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What Anti-Virus do you Use/Recommend?

What Anti-Virus do you Use/Recommend?  

1,070 members have voted

  1. 1. What Anti-Virus do you Use/Recommend?

    • AntiVir
    • Avast
    • AVG
    • BitDefender
    • ClamAV
    • eTrust
    • F-Prot
    • Kaspersky
    • McAfee
    • NOD32
    • Norton
    • Symantec
    • Trend Micro
    • Other - ?
    • None!

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As an IT technician and company owner, I had found many of our client's and customers were coming in for repairs due to virus infections and malware. SO! I went in search of the best. We setup 10 test computers and installed a different AV/Firewall combination on each, some of the test computers had suites of defence such as Norton, and Zone Alarm, We tried Paid versions and free. And these are our results and as you will see we're right as always.

Avast is by far #1-NOT only did it catch 98% of the 100 test Malwares we introduced to the system. But it also found the other 2 in a manual full system scan. 100%. NOW we started to introduce our customers to Avast and found that the # of clients we had complaining of Infections DROPPED DRAMATICALLY! And no this didnt hurt us, as we now are official affiliates and resellers for Alwil Software- Makers of Avast!

Now I get calls out of the blue thanking me for induducing them to the finest Antivirus program ever made. If you dont believe me, switch for a month and see for yourself. Avast is free for Home or non-professional use. And even the paid version is well worth the money.

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As an IT technician and company owner, I had found many of our client's and customers were coming in for repairs due to virus infections and malware. SO! I went in search of the best. We setup 10 test computers and installed a different AV/Firewall combination on each, some of the test computers had suites of defence such as Norton, and Zone Alarm, We tried Paid versions and free.

Can we have a look at your tests and results? :unsure:

And these are our results and as you will see we're right as always.

Self-confidence is, a I see it, an interesting character trait, strictly related to enthusiasm:



but in some occasions one may unwantingly overdo it, maybe the "always" could be downsized to "often" :whistle:

AntiVir is better than for the fact that it finds over 97% of the viruses (due to recent studies, vs avg and norton which fall way below the 95% line) and hardly slows down your computer at all.

WHICH recent studies?

Care to give us a link to them? :unsure:


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OK, bite me. i'm being asked to switch to NOD32 all the time, and they claim for full virus detection. I had it pre-installed with my OEM, and guess what, sucked...

Funny, every single flash drive comes with a trojan/infostealer that NOD32 doesn't detect. Norton kills them all.

AVG keeps telling "threat sucessfully revomed", the funny part is that won't stop 'till i delete the file by my own :(

i'd respect other's choice :P


Norton is pretty good for my home use. I use XP on my PC, 98SE is in the old one.

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I have used several different antivirus programs, Norton, Macafee, AVG, PCtools spyware doctor with antivirus, right now I have sunbelts vipre, I just loaded that, but no problems, and it is also very light on sys resources, and it also includes counterspy. I like counter spy cuase it to is lite on sys resources and is as good as pctools spyware doctor.

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I do not use any anti-virus. The last time I had anti-virus was an old version of McAfee that ran off a floppy disk (boot disk) way back in 1997. Since this time I have only gotten 2 viruses, and those were ones that I had installed myself to see how to remove them. My computers are always setup to for maximum security and I do not allow anyone else to use them.

I usually recommend people to use Panda, because you can get it free for a year, although I wish they had a lite-version since it adds like 9 processes to Windows.

Edited by Tripredacus
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OK, bite me. i'm being asked to switch to NOD32 all the time, and they claim for full virus detection. I had it pre-installed with my OEM, and guess what, sucked...

Funny, every single flash drive comes with a trojan/infostealer that NOD32 doesn't detect. Norton kills them all.

AVG keeps telling "threat sucessfully revomed", the funny part is that won't stop 'till i delete the file by my own :(

i'd respect other's choice :P


Norton is pretty good for my home use. I use XP on my PC, 98SE is in the old one.

Get serious.

Buy KAV B)

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I prefer avast! . Great and active (not to mention fun) community.

Besides, it may not be the best, but I can surely layer and customize for a near complete suite. Right now, my security tools and my common sense keeps me protected :D !!

As for Symantec ... Erm ... Had a horrible experience with Norton 2002. Never going back. But the lightweightness of Symantec Corporate is inviting ... Oh wait, they *upgraded* that --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symantec_Endpoint_Protection ;) . Nope, not moving anymore !!

Edited by Happy-Dude
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