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heres a image to show you what im mean in reguards to my post.... further if you look at the ATI Software box...... how can we add the lines that are below "ATI Catalyst Driver 4.12"???? just dead lines to show you what its installing as i have used cmds 1-3 to execute 3 installs under one title......

also as Astalavista has asked any way to add more than 3 cmd lines???? as i too need mroe as my ATI install is 6 different programs...


heres a image to show you what im mean in reguards to my post.... further if you look at the ATI Software box...... how can we add the lines that are below "ATI Catalyst Driver 4.12"???? just dead lines to show you what its installing as i have used cmds 1-3 to execute 3 installs under one title......

also as Astalavista has asked any way to add more than 3 cmd lines???? as i too need mroe as my ATI install is 6 different programs...

Most often 3 command lines are more than enough. If you like the ATI software to show as seperate applications in the runonceex dialog, then you'd have to make each one a single program. so it's 6 times 1 command line.

as for the installation grouping by categories, that's a minor cosmetic issue. since we are working on unattended install, most people wouldn't even recognise that, cause they wouldn't sit in front of their machine just to admire the install process. unattended means you could do something more productive while a machine installs itself. but sure I understand your point. perhaps it will come in one of the next releases, but sorry - it's not the most important thing right now.



The only real problem I see with the idea of having a separate RunOnceEx window (other than hasi busting his hump to get the code for it) is that it could very well break the expect order of software to be installed. I don't have software install by order of category, I have it installed in order of when it really needs installed to meet the prerequisites of later applications/commands. Such as the need to install Firefox before any application that would need to install plugins (Flash/Shockwave, Office 2003, Acrobat, etc). But that doesn't necessarily mean that I want all my Internet Applications installing at the same time. I also try to separate things out by the how critical they are. Since I have a few applications that need .NET Framework installed, it must be one of the first things ran. I really do have to agree with hasi that it is fairly minor, and this is supposed to be "unattended".


I have to agree, but if it is implemented it should be an option. For that

matter change that 15 to a 3 and number everything so it installs 1-3 then

4-6 will install and so on.........just no pretty header..........



if you want installation by category just follow the instructions below

open your generate.js in any editor and find this line

function CreateFile(arg) {

add this text directly above it

function SortByCat(a, b)
var x = a.cat;
var y = b.cat;
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));

then find this line


and rem it out (this is if you want to change it back

and add this line


so it will look like this


If you want to change it back just take the two slashes off one line and add them to the other. Will sort out a variable in the config.js for this when i get a bit more time... singing Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat.....

This is only to sort it by category and not more that one installation window.

The sorting seems to be by category 'cat[pn]' then by program name 'prog[pn]'

so if you want a certain order make sure these two are labeled for this


only took me 5 minutes after i started :lol:


if you want to test this just edit the generate.js

find this line

if (true) { // set to false, if you want just the display but no real installs

and change the true to false. It runs through without installing anything.. ;)


@ BB

Dude your killing me with goodness!!!

One question, by the looks of it the install will be by what???

ABC, or the sort order I already have for Catagory's?



wow, lots of stuff happening in this thread.

A couple of weeks (months?) ago I was the only one talking in here, and hasi was the only one answering... LOL

Anyways, this all looks awesome. Between the code fixes, and the customization screens, I am loving this tool.

My question, I guess, is directed at BritishBulldog, since you seem to be doing the 'cosmetic' part of this:

Any freeware WSYIWYG editors out there for customizing the hta file? (I don't have frontpage :( )



sorry but i dont know I use dreamweaver as i have a registered version at work.

maybe someone else can answer that

wow, lots of stuff happening in this thread.

thats how it should be .... :D

Anyways, this all looks awesome. Between the code fixes, and the customization screens, I am loving this tool.

Thats how i feel and is why i am putting so much time into it :D

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