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Everything posted by Happy-Dude
Heya guys!! I figure that I can get some help here about a funny looking error report dialogue I've been getting. In case others were wondering- I HAVE made modifications to my Windows XP install using nLite- so if its any component I have removed (which I really don't believe so), then I need to track it down. Now, this isn't the classic Windows XP error report dialogue (http://www.conwex.info/blog/blog-images/Windows_Explorer_Error_Report.jpg), but something different. Note: The error in this instance occurred when I tried to access the SUPERAntiSpyware context menu in the tray area. But other errors occur for other programs too (likely having to do with accessing Explorer.exe in some way- especially the context menu for applications). I have seen MMM.exe crash (http://hace-software.com/mmm.shtml) and Paint.NET crash (http://www.getpaint.net/). And error reports NEVER get sent successfully; a connection error occurs. (I know sending error reports over to the developers is a good thing because the reports help them fix problems. But if it can't go through, they can't do much good except annoy me now- right..?) Here are some images in case people don't want to download attachments: http://imgur.com/PbbBQ&Ux2BB&urCwS http://imgur.com/PbbBQ&Ux2BBl&urCwS http://imgur.com/PbbBQ&Ux2BB&urCwSl And also attached in the error report itself, which I believe some people here can decipher. (It is also atteched below) OS: Windows XP Professional, SP3 CPU: GenuineIntel, Intel Pentium 4, MMX @ 2790 MHz Application data: VmVyc2lvbjogVEd4dlJtOXZMeWdsTnlnMk5Rb0NPU2M2T0NwcGZtVmd hUzAvUENFK0pqQkRkSDUzY21CeE9nPT0NCkltYWdlQmFzZTogMDg4Rj AwMDANCi0xDQpDb2RlID0gWzIxXQ0KLSAyMTYNCi0gNDANCi0gMjI3D QotIDdDODAwMDAwDQotIFsxDQowMDBGNjAwMA0KRjQxRjAwMDANCjcw OUYwMDAwDQpCYWNrdXBSZWFkDQpDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXGt lcm5lbDMyLmRsbF0NCj4gQzpcUHJvZ3JhbSBGaWxlc1xTVVB****FudG lTcHl3YXJlXFNVUEVSQW50aVNweXdhcmUuZXhlDQoNClNVUEVSQW50a VNweXdhcmUuY29tDQpTVVB****FudGlTcHl3YXJlIEFwcGxpY2F0aW9u DQo0LCAzMywgMCwgMTAwMA0KU1VQRVJBbnRpU3B5d2FyZSBBcHBsaWN hdGlvbg0KQ29weXJpZ2h0IChDKSAyMDA1LTIwMTAgYnkgU1VQRVJBbn RpU3B5d2FyZS5jb20gYW5kIFNVUEVSQWRCbG9ja2VyLmNvbQ0KU1VQR VJBbnRpU3B5d2FyZSh0bSkNClNVUEVSQW50aVNweXdhcmUuZXhlDQo0 LCAzMywgMCwgMTAwMA0KU1VQRVJBbnRpU3B5d2FyZQ0KDQo+IEM6XFd JTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcbnRkbGwuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3 lzdGVtMzJca2VybmVsMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtM zJcVVNFUjMyLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXEdESTMy LmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXFNIRUxMMzIuZGxsDQo +IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcQURWQVBJMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XF dJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcUlBDUlQ0LmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTX HN5c3RlbTMyXFNlY3VyMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVt MzJcbXN2Y3J0LmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXFNITFd BUEkuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcb2xlMzIuZGxsDQ o+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcT0xFQVVUMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6X FdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcV0lOTU0uZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Nc c3lzdGVtMzJcVkVSU0lPTi5kbGwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0 zMlxJUEhMUEFQSS5ETEwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxXUz JfMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcV1MySEVMUC5kb GwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xXaW5TeFNceDg2X01pY3Jvc29mdC5XaW5k b3dzLkNvbW1vbi1Db250cm9sc182NTk1YjY0MTQ0Y2NmMWRmXzYuMC4 yNjAwLjU1MTJfeC13d18zNWQ0Y2U4M1xDT01DVEwzMi5kbGwNCj4gQz pcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxXSU5JTkVULmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET 1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXE5vcm1hbGl6LmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5 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I also notice that many people (from, well, everywhere) are misunderstanding what the purpose of XPize is. Many think it's just a new theme and that it takes more resources. Lifehacker comments explain quite a lot. (And a bunch of folks don't notice the changes made. Which is supposed to be good, because it means it a consistent GUI, but for those who never had a problem originally, they could have cared less.) I also notice a bit more activity (discussions and issue tracker) activity back on CodePlex. All in all, this is a good thing .
(from your xpize 5 r6a thread) The things you've found with the XML-schema W3bbo had is interesting. I'm sure he'd love to hear some feedback on it to see what he can improve and tweak on.
Did you see the advanced options button with the R5+R6 versions? The list/ tree view is still there... W3bbo made a simple-selection option for non-experienced users. He kinda figured they would get intimidated by so much resources/ information being presented to them at once ("user-friendly" has many directions-- some more simple, some more detailed; we're trying to find a balance). EDIT:: Ah, sorry. I realized that you were talking about xpize version FOUR, and not 5. I can't immediately recall xpize 4's installer. Tree view in v5 can be improved... But I don't think that's an immediate priority (see below?) There are improvements version by version. We know that many resources are still unpatched. You can help us out by pointing us to them . It'd help us even more if you actually photoshopped some stuff for us to use !! W3bbo is currently taking some time off now (and I do believe most of the post-R3 new resources, such as the IE8 ones, were actually made by him or zedox). xpize can be extended with packages (which is one of the greater potential of the project)... Which is what Hell Racer did right here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=137693 ;; users can do more by making your own resources and styles and packaging it up together to check it out. That means either building on top of whatever xpize patched, or you can branch out with another completely different shell and taste. As far as I can see, no one has really done much with the package-feature, which is a real shame in fact, because extendability largely depends on how far users are willing to go. I believe W3bbo is focusing on getting the patching process and packages absolutely right. (You realize Resourcer is still in beta, right?) As for the uninstalling and installing-- its typical with a lot of shell patchers (and many programs out there, in fact) to uninstall and reinstall for optimal results. Yes, I think we know that it needs to be worked out a bit more (like the multiple entries thing... we know about that). You can install over your previous installations... But are you willing to see multiple uninstall entries and risk the chance of something breaking? I'd expect many users to do the same ritual of uninstalling and installing a new version anyway. (*ahem* well... some stuff did go wrong with the uninstalling portion of some machines. We'd like to solve this, but there are only so many machines W3bbo test xpize on. I think he mostly uses Virtual Machines and sometimes borrows a friend to test.) And the extra languages is more or less a luxury for other demographics... W3bbo didn't have to go to such great lengths asking for new string translations every release (which he actually delayed some just for a more string-complete release)-- he could have been lazy and did what most developers do: fill in the missing strings with the corresponding English ones . I'm really grateful that users actually took their time and make them. If there are problems, might you tell us what so we can fix it? All in all, I think W3bbo did an excellent job. Just give it some time. He's an university student, and he does in fact have a life . Tell us what we should improve and fix, and we'll see what we can do. If there is enough feedback and W3bbo (or someone else) has the time, there might be a R7. I have no promises ----- Also note that most of the users that installed (and are giving feedback) are on the forums. We've tried helping those with problems and seeing what we can do. Many bugs found and reported on the forums were fixed (like the logout dialog?). I really have no clue what the general statistics for bug reports are or install demographic, but thanks to R6's feedback thing at the end of install, W3bbo is receiving some extra data/ suggestions.
xpize does not have an entry in the start menu (though it has an uninstaller in the *Add and Remove Programs* menu). There really is nothing more to xpize (like *using the program*) other than for it to patch the files/ allow users to download customization tools and make their own packages. If you need to tweak some xpize settings again, you'll have to use the R6 installer (if you deleted it, you'll need to download it again). However, if you use xpize multiple times, you'll see two (or more) uninstaller entries in the Add and Remove Programs. W3bbo is aware of the issue and has it noted; he will see what he can do when he returns from his long break).
Have you already installed R6 yet? (Is it really difficult to change the file association icon post-install? If it is a hassle, I guess you'll have to make due by unselecting all the extra icons and stuff so you can keep your own icon associations.) The descriptions are from the .anop packages (I believe), in this case the default xpize ones. W3bbo has been working on compiling translations together, adding various tweaks to the program, making some new resources, and tuning the program... Basically, I don't think he had the time or effort to add the descriptions for advance settings . (Since W3bbo is taking some time off from the project, feedback and suggestions will be noted, but put aside for the moment. This, of course, would be the prime time for package developers to take initiative and make packages that cover what xpize missed... Or, something different entirely, like a Vistapack or something. )
This MIGHT be an issue of residual files left on your computer when older xpize installations didn't uninstall correctly. This is NOT by design. (I've been told that xpize R6's uninstaller is more complete than the previous versions. Previous versions of xpize forgot to uninstall themes and stuff, and it might have left files that screwed with future installations.) You can try some things (and remember to report back if it fixes the problems) -- I'd also assume that your visual style is the one that you selected from the xpize installation? **Find the residual files (it's probably best if you post a screenshot so we can see if you do it right):: --go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes and DELETE the FOLDERS WITH (1)'s. That should rid of the duplicate theme files (which may be a reason why Windows keeps resetting your post-xpize customizations) --go to C:\web\wallpapers (or something like that) and go the same to the duplicate images. Tell us if this works !!
This is normal behavior. There are no negative effects to this (other than you not liking it). I dunno the specifics of it (you'll have to ask W3bbo about that), but IIRC, before xpize, it would just be a pure, plain blue wallpaper (I think it was standard). (I know you can get a similar effect -- having a changed wallpaper before the welcome screen appears -- by integrating a customized theme with a wallpaper in nLite. That wallpaper of the theme would be the wall that appears.)
To expand on W3bbo's 7zFM problem:: From: http://killercookie-server.media-xshell.co...amp;page=01_FAQ
This is the theme Marru_xD was referring to:: http://oddbasket.deviantart.com/art/Royale-Remixed-44294818 Royale Remixed seems to be in accordance to what you want. Otherwise, you'll need to do what W3bbo suggests (manual edition via Resourcer+ Photoshop and stuff)
http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=136419 -- possible, but difficult. W3bbo is seeing what he's able to do with it.
Heya guys!! So I've run into a problem, and W3bbo doesn't immediately know how to reproduce nor correct the issue. I'm running Windows XP Home Edition and returned results shown in these screenshots: Has anyone experienced similar problems? Think this problem is WinXP Home specific? Here's my install log: http://pastebin.com/m60e44b9a
cheers to the new release, xpize 5.0 !! !! W3bbo pulled some late nights to get this done, so let's leave him a bit alone to rest up, shall we? (on other notes, please remember to install .NET 2.0 or later to run xpize 5.0; remember to report bugs [especially with the shell32.dll@20MB+ issues];; and probably some revisions on the website and writing up of Anolis tutorials, xpize FAQ/ documentation;; contact potential persons that can do video tuts and develop packages) W3bbo also plans to release a tool that simplifies package development-- make sure to check in with him for more info!!
[Release] Comodo Internet Security v3.8.65951.477
Happy-Dude replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
I've been quite busy lately, so I haven't been able to even make/ test AddOns, but I have been able to gather all the tools necessary for making an AddOn. I will need to do some reading on INF, scripting, AutoIT, and tutorials on the tools... Sometime along the road (>.>) ... (school has been really annoying) thanks very much, JD74 !! -
[Release] Comodo Internet Security v3.8.65951.477
Happy-Dude replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
hmm, may I ask if you will be back in action now my friend, or is this an update to show us how the AddOn is made ? (btw, really appreciate it !!) -
[Release] Comodo Internet Security v3.8.65951.477
Happy-Dude replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
COMODO doesn't have a standalone firewall package. I believe the only way to do it is to install via script (which johndoe74 has done and many others are trying to do). That's why there is such high demand for this addon-- people want a Firewall Only version, which is a pain in the next for people to make. IF you become successful in making CIS-Firewall-Only addon, I'm sure there will be a bunch of people greatful . -
[Release] Comodo Internet Security v3.8.65951.477
Happy-Dude replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
Nice work !! But just wondering, is this a CIS complete addon? If it is, think you can try for a CIS Firewall (Optimal Protection Settings) addon? (I'm largely happy with Avast as my AV ..) Thanks!! And nicely done !! -
Just wanted to note: the Monitor Power resource image is also not there in my Windows XP SP3 installation even WITHOUT using xpize beta. Dunno why, just I don't have an image there even on a fresh install (will post image sometime soon-- at school now [>.>]. I might have been a bit premature in saying that "most" have vanished. What happened was I noticed that when I went into Display Properties, resources were gone on a few of the tabs. So I ran Winver to be sure I had SP3 (I was thinking maybe I had SP2 on this system, which caused the problems) and I noticed resources were missing there. Then I went to System Properties and I noticed that the Oemlogo had vanished (not pictured below). Then I posted here saying that "most" had vanished, but I think that's probably the extent of it, actually. It did not.
[Release] Spybot - Search & Destroy v1.6.0.30
Happy-Dude replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
New version: 1.6.2 http://www.filehippo.com/download_spybot_search_destroy/ -
new version: http://www.filehippo.com/download_asquared/
[Release] Advanced WindowsCare Personal Edition
Happy-Dude replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
New version: 3.12.606 Advanced SystemCare (I think it's safe to say to migrate from WindowsCare, SystemCare works really well and has more functionality than the older 2.x versions) -
List of johndoe74's Add-Ons [17 January 2009]
Happy-Dude replied to Happy-Dude's topic in Application Add-Ons
Updates (as of 17 Jan 2009): Mozilla Songbird v1.0.0.860 RivaTuner v2.22 Ad Muncher v4.72 Build 30400 cFosSpeed v4.24.1420 DriverMax v4.8 Wise Registry Cleaner Free v3.91 Build 138 Foxit Reader v3.0 Build 1301 Raxco PerfectDisk 2008 Professional v9.0.0 Build 76 (30-day trial) a-squared Free v4.0.0.21 DAEMON Tools Lite v4.30.3 32 and still more to come !! -
[Release] FreshDiagnose v7.96 and FreshUI v8.21
Happy-Dude replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
New versions: FreshUI 8.23 FreshDiagnose 7.98 -
[Release] Wise Registry Cleaner Free v3.91 Build 138
Happy-Dude replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
New version: 3.92 -
lol -- (please at least write JK on the thread title, I thought you were going to start a flame war...) Thanks for the good words . W3bbo is the main (and only) coder here, and has been working hard on the project. (I'm only a coordinator... I hope I don't annoy him much). A little update:: Since W3bbo is writing in accordance to the Win32API, he has been able to get Adding working perfectly, perhaps better than ResHacker and better than XN Resource Editor. (But still, please note that the software is still in development and that there will still be necessary testing-- I hope you will help .) In the coming months, W3bbo will have an awesome and presentable version to us to play with. And I hope to get some documentation (and packaging and resources) out by the time final is released. And since its open source... Who knows what will happen to Anolis'/ xpize/ Vize futures?