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hasi or BB

you know how you told me to add the <p> into the boxes file to add a blank line before each category???

where would i add the <p> or what woudl the code be to add a blank line in between sertain programs... i'm jsut trying to space out my stuff better... i know this is cosmetic but it woudl be most helpful.....

see attached pic ................




Is there such a thing as a wait or sleep command for wpi.

one of my progs is still not finish installing when my sfx file tries

to patch it, it can't bec. it is still installing.

BD. thanks the update...


do a search at Tucows

why? for what?

i was just suggesting that the versions stay as one...

Didn' speak of the version problem. Weren't you looking for a freeware HTML WYSIWYG editor ? I think that's a place to start a search.

Note that installation by category could easily mess up using a cleanup script

Agree with that, be care how you word your category's then otherwise i left the option to change it back.


I am using version 2.9.9a

it can be downloaded here

might be an idea if you post your files for testing


Note that installation by category could easily mess up using a cleanup script
is this something that has been released or will be released? sorry :confused:


@ Asta

here is what works for me;

cmd2[pn]=['sleep 30']


is sleep an addon?


New version 2.9.9b on the homepage.

6 command lines

sort by ordr / category determined by config.js setting

use HTML-tags in program definitions

Not really great advances this time. Someone asked for the possibility to add spacing between apps and that's it. The other changes were made to keep consistency to Bulldog's branch.

is this something that has been released or will be released? sorry :confused:

With the ordr property you could set, at which point you want to install a prog. So say, if you want to run a cleanup skript at the very end of installation, xou could define it like any other prog and set ordr[pn]=999

If no other prog had a higher ordr, the cleanup would be executed as the last install step (but before WPI exits - mind that). ordr does not affect the display-order - only installation order.

If you install by category and have a single category 'Cleanup' containing any such skript, then you have to make sure, that category is installed at the end - that's it.

If you do not use a cleanup skript in this way, then it won't matter, if you change install order to 'by category'

is sleep an addon?

must be some external utility. could not find it on my system.

Posted (edited)

WPI homepage -> help -> read

Note: there is a setting sortOrder in config.js that affects the sort order of categories in WPI. This only affects the display sort order - not the installation sort order (there would be more to do that just copy and modify a single function. I took it in to keep consistency with bulldog's version)

Edited by hasi001

Code review done. New functionality added. Small changes in the config system. Options wizard.

New version 3.0 available.

Hope you like it.

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