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I've been fighting with getting WPI to properly detect my CD drive... and finally figured it out. Could you PLEASE say that %cdrom% should be lower case somewhere? Out of habit and convention, I always use caps for environment variables, and this is the only time where it's kicked me in the a**.


I had the same problem before.

Due to the fact, that the wpi doesn't have enough documentation.

1. What to do

2. What not to do

3. use only small caps

4. everything even the folder name is case sensative.

5. you hv to use \\ as oppose to \

6. sometimes the regtweaks doesn't not get applied.

7. how to change the background color

8. the wpi 2.98a build has a major bug. if u do nothing. It will still ask u to confirm.

that sucks! that isn't unattended anymore.

9. I need more cmd lines. cmd1 to cmd3 is not enough for me.

Britishbulldog will be coming out with his custom build, w/ instructions to boot.

Hopefully with lots of pictures.




Thanks for the heads up on the bug with the message. Quick fix, comment out


in generate.js and the message should never show.


said that two pages back :D

plus Astalavista wanted two options for this

1. when BeginInstall is clicked

2. when timer runs out

I am just looking at modifying the script so the variables are not case sensitive..


just made up a copy of 2.9.8a that is not case sensitive

the only thing is either capitals or not

for example %CDROM% or %cdrom% but not %CDrom%

%systemdrive% or %SYSTEMDRIVE% but not %SystemDrive%

%windir% or %WINDIR% but not %WinDIR%

%programfiles% or %PROGRAMFILES% but not %PRogRamFiles%

you can use in one line cdrom and another CDROM also with the other variables.

the timer is set to 3 seconds on this so you can test and see what happens.

The message is in after you click on BeginInstall but not after the timer runs out.

See other posts on how to get rid of this at the BeginInstall.



Hi all.

New version 2.9.9 is out at the WPI homepage. Seems the bulldog and I have done the same job. The changes are not based on bulldog's reworked version, but on my original 2.9.8a.

What's new:

NO more case-sensitivity with environment-variables

program dependencies

NO confirmation message, when timer reaches 0:00


canse-sensitivity with folder names ? i know that with linux but not with windows. c:\windows == C:\WInDOws == c:\Windows == C:\winDOwS isn't it?

send me a config, where case sentitivity in folder-names matters - I'll check the WPI implementation to get rid of it.


Mine has it.

britishbulldog I need your advice... what should i do with the new build do i just

replace everything? and retain only my config.js?

2.9.9 is in german... can u release an english version or tell me

which file holds that info so i can change it to english?

ok i found it! it is in the language.js I just remove the language i dont need.

now it is in english.


what should i do with the new build do i just

replace everything? and retain only my config.js?

no. you should use the new config.js. but you can reuse part of your config. youst replace everything between

// Your programs here ...


// End of programs list.

with your entries.

or put the 2 new property definitions into your config.js. that's

var uid=[];              // unique identifier, used for dependency checking                         
var deps=[];             // dependency, fill in uids of progs, this one is dependent of
                        //  if a dependent program is selected, its 'parent' gets selected too
                        //  if 'parent' is deselected, program is also deselected

and use it instead of the sample config.

2.9.9 is in german... can u release an english version or tell me

which file holds that info so i can change it to english?

edit config.js, set language='en' that's it.

here is another problem i have with description
And to get apostrophes in descriptions, add a slash before them

it doesn't work can u check the code

Not a shlash. Use a backslash.


results in a single



results in a script error

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