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  2. And here is the same program for XOR with my nice Neuron in Scratch. Oh my, here you can see at once, how bad "higher" program languages are Dietmar
  3. Today
  4. "Upstream" is the 'official' version by the 'official' developer. That 'official' developer abandoned XP. So the versions you download in this thread are the 'downstream developer' (Roytam1/Feodor2/etc) efforts to restore XP-compatibility to a browser that would not otherwise work in XP.
  5. I just make a new XOR program for my Neuron with two thresholds, see post above waaooh, Dietmar
  6. what's "upstream" mean ?? or is that another person's name who submits updates to you ? i have no clue.
  7. not from me, lets see if upstream is willing to get this in.
  8. @AstroSkipper, speaking of the registry entries, are yours the same? I mean, when you applied the anti-metrics flags. Thanks.
  9. This will help you. https://www.geoffchappell.com/studies/windows/win32/services/scm/events/wpp.htm
  10. Please run cmd as admin, then enter the command logman query -ets It must show zero loggers. If it shows some are still running, the programme doesn't work as expected.
  11. Yesterday
  12. @roytam1 is there any chance you might be able to fix or support the pixai thing i been trying to mention the past few weeks ?? or is it not possible ?? im sorry if i been annoying about it
  13. About UE4's shader compilation stutter issue in P3R, obviously R550 drivers have better performance than R535 drivers. Now I am using 552.61 and trying to find an ideal solution.
  14. Well I have a mini-PC AceMagician T8 Plus with 256 GB of hard drive space and 8 GB RAM so I have enough space for that machine to do anything. I was going to install Windows 7 or Tiny7 and then the VM environment and then OSX ontop of that with Think or Swim TOS as the final layer. But since Windows 7 some say has security breaches, could someone hack into my system through Windows 7 then into the VM environment and then into OSX and then into TOS? Like hacking though each layer? The really small 32 GB hard Drive space with 2 GB of RAM is on these tiny travel mini-PC sticks that I use only when I travel. They are easy to transport. So I was going to copy the layered system idea as I stated above into those Asus VivoSticks TS-10 as well and just run these systems infront of every day not remotely tapping in or using another computer to offload the op system hard drive space. Can I do that with this set up? And I prefer OSX over Windows. And I can't shutdown the Windows updates.
  15. Windows Update pulled down the Cumulative Update today on both Server 2025 and IOT Ent LTSC to 26100.863 - no SAB issues seen. Nice. Don't you love it when software just works?
  16. I do an intensive test of those 3 of my Neurons, who make the XOR function without direct calculating XOR. Some thoughts about my idea: No noise at all, no vanishing gradient, always a clear signal, most easy calculation. The output of each Neuron is of type INTEGER. And it accepts any double values as input. Which means, this New Neuron and so this XOR is error tolerant as much as possible Dietmar PS: This program I test under Netbeans 16 and it works. package newneuron; import java.util.Scanner; public class Newneuron { // Inner class for Neuron public static class Neuron { private double lowerThreshold; private double upperThreshold; public Neuron(double lowerThreshold, double upperThreshold) { this.lowerThreshold = lowerThreshold; this.upperThreshold = upperThreshold; } public int activate(double input) { if (input >= lowerThreshold && input <= upperThreshold) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a Scanner object for user input Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); // Define the neurons with thresholds 0.8 and 1.2 Neuron neuron1 = new Neuron(0.8, 1.2); Neuron neuron2 = new Neuron(0.8, 1.2); Neuron neuron3 = new Neuron(0.8, 1.2); // Prompt the user for input values System.out.print("Bitte gib einen Wert für Neuron1 ein: "); double input1 = scanner.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Bitte gib einen Wert für Neuron2 ein: "); double input2 = scanner.nextDouble(); // Activate the first two neurons with the respective inputs int output1 = neuron1.activate(input1); int output2 = neuron2.activate(input2); // The input to the third neuron is the sum of the outputs of the first two neurons double sumOutputs = output1 + output2; int xorOutput = neuron3.activate(sumOutputs); // Print the results System.out.println("Neuron1 Output: " + output1); System.out.println("Neuron2 Output: " + output2); System.out.println("Neuron3 Output: " + xorOutput); // Close the scanner scanner.close(); } }
  17. As others say around these here parts, "I don't see admin/moderator next to your name". Your post is just as "spammy" and as much a "pompous public announcement" as mine. Feel free to go tell the teacher. "Mom, D.Draker hit me back!" "What do you mean by hit you back?" "Well, I may have hit him first, but he didn't tell on me, but I'm going to tell on him." "Go to your room until daddy gets home."
  18. OK, it worked for that guy somehow, so should have worded a bit differently. I think I just got a black window back then. Still, better try this: https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-continuous/index.html?prefix=Win/291943/ Just remember to disable GPU blocklist on chrome://flags page. Though TBH I'm not sure if canvas accel works specifically, hard to test in reality such an outdated browser, but period correct WebGL stuff seems to work. None of that slow 100% CPU sucking SwiftShader nonsense. The hint comes from https://superuser.com/questions/958238/how-to-enable-webgl-on-chrome-on-xp. I like the last comment from the guy who asked: Interesting, but I have updated to Win10, so I can't test. I think Chrome no longer supports XP anyways.
  19. BTW, they suggest to fully disable sandbox, which is a terrible idea, too!
  20. Yeah, but it's not my idea, I actually wanted to further elaborate on what you wrote about Chrome 49! With a simple calculation, if they already knew it was blocked on XP almost 12 years ago, it brings us back to 2012 - early 2013. What was the Chrome version, then? 21? 20? 19? 18? So, it was blocked centuries ago! Overall, I agree with you, not a good idea at all.
  21. You would! You're just very lucky to be allowed to join the EU, you don't live under Broz Tito anymore. Otherwise, 100% of all interesting Western websites would be blocked, then. Now think of those that live in such territorial formations as China, Iran, Russia, Cuba, etc. All those entities are publicly known to zealously block huge segments of the internet! So, Microsoft is a kind and caring company that thinks of its customers and their safety!
  22. Good! In this case we (at least) know who will read through our communications! That VPN is supposedly aimed to use SHA 2, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2 SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) is a set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the United States National Security Agency (NSA), NSA are the good guys, I don't mind them reading my emails, I don't plot against America.
  23. I just have a crazy cool idea of a new KI. Take a look at this Neuron. In some kind it is more intelligent than human Neurons in brain. It uses the "All or Nothing" idea for to make a Neuron to fire (first threshold1). BUT: It has a second threshold2, so that it can solve with only such 3 Neurons the XOR problem. And everything with only positiv(!) weights Dietmar PS: My version of Netbeans 16 allows only 1,3 as input for testing for a double number instead of 1.3 package myneuron; import java.util.Scanner; public class Myneuron { private double threshold1; private double threshold2; public Myneuron() { threshold1 = 1.0; threshold2 = 5.0; } public int activate(double input) { if (input < threshold1) { return 0; } else if (input < threshold2) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); Myneuron neuron = new Myneuron(); System.out.println("Test meines speziellen Neurons:"); System.out.print("Gib eine Kommazahl als Input für das Neuron ein: "); double input = scanner.nextDouble(); int output = neuron.activate(input); System.out.println("Antwort des Neurons: " + output); scanner.close(); } }
  24. Implying WineD3D actually works, much less works well (tried the suggested hack years ago, didn't get anywhere). Bogging down Pentium 4 with translating D3D to OpenGL, it's a great idea!
  25. Technically, no need to spam up the thread if you aren't gonna request the name change, and block whomever you want, without such pompous public announcements, keep it to yourself. Thanks.
  26. "Chrome developers disabled Canvas HW Accel for XP (the artcile is about 12 years old!), it calls Direct3DCreate9Ex from d3d9.dll which is DirectX 9L available only on Vista+, but it is possible to wrap D3D9Ex on Windows XP via WineD3D Direct3D to OpenGL wrapper. (special thanks to WineHQ/Crossover) Then we need to disable blacklist and disable sandbox in launch options." https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15073593/does-chrome-support-gpu-hardware-acceleration-for-the-2d-canvas-under-windows-xp
  27. Chrome 49 requires D3D9Ex for HW accel, which is Vista+.
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