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no comment :)

by the way, does somebody know how to install the ATI control Panel?

The usual way is :

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

IF EXIST %systemroot%\system32\atiddc.dll REG ADD %KEY%\003 /VE /D "ATI Control Panel 4.9" /f

IF EXIST %systemroot%\system32\atiddc.dll REG ADD %KEY%\003 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\cpanel\Setup.exe -s -f1 setup.iss" /f


Ok how do I get the option button back on after turning it off? And if I need 6

programs to install instead of 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 ect, can I just change in useroptions?

I guess I can turn the option button on there as well?


updated 12\22\04 14:03



i went back to britishbulldogs build.

had problems w/ the sort even when disabled it screwed up my

installation order. I remove the code, still the same thing.

oh well... at least it is working for me again.


just a suggestion, ive only started with this & it looks prommissing, but can i ask something :P

how about a "stretch" or something for "bg.jpg"


nice program BTW.. ive only started with v3

Ok how do I get the option button back on after turning it off?

Turnig option button off should be used before "delivery". Changing options while in the install process makes no sense. On a CD useroptions.js wouldn't be written.

And if I need 6 programs to install instead of 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 ect, can I just change in useroptions?
Yes. But if you switch to 10 and only have 6 - only these would be displayed. Or switch to 5, so that the first window would have 5, the next 1 entries.
I guess I can turn the option button on there as well?

Bugs should be fixed in Version 3.0.1. Available at the WPI homepage.

BTW: Couldn't find the bug with option button "installByCategory" not working. Mine does.

As for stretching of background picture: CSS stylsheets do not support that. Have to find another way. The title.gif isn't transparent too. Bulldog - any idea ?

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