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Everything posted by j7n

  1. I am running Windows XP Pro SP1. Under some circumstances all my opened become "topmost". It becomes impossible to switch to another window by pressing Alt-Tab or clicking a taskbar button. I must press "minimize" on each window or "show desktop" to switch and it drives me crazy. After some time (again I don't know what causes this) windows return to normal behaviour. I've experienced this defect on three installations of WinXP SP1. Never under Win98(FE/SE). How to get rid if it? Is there a kbd shortcut to trigger this state?
  2. I have a HDD which started to develop bad sectors. I want to attempt continue using it with the damaged parts mapped out. The problem is that Disk Doctor does not mark block which are almost dead. When it reaches these sectors, computer pauses for a moment, but after that sectors are still deemed "good". I want to disable a safe range around the failing block. Is there a DOS or Win98/2k/XP program capable of doing that on FAT32?
  3. Everything became more or less clear after reading these two guides. Thank you everybody who paid attention. http://howtoforge.com/ispconfig_dns_godaddy http://bind8nt.meiway.com/publicDNS.cfm
  4. DOS UnRAR could prove useful in some cases. I recently used RAR format to transfer an operating system to another computer using diskettes. Of course UnRar is free. It can be downloaded for various operating systems from Rar homepage.
  5. Quite a big recovery partition, I would say. 11 Gigs. However, I recently read about ASUS low end laptops with more space devoted to software than is available to the user. Oh my.
  6. j7n


    So, only Windows built-in dialogs are now displayed using Tahoma? Or is MS Sans Serif now completely overriden and inacessible? Old fashioned way of booting into DOS or boot CD is just as good.
  7. j7n


    For substitution to have effect, the font you are trying to substitute should be deleted. I have deleted the real MS Sans Serif. But substitution did not always work. Therefore I have created a copy of the Tahoma font with edited name to say "MS Sans Serif". However, now some dialogs are broken. (1) In many cases authors have allowed no padding space in the width of their controls. If text using Tahoma font would render longer, the last word would be word-wrapped and invisible. (2) In some cases non-Windows dialogs use font height 5 pt (IIRC). With MS Sans Serif this results in the normal height of 8 pt. Tahoma font however is being drawn in 5 points and is mostly illegible. Case 1 can be solved by editing respective programs using Resource Hacker. If you edit carefully there is no harm in distributing the modified executables (usually). For case 2 I have kept original bitmap font as "MS Sans Serix". I then open those broken programs with a hex editor and rename all occurences of "MS Sans Serif" to "MS Sans Serix". You must make sure not to distribute such badly modified programas as other users won't have MS Sans Serix on their systems. Then create font substitutions also for "MS Dialog", "Helv", "MS Shell Dlg", "MS Shell Dlg 2", some common font names used in dialogs to be replaced with Tahoma. This will improve looks of some Win16 programs, which previously used "System" or bold "MS Sans Serif" font (both are similar, did not pay much attention to tell). Would editing gdi.exe solve these two problems I encountered?
  8. I did not know there was a beta. I looked at this forum and didn't see an announcement. Please ignore that remark. I've already unpacked that archive using innounp, only complaint was about the frontend not working properly.
  9. This Inno installer is not seen as one. Universal Extractor is attempting to open it with Sevenzip. http://www.dvdfab.com/free.htm DVDFabHDDecrypter4102.exe
  10. The driver is for "storage" devices. It just happen that Flash memory is most useful portable storage technology at this time. I've used this driver with a HDD enclosure and on old USB 1 computers (with flash). If Windows XP can work without a driver with your hard disk, there is a great chance this driver will enable Win98 to do the same.
  11. Do you have the Native USB Storage Driver installed? http://www.msfn.org/board/Maximum-Decim-Na...ers-t43605.html
  12. Yes I have. But I didn't find exact answer to these 2 questions.
  13. You have different means of achieving the same thing. I never said there weren't special tools for this purpose.
  14. Only with subpixel rendering enabled. With normal anti-alias they look blurrend and illegible.
  15. To be exact I must say that of course it is obvious that you can't copy Windows files while Windows itself is running. A boot disk with another operating system is necessary. This is the same as "Active" in FDisk, right? Did the program copy Long File Names?
  16. This is incorrect. I have copied WinXP, Win2k and Win98 on several occasions. Win98 bootsector can be rewritten with commands mentioned above. WinNT bootsector can be written by 2k/XP installer. After the sector has been written, just delete the newly installed files and proceed with the copying.
  17. Maybe this will display the data one screen at a time?
  18. Those two problems are not connected. If you have 160 GB hard disk, you should attempt to use it all. This is proabaly not it, but didn't the new drive have letter D: at the time you tried to use SYS? Also, is the primary partition on new harddisk set Active? I'd use a boot CD with Norton Partition Magic, but that's darned illegal.
  19. I don't need webhosting. Some small web projects will be provided from my own computer(s). A proper domain instead or example.sytes.net is also needed for running a mail server. Some recipients reject my mail as spam, because they can't find rDNS entries. Most of all I want to understand how DNS operates.
  20. I want to register a domain name and there are a couple of things I do not understand. One can register second level domain names on the Internet, such as example.org, for a small fee. Upon registration you should supply addresses of nameservers. Can any publicly accessible host become a nameserver, or they should be registered with ICANN? What do people usually use as nameservers? Let's say that my example.org is pointing to Now I want to create a third level domain, ftp.example.com, pointing to Where do I put the "ftp" in? Does this action require access to the nameservers, or another (paid) registration is necessary?
  21. You should fix this problem first. If your BIOS supports 48-bit LBA, apply the Enable48BitLBA Windows 98 update to access the whole disk. If 48-bit LBA is not supported, partition your new disk with logical disk(s) of total length less than 127 GB and forget about the extra space. Search the forum, this problem is common. The most easy way to SYS C: would be using a Win98 startup diskette, which can be created on a working Win98 system.
  22. Has anybody seen a modern LCD display with advanced scaling options?
  23. When I had nVidia 6200 the computer also would not shut down. Problem disappeared after upgrading to ATi Radeon. Good power supplies have the magic button!
  24. The ones I've come across can be switched either by tapping Control two times, or selecting host number by pressing ScrlLock-ScrlLock-#.
  25. I recently installed a D-Link 4-port KVM switch. Works flawlessy. Previously I had a no-name switch which degraded video quality (some said because of unmatched impedance between the switch and cables). You probably can connect your mouse using a USB-to-PS/2 adapter, which you can purchase together with some cheap mouse. I would not bother switching audio with KVM (probably will result in poor quality). Just connect the secondary PC's soundcard to your main multimedia PC's line input and you're all set.
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