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Can i make a suggestion?

instead of adding the serial number on the command line, i would like to suggest using a reg file. this way you can add your name and company PLUS the best thing about using a reg file is that you can tweak the post installation further.

eg below.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Info]
"User"="Your Name"
"Company"="Your Business Name"

"User"="Your Name"
"Company"="Your Business Name"

"User"="Your Name"
"Company"="Your Business Name"

"User"="Your Name"
"Company"="Your Business Name"


; tweaks
;-----  Overburning for DVD to 4600MB and CD to 92min
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\General]
;-----  Dont eject CD after burning
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\General]
;-----  Show the real CD-recording speed in Nero  (example:  21.6x writing speed)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Recorder]
;-----  Short Lead-Out
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Recorder]
;-----  Remove Nero from Run
;Disable AutoStarting When Blank CD is Loaded.
"NeroAutoPlayEmptyCD" = -
;Disable Startsmart
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ahead\Nero StartSmart\Settings]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ahead\Nero StartSmart\Defaults]


Perhaps you have not looked at Nero_Installer.cmd carefully, but you can do all of that already and in fewer lines of code.  ;)

Hi there,

Yes i did look atht e installer closely and can see you can add to the installer... however if you use a reg file, personally i think it is simpler to maintain - just a personal preference and only a suggestion.

Your solution has come along way since you began - very impressive! I like your work.

I wasn't having a shot at you - just making a friendly suggestion. Of course i can make the changes to suit my preferences, but thought some of the other users may like the option of the reg file.

Posted (edited)

When it's release, I'll look into it, but don't expect anything right away.

Is there a way i can remove nero filter check? cheers.

With v2.10, NCAB removes all traces of Nero filter check automatically.

Edited by vcBlackBox

vcBlackBox i thought as much but once the extraction and the installation as finished spybot search & destroy pops asking if i wish to allow nero filter check to start up.

Also how do i change the installation directory i changed what i thought i was hte installation directory and it did sought of work but instead of installing it in C:\Program Files\Installed Software\Nero Burning Rom\ i know its only a little extra folder but it install it in C:\Program Files\Installed Software\Nero Burning Rom\Nero is there a way to get rid or rename the nero folder during the creation of nero lite?



I guess I should rephrase what I said earlier, it will clear all traces of Nero filter check but only after a reboot is made. Remember for this silent install we suppressed the reboot option. This should not be a problem during your actual unattended install if you remember that all AV/Spyware utilities should be the last items installed during unattended setup.

Sorry that's outta of my control, that's just the way the Nero installer works.

Try setting it to %ProgramFiles%\Installed Software

then when it installs, it will be C:\Program Files\Installed Software\Nero

Not the most elegant solution, but you'll have one less folder.

One warning though, I don't know exactly what will happen when u uninstall it using this shorten path directory. Most likely, your other programs in this directory will be fine, but I thought you should know in case Nero's Uninstaller tries to remove the entire Installed Software directory. That would be bad. :no:


Thanks vcBlackBox i shall first make another folder installed software 2 and install it in that folder then remove nero and see what happens before i install it in my installed software folder, thanks again for you help.

P.S. I shall post another message with the results just in case anyone else wants to know the results of installing it in a not default directory are.

Posted (edited)

where do i put the final setup files? in the install folder? under $oem$

When i added officx xp there was the following line in the cmd file

%systemdrive%\install\Applications\OfficeXP\setup.exe which directed it to the setup file and in the nero cmd file there is no line that i can see which directs it to the setup.exe

So i dont really know where to stick the nero setup file.

this is just a guess would i stick it in %systemdrive%\install\Applications\

??????????? :}

Edited by neatan

THANK A LOT for this program ! I had a love/hate relationship with NEro, because it lack

custom installation ! Now I have it Wow ! :thumbup

Posted (edited)


I no longer have the check box that says "Shut Down computer after burn" when Nero Burning Rom is burning something.

(It is located above the check box that says "Verify written data")

How do I get it back?


Edited by Slumpey

Edit the Nero_Installer.cmd and change

::      -----  Do not display the option to shut down the PC after burning -----
reg add "HKCU\Software\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\General" /v EnableShutDownCheckbox /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f


::      -----  Do not display the option to shut down the PC after burning -----
:: reg add "HKCU\Software\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\General" /v EnableShutDownCheckbox /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

This will give you back the shutdown check box.

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