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98 SE SP 3.32


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usbccgp.sys 5.1.2600.6437 seem to working perfectly here at my KT4AV. Will test ICH5 system later today !!

Follow up. Also O.K. on my ICH5 PC. Thanks !!

Edited by MiKl
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when i install this, it longer lists what cPU i have when i right click "my computer" and hit "properties".

This is a known bug when updating SYSDM.CPL after Windows 9x has been installed. As far as I know, there is no fix at the moment. It is NOT a bug in the new .CPL file, because if the new .CPL file is used during original SETUP, then the CPU info is displayed normally.

The CPU info display under System Properties is very "finicky" and sometimes behaves strangely. :}

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How many important and useful patches if any is this SP missing? i noticed it doesn't have DX 9 either.

The only updates not included are,

DirectX 9c

Internet Explorer 6

NET Framework

Windows Image Acquisition 1.1 (WIA)

Windows Media Player 9 (WMP)

Everything else is there. New update coming soon so wait

Added 39 fonts Windows Server 2003

Added Microsoft L2TP/IPSec VPN Client 1.0

Added Microsoft Word 97 SR-2 http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/139093-create-standalone-word-97/ very fast, lightweight, LEGAL, and fully functional. Supports everything but .DOCX format.

Renamed MSVCR70.DLL 7.0.9981.0 to MSVCRT.DLL 7.0.9981.0 (Replaces MSVCRT.DLL 7.0.2600.5701 Windows XP SP3)

Updated GDIPLUS.DLL 5.2.6002.23084 Windows XP SP3

Updated Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Client 5.2.3790.0 Windows Server 2003

Updated Time Zone August 2013

Updated USBCCGP.SYS 5.1.2600.6437 Windows XP SP3

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cool! can a i repatch a machine i i've already patched? maybe it's best to clean install or keep as is? too bad we can't stream line this in to a 98SE instillation CD, to fix some of the bugs like no CPU listing my computer.

Edited by cdoublejj
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too bad we can't stream line this in to a 98SE instillation CD, to fix some of the bugs like no CPU listing my computer.

*EDIT: This works ONLY with an AMD processor. Does NOT work for an Intel processor.*

This is possible, but requires full slipstreaming rather than a Service Pack.

In the case of SYSDM.CPL and the CPU info, you can solve this one issue by placing a copy of the updated SYSDM.CPL (v4.10.2224 I believe?) in the \WIN98 folder that you install from (by copying it to the HDD and installing from there, or creating a new CD) along with the 98SE CAB files and then use this folder to do a new installation. The updated SYSDM.CPL will be used rather than extracting the older one from the CABs. (This works for any file that gets extracted from the CABs.)

Edited by LoneCrusader
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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember once upon a time, people had doubted I had hundreds of users. Well, I was wrong and so were they. Its now in the thousands :yes:http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/unofficial_windows98_se_service_pack.html Of course, there is the few who run into problems due to hardware or not following instructions. Okay, okay, enough taunting the haters :sneaky: I need two batch files to complete my mission and need some help. First batch file, I need it to extract a .CHM, then launch the .chm file full screen. After that, close the .chm when users click the X and launch the main .EXE file. Second batch file, I need this one to check for a file, and if the file exist, extract a different file from a .cab. Thanks to the thousands of users who have help me accomplish this in the past 2 years, I really do appreciate it. A big thanks to almawardi for helping me get Word 97 working.

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NO-one so far ? (must be sleep time for wise owls) Lead off...


source and destination paths, source CABs, filenames, are known.

the chm file is not a chm_ file and the chm file ends with a .chm extension.

version of extract to be used is that avail in win98 cd not that on W95cd & not wextract.exe .

(sfc.exe or cscript.exe not considered).

YOU WISH THE DOS WINDOW TO close ? (well, minimize DOS Window anyway).

1. "extract a .CHM, then launch the .chm file full screen. After that, close the .chm when users click

the X and launch the main .EXE file."


and text inside file CHM.BAT;

C:\extract C:\some.cab some.chm C:\DESTPATH

note; .chm file above is not fullscreen.

2. "check for a file, and if the file exist, extract a different file from a .cab." (Should allow for IF/NOT...)

) ELSE (

Maybe refer;



Edited by buyerninety
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Sorry, I've read this but never been a batch guy so can't help with this the way you want.

However, if you need all these operations to be launched after Windows finished loading and is fully functional, I can write AHK scripts, provided you first deploy the AutoHotkey exe (old ANSI version, not AHK_L) somewhere within %PATH% (Windows folder might work).

First batch above will not launch fullscreen and will also not wait for the .chm to close before launching the executable. I believe this can be done by launching an .inf (remember how TweakUI 1.33 launches its CHM - but not maximized, although it may be possible - and only after closing it the installation continues?)

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Thanks guys. Drugwash, I would need to launch the .CHM file first because it has all the instructions. Maybe I should have took a BATCH course, because its not my strong field either. One of my computers just died, so I have to strip it a part and salvage the hardware. I will play with the batch code later. Thanks

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Drugwash said;

"Sorry, I've read this but never been a batch guy"

Likewise, myself. In fact, I don't have a W98 computer ATM to test on - so I've been trying

out these commmands/BAT's in XP, in cmd.exe windows. Therefore, such is useful only as

guide for investigating what might work, the expectation being that PROBLEMCHYLD will

try & see what actually works in the W98 environment.

Anyway, onwards...

"First batch above will not launch fullscreen"... (meaning the CHM will not be fullscreen),

Yes, as noted. Further testing shows CHM in fullscreen can be achieved by usage of START .

(In XP, this has the perhaps undesired result of an additional instance of the Command

window (cmd.exe here) - we'll come back to that...)

"and will also not wait for the .chm to close before launching the executable"

actually, I found that until the CHM was closed, (by clicking on its X as PROBLEMCHYLD

specified), MAIN.EXE would not open - MAIN.EXE immediately opening after that action.

{I was actually using calc.exe as a testing stand-in for whatever the actual MAIN.EXE is.}

I guess this can be explained because it's a XP CMD.EXE Window, & execution (of calc.exe hh.exe,

a '32-bit GUI app' ) is occuring via a Script, ref; http://www.computerhope.com/starthlp.htm

When executing an application that is a 32-bit GUI application, CMD.EXE does not wait for the application

to terminate before returning to the command prompt. This new behavior does NOT occur if executing

within a command script.

When PROBLEMCHYLD tests in a Command.com Window on a W98 computer a different

behaviour may occur, as you believe. At present, I believe he could try (for);

1. "extract a .CHM, then launch the .chm file full screen. After that, close the .chm when users click

the X and launch the main .EXE file."


and text inside file CHM.BAT;

C:\extract C:\some.cab some.chm C:\DESTPATH



note; .chm file with batch changes above now is fullscreen!

depending on what kind of exe that MAIN.EXE actually is, it may/may not open maximized,

so he may end up needing to use START for MAIN.EXE, instead of CALL. It may be that

for every START the enduser will see another Command Window (at best, minimized to the

taskbar), which would be distracting... and may invite tampering.

If MAIN.EXE was the finish of his required actions then above needs e.g. EXIT, and also

instances of @ECHO occuring throughout (to "Make sure no text is displayed in the console

window to make it close automatically at the end of the batch file" ref;),


If he found too many Command Windows were visible to the enduser, some could be

successively ended when unneeded (by TASKKILL for instance.)


Edited by buyerninety
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That's quite complicated and if it were to require feedback in regard to failure or success of operations, it would become even more complicated.

If all this is to run when Windows already finished booting, I can provide AHK scripts that offer flexibility and feedback. But not in DOS mode or before the GUI environment is loaded.

Problemchyld, I've replied to you at FD forums as well.

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