, or to generate different names itself, or to pause on the screen where you can manually type the name yourself during the setup? Another option could be a small VB application which remotely changes the registry of target computers.
  3. We hear you, no need to shout. UBCD is free, why did you pay for it?
  4. Arie

    .vbs files?

    I don't use any VBS-files, but if I were you I would give it a try via HFSVCPACK, but don't directly place them in there, but create a switchless installer for them first which launches the VBS-file.
  5. Sysprep and unattended installations are two different things To find available parameters, run the installer of the application adding /? to the command line. Most of the time this will show all available commands which you can use with this specific installer. You can also simply start the installer of the application and see if you can recognise the installer screens; perhaps there is also an about box in the installer itself while installing. In the Unattended Guide you can find various default parameters for installers such a MSI-files, InstallShield, et cetera.
  6. Ask a moderator to move your topic to the Windows PE section of this forum.
  7. Nice, I'll use the REPLACE folder for that then, but what about updating the DOTNETFX folder?
  8. You can call a batch file from SVCPACK.INF for instance which adds registry keys to RunOnceEx. From RunOnceEx you can call the installation file with it's parameters.
  9. Not much time at the moment for a long reply, but don't use $OEM$ folders. The content of these folders always get copied to your hard disk. Instead, create a folder named Software for example along side your I386 folder and place your installer files in there. There's a short script in the Unattended Guide which auto detects your CD-ROM drive, put that in your CMD-file which also adds all the registry keys for RunOnceEx. Simply call the installers from CD-ROM via RunOnceEx using for example silent installation parameters, transform files, et cetera. It's all there in the Unattended Guide.
  10. Zero, just the way I like it.
  11. Simply don't install non-final versions of software if this is a problem.
  12. Extravert, Microsoft .NET Framework is required by certain applications to properly function. Some applications require Microsoft .NET Framework 1, while others might rely on version 2 or 3 for example. You only need to have that version of Microsoft .NET Framework installed which is required by the software which you use. It might very well be that you have no software installed which relies on Microsoft .NET Framework. If this is the case, there is no need to install Microsoft .NET Framework. In an office environment I would suggest to only install that version of Microsoft .NET Framework which is required, whereas in a home situation it might be easier to simply have all versions installed so that you'll never be prompted to first install Microsoft .NET Framework before being able to install a certain application. You can compare Microsoft .NET Framework somewhat to the Java Runtime Environment. If you have applications which rely on the Java Runtime Environment, they won't function if you don't have the Java Runtime Environment installed. The difference between Microsoft .NET Framework and the Java Runtime Environment is that the last one is backwards compatible, which means that you only need to have the latest version installed for any application which relies on the Java Runtime Environment to function, whereas Microsoft .NET Framework is not backwards compatible, which means that applications which rely on Microsoft .NET Framework 1 won't function is you only have version 2 installed for example. I hope this has cleared things up for you a bit.
  13. Also, keep in mind that via your method all installation files are first copied to your hard disk because of the use of a $OEM$ folder, afterwhich Office gets installed. It would be better to silently install Office from CD-ROM directly via RunOnceEx in my humble opinion.
  14. Arie

    ERROR 1305

    To answer your question, error 1305 means that there was a problem reading from a certain MSI-file. This might be because the file is corrupted or you don't have sufficient rights to access the file.
  15. Microsoft .NET Framework 3 requires version 2, so what you wrote is incorrect. Please see my previous replies.
  16. Arie

    ERROR 1305

  17. There is a 7-Zip tutorial on this forum in regards to creating SFX archives. Please note though that the whole method displayed above is not SVCPACK compatible.
  18. If you would have read the nLite FAQ, you would have seen that removed components cannot be restored. In other words, you'll need to create a new disc which does not have this component removed.
  19. I would suggest that you install Office via RunOnceEx. See the Unattended Guide.
  20. I believe that certain installers choose the partition or disk with the most free space available.
  21. I believe this is a Microsoft problem and has nothing to do with nLite. The problem occured in HFSLIP as well. If my memory serves me well it was because of a hotfix, which made this checkbox disappear.
  22. Yes, Microsoft .NET Framework and Java are not the same when it comes to this. See my previous reply as well.
  23. Good idea. And add a fully up-to-date DOTNETFX folder.
  24. My original source contains the old Windows XP Remote Desktop Connection Software in SUPPORT\TOOLS. I would like to have this changed in the most recent version, which is I believe XPSP2 5.1.2600.2180. Can the replacement of this file be automated in the next version of HFSLIP? I can of course replace the file manually myself, but having it done automated would be a nice extra feature I believe.
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