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98 SE SP 3.32


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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Hello everyone!

May I ask why win2k/xp service packs fonts are included? Does the license allow it?

I can understand about Volt and Reader fonts, but why the fonts from the alien OSes?

Edited by apslysi
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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I installed 98se used the full autopatcher 98se then installed millennium step up it kept the 98se stuff.

So now i gots win9x version with lots of goodies

Edited by ZaPbUzZ
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  • 2 months later...

I would like to announce the German version of the unofficial Windows 98 SE SP Version 3.x based on PROBLEMCHYLD outstanding work.
It's currently in beta state and lookingfor beta testers.

It does not include all features of its English predecessor (yet?), however some more Win ME files were interspersed where appropriate.
Its focus is also more on retro/games, thus spider solitaire and space cadet were also included, as well as Tihiy's "IPtest - network inducator" tool.

If you run a German Windows 98 SE and would like to have a look, please feel free to download it at


Feedback welcome!

Edited by creopard
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  • 1 year later...
On 3/21/2021 at 5:46 AM, PROBLEMCHYLD said:

FantasyAcquiesce is the reason I released it. You guys should really thank him.

It wasn't anything.

PROBLEMCHYLD, I respect you well. You are a man of God and you've done a lot of community work for us all (protocol fix, Windows 98 Service Pack, and even modifying a driver for me). I appreciate your hard work. Nothing will change that.

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