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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2019 in all areas

  1. This sh!+ hurts. We lost a pioneer. I will learn and appreciate you guys more. jaclaz and others, I'm truly sorry for our ups and downs. I'm a christian and don't hold ill feelings. I wish we could have help more by knowing the circumstances. The family of rloew, I hope you are blessed abundantly.... I'll forever miss him. Damn!!!!!
    1 point
  2. I hope whoever has them will see that ALL of his programs and patches are uploaded and archived at the archive.org link posted above, both the free and pay ones. They should all be stored together for easy access. That the family has graciously encouraged that rlowe's work be preserved and distributed is a truly kind and wonderful thing. Their wish, and his memory, should be respected. Cheers and Regards
    1 point
  3. @Matt A. Tobin: This is the first time I have "liked" one of your posts here, and that was because no "insanity" whatsoever was contained in it, no name-calling, no other profanity, no looking down on unbranded fork users etc. I, for one, have been very careful not to call the "forks" by their upstream names, whenever I mentioned Pale Moon and/or Basilisk here (i.e. official branding), I was explicitly referring to them... Of course, the chasm that exists between this community and you, basically because of "what" was exchanged in the past (from both sides ), will be difficult to bridge, and I am still uncertain whether you have any intent yourself towards this goal... However, at least for me, future contributions like your last one, with insightful and helpful content, will be welcome! Greetings
    1 point
  4. > Oh crap, Tobin's here.. what insanity does he have this time? WELL non-existant but likely quote, I am gonna clarify both the Navigator version reduction and the deal with FUEL. The reason the version was changed to a lower version is because I intend to start making releases of what is essentially an unfinished product and thus isn't 1.0 quality. I announced this would be happening eventually some months ago but other priorities have delayed it. When it does happen, consider it a public beta and technology preview with a goal of reaching a true 1.0 status. As for fuel.. As Australis Technology progressed, FUEL was an ancient developmental burden in the eyes of Firefox developers. It was eventually depercated and removed from Firefox. Proper Basilisk comes from a time where FUEL was long gone and the Australis Technology progressed (or is that regressed) the specific capabilities of the browser application code. It doesn't make much sense with the custom Australis Based UI of the main window. As for its deprecation in Pale Moon.. As you may know, the specific Application code for Pale Moon 28 is actually an uplifted and evolved form of code that started life in 2013 as Firefox 24 modified for Pale Moon 24 though 26, ported to Tycho for Pale Moon 27, and ported again to UXP for Pale Moon 28. There is absolute continuity for the application specific code from 2013 to today regardless of the platform codebase. This has been my design and the bulk of my research and contribution over the past five years. Pale Moon has stayed Pale Moon as I have promised so shall it is. I considered removing FUEL but decided against it for extension compatibility reasons and instead added a deprecation warning so that forks and new extensions do not use the component. It is not outside the realm of possibility it could be removed at a future date but it is exceedingly improbable. Think what you will about me and how I conduct my self but truth be told I have been the driving force for years in ensuring as much compatibility with extensions as reasonably can be achieved and the general continuity of Pale Moon AS what everyone expects Pale Moon to be. Without that influence over the years, I shudder to think what might have happened. Likely potential eventualities may have followed a path similar to the likes of Cyberfox and Waterfox. We shall never know because not only will my influence never be wiped out and I shall never be stopped from continuing forward on the path I helped to lay out. Sometimes you have to accept the good with the bad and perhaps I am neither.. Or perhaps I am all those things and more.
    1 point
  5. I didn't realize that people would find out so soon about my father's passing. I wanted to express my appreciation of the impact he has had for many of you with all his work on Windows. I got to hear about it for years over meals and I never realized how many people found value in his patches. It is a busy time right now but I did want to clear the air regarding the patches. I would like them to continue to be distributed, for his work to be remembered and to be beneficial to others. So, please, freely distribute what you may have in terms of the work my dad did. When things are more settled, I will see what I can do regarding anything missing he might have had available and whatever relevant material there might be that someone could use to further pursue his work.
    1 point
  6. It's been a longstanding issue with the built-in h.264 (actually that's video; the audio codec that causes the issue is probably AAC) support. It works fine with most PCs, but some have the audio issue you described. Try installing the Adobe Primetime CDM and disabling the built-in support (set media.ffvpx.enabled to false). That's fixed the issue for others. Edit: Oops; @VistaLover beat me to it!
    1 point
  7. You don't want to use native YouTube in browser on an old machine with the UOC Patch. Use instead YT 2 Player to redirect YouTube videos to VLC, or if you want to watch YouTube videos in browser, install Greasemonkey with the Viewtube script, that will replace the HTML5 player with VLC. Both plugins are the way I watch YouTube on my Tualatin RDD. I started developing the UOC Patch when I had a GeForce FX5600 and ran okay. Do you have a GeForce FX to test with the patch? Or even an ATI card newer than a 9800 Pro, such as an X800 or an X1250? I'm curious to see how it performs with those cards.
    1 point
  8. I agree with @win32; they're probably sniffing the OS version in the user-agent string. Why they suddenly think that matters is beyond me. "Not supported" should merely mean, "if it doesn't work, don't call us;" it shouldn't mean "we're going to deliberately lock you out." In FF 52 or one of its derivatives, go to about:config and try setting general.useragent.override to Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.9) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.9 That will tell them you're using 32-bit Firefox, version 60.9, on 64-bit Windows 7.
    1 point
  9. 1. Disable Windows Firewall and Security Center. 2. Create a folder in C:\Program Files\Firewall. 3. Run MMC from run-box in the Start Menu. Create a Snap-in from Microsoft Console Root with IP Security Monitor + IP Security Polices on Local Computer. 4. Name Snap-in IPSECCMD.MSC. 5. Place the Snap-in file C:\Program Files\Firewall and create a shortcut from it. Name it Windows Firewall. 6. Extract or copy FIREWALL.CAB contents to C:\Program Files\Firewall. 7. Edit IPSECCMD.BAT to your likes, then run it. 8. Run Windows Firewall shortcut and click IP Security Polices on Local Computer. Right-click to Assign the Policies. (Activate/Turn on). 9. Use IPSECCMD.HTA to monitor your network. Credit goes to http://www.ericphelps.com/scripting/samples/Netstat/index.html
    1 point
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