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Nero Custom Applications Builder (NCAB)


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NCAB (Nero Custom Applications Builder) v2.11


Automated customization of individual Nero applications.

Automated customization of specific Nero features.

Automated 7-Zip rebuilding.

All-in-One script (installation, registering, preference settings, and cleanup).

Quick and simple to follow instructions.


Smaller setup/install size. Less bloat.

Cleans up post-installation registry and hard disk clutter.

Faster installation - one setup file, as oppose to as many as three seperate setup files.

Switchless and silent installer. No GUI. Ideal for UA installs.

Min Requirements: Nero- or higher, Windows XP/2003

Optional Components: NVE- or higher, Nero Language Addon Pack #1




Example #1: NERO vs. NCAB (custom example)

Nero- = Nero Package 1 (34.1 MB)

NVE- = Nero Package 2 (37.6 MB)

Nero- Swedish Language Pack 1 (9.0 MB)

Nero Setup size: 3 files @ 80.7 MB


NCAB Setup size: 1 file @ 31.1 MB , save 49.6 MB , 159% improvement , install size ~ 110 MB

Applications kept: (Nero, Nero Express, Toolkit, WaveEditor, Nero VisionExpress, Recode, Swedish Language Pack 1)

Applications removed: (CoverDesigner, ImageDrive, BackItUp, SoundTrax, StartSmart, MediaHome, PhotoSnapViewer, ShowTime)

Features removed: WAV Soundeffects, NeroNet, CD-i, OGG, Dr.WEB, DOS BootImage file

Example #2:

Nero- = 34.1 MB

NCAB (Nero ONLY) = 14.6 MB , save 19.5 MB , 134% better compression ratio



v2.11: Support for Nero- and NVE- Removes Yahoo Toolbar. Fixed an NVE issue.

v2.10: New self-extraction method. Option to remove two additional features, possibly saving 1.4MB. Code enhancements.

v2.08: Remove two Redist setup files. Save 510 KB. Remove support for Language Pack 2.

v2.07: Bugfix for Language Pack users. Minor code enhancements.

v2.06: Two new removable features: OGG plugin & CD-i support. Minor code enhancements.

v2.05: Significant changes. Too many to list here. Overall 10% improvement over 2.04.

v2.04: Optimized for latest Nero- Additional tweaks for better space savings.

v2.03: Search/Replace procedure eliminated. Updated 7Za and SFX. A few tweaks.

v2.02: Improve size reduction for Nero Package 2. Updated SFX.

v2.01: Replaced StartX.exe with uncompressed version.

Download latest Nero 6 Update Packages: http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/enu/nero-up.php

Download Nero 6 Language Packs: http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/enu/sp_file_main.php


Mirror by Kelsenellenelvian & WPI

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Please extract all contents from NCAB.rar again.

You probably got that message because you ran NCAB.exe once already, and now you are trying to run it again.

I apologize for that error message, I should of been a little clearer. :blushing:

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@ vcBlackBox

Thanks for the great tool, worked very well........... One funny thing, after a clean

install on hidden partition, nero setup fine but stopped at the 6min mark and never

moved, opened task manager and imapi was running, disabled it and all was fine?

Guess next time useing nLite I'll just remove imapi............

thanks again


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I've been playing around with this nero project for so long... :wacko:

I wanna squeeze every last bit of bloat from this product that I can, but without sacrificing core features or functionality of course.

I'm releasing an experimental build for testers out there. Try it out and let me know how it works for you.

This release, I'm removing the 6 Redistribution Files located in Redist folder.

We don't really need these system files if we have WinXP SP-2 and later and presumbably Win2003 too.

Our system should have them already, plus they are newer than those that come with nero.

I can't be sure if Nero requires any deprecated features that are not available in the newer libraries. I'm just assuming they don't.

Doing this, we can save an additional 1.68 MB off of the final custom installer.

But if you're worry that it might cause some functionality problems with nero, you're still free to use my original NCAB.

If it works or doesn't work, plz give me some details, OS (Pro/Home), Service Pack?, n-lite or not, etc

Also I read this article a few days ago, and it's kinda interesting in how it relates to what I'm trying to do here. The article:

Many corporations face major risks because repackaged apps are ignored by Microsoft patches!

Edited by vcBlackBox
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Here ya go, the info..........

Useing XP PRO, SP-2,RyanVM's full update pack v1.21, nLited down to 160mb, then

adding 400mb of progies and drivers...

Real time install, got one error with ReDist ver, "unable to register NEROPLUGIN.dll..."

kept Burning Rom, toolkit, express(just pushed "enter" on Express but still installed),

19+mb. Used installed ReDist ver to burn an ISO no problems.......... I don't use any

plugins.....if you need any thing else let me know............

thanks again


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:blushing: tried your soft on Win2000 sp4 + winrar 3.5 beta +7Zip 4.18 beta+ nero-

but it stopped when searching nero- and said :

Nero building process FAILED!

It appears you do not have Nero Package 1 in this directory

and off course the exe is in the same directory.....

could you help me, or maybe ncab don't work on 2000 ?

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