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AstroSkipper last won the day on May 11

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  1. If I may ask, what is this TestCrash427 supposed to be anyway? And what does it have to do with Mypal 68? In Google, there are no results for TestCrash427.
  2. I usually do not use the YouTube interface in New Moon 28 or other browsers under Windows XP. It was just an experiment to see whether it is possible at all on my underperforming, old machine in these days. And it is still possible and above all, without ads or anti-adblocker messages. As I already said, I normally send YouTube links to one of my external players or download them with one of my YouTube downloaders. For watching them in legacy browsers under Windows XP I use Invidious or the extension uTube.
  3. Ok. My first time. Confirmed. This video is definitely blocked until the age of the user has been verified. Greetings, AstroSkipper
  4. YouTube videos in their native interface in New Moon 28 on low-performance computers in 2024 I made an experiment. Watching YouTube videos on their native interface in New Moon 28 in May 2024, all on my very weak hardware with Intel Pentium 4 single-core processor and only 1.5 GB SD-RAM. I reset my mod uBlock Origin Legacy and activated only some further default lists (Adguard Base, uBlock Annoyances, BPCF + script and my German locale filter lists). Additionally, I installed seven YouTube scripts from Greasyfork to get rid of crap and to style YouTube to my needs. I created one additional rule to cut off all comments when playing a single video. YouTube is completely free of ads. Videos are playing fine without any comments and playlists, isolated in single tabs in 360p quality. Always with autoplay off as I don't like such automatisms. Higher quality does not work well in browsers on my system. In any case, pure YouTube without any ads, ad blocker warnings or other crap. Perhaps, I should mention at this point that I normally never watch videos in browsers on my old Windows XP computer, but in an external player directly or downloaded beforehand. Then I am able to watch videos in 480p or sometimes even in 720p quality. Sometimes, however, I watch very rarely YouTube videos in New Moon 28 with the help of the great extension uTube. Here are two screenshots taken from YouTube in New Moon 28 when all configurations have been done: My new homepage of YouTube only for searching videos (Bye, bye unwanted videos ): And here is a tab when playing a single video: All is loaded relatively fast on my old machine. One of the installed scripts let me select the size of the player myself. Here it is set to the 480p size. Cheers, AstroSkipper
  5. ... Age-related YouTube blocks can be successfully circumvented, while being logged out of course, by using below userscript: https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass?tab=readme-ov-file#userscript I did my little experiment while being logged out of course but without any YouTube Age Restriction Bypass script. I never had such age-related blocks on YouTube here.
  6. No such problems but I use my mod uBlock Origin Legacy together with a BPCF script. And when additionally using the extension uTube 33.1, no ads anymore here in New Moon 28. I made an experiment. Watching YouTube videos on their native interface in New Moon 28 in May 2024, all on my very weak hardware with Intel Pentium 4 single-core processor and only 1.5 GB SD-RAM. I reset my mod uBlock Origin Legacy and activated only some further default lists (Adguard Base, uBlock Annoyances, BPCF + script and my German locale filter lists). Additionally, I installed seven YouTube scripts from Greasyfork to get rid of crap and to style YouTube to my needs. I created one additional rule to cut off all comments when playing a single video. YouTube is completely free of ads. Videos are playing fine without any comments and playlists, isolated in single tabs in 360p quality. Always with autoplay off as I don't like such automatisms. Higher quality does not work well in browsers on my system. In any case, pure YouTube without any ads, ad blocker warnings or other crap. PS: Perhaps, I should mention at this point that I normally never watch videos in browsers on my old Windows XP computer, but in an external player directly or downloaded beforehand. Then I am able to watch videos in 480p or sometimes even in 720p quality. Sometimes, however, I watch very rarely YouTube videos in New Moon 28 with the help of the great extension uTube.
  7. Thanks for clarification! I will edit it to my needs.
  8. @Dixel Thorium is not fully portable. I know that. When installing extensions, there are corresponding entries written into the registry. I always use the flag --disable-machine-id but the flag --disable-encryption only if I move my profile folder.
  9. TBH, I don't understand what you mean with his uBlock Origin. In any case, my uBlock Origin Legacy is very well configured and blocks as much as possible.
  10. No such problems but I use my mod uBlock Origin Legacy together with a BPCF script. And when additionally using the extension uTube 33.1, no ads anymore here in New Moon 28.
  11. ... Well yes, sadly, this has also happened to me, especially when using Serpent 52 to post (only very rarely happens when using KafanMiniBrowser ) ... Well, after reloading the page (and praying during the page reload that whatever you've already written won't be lost ), do NOT immediately re-click the "Submit" button; first open in a new tab the MSFN thread you're posting to and inquire whether your post has indeed been uploaded, despite the browser hang; once you verify this is not the case, only then do click the "Submit" button anew ; FWIW, I had similar issues when using St52 to post comments on GitHub, but now, since MS made GH almost unusable in UXP-based browsers, I use KMB for GH (where that issue almost never manifests itself) ... And the very best is that now both posts have disappeared completely. Who has deleted them? I simply replied to a post addressed to me. And above all, why both? What's going on here?
  12. That is of course possible. In any case, I do not have those problems with uBO‘s logger you have described.
  13. I use the flag --max-connections-per-host=15 on my very old and weak hardware, however, with Thorium under Windows XP. So far, it works great.
  14. And that is one reason why I love our legacy versions of uBlock Origin. No such badlists.txt file. Personally, I don't like being restricted by whoever and for whatever reason although all is done in the name of "security", of course.
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