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Hotfixes For Windows XP Professional SP2

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did you put qchain in your svcpack.inf and in your update folder?

It assures that the file with the highest version number gets installed.

Download qchain here:


Simply extract the file and you get qchain.exe.

yes, bucketbuster :)

here's my svcpack.inf:

Signature="$Windows NT$"



script8825.exe /Q:A /R:N

fyi, i've added:


in my DOSNET.INF too ...

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on my uA in VMware, WScript 8825 didn't install.

my scripts' DLLs still show 8820 :(

am i missing something here?

I can't confirm. I run wscript56.exe (my name for it :P) from cmdlines.txt with the same switches and the file versions show build 8825. Double check your spelling to make sure the exe is named like you think it is.

EDIT: For the record, these are the file versions you should be having:

 Date         Version     Size     File name
 09-Aug-2004  98,304   cscript.exe
 09-Aug-2004  28,672   dispex.dll
 09-Aug-2004  466,944  jscript.dll
 09-Aug-2004  151,552  scrobj.dll
 09-Aug-2004  151,552  scrrun.dll
 09-Aug-2004  438,272  vbscript.dll
 09-Aug-2004  114,688  wscript.exe
 26-Jun-2001              8,847    wscript.hlp
 09-Aug-2004  28,672   wshcon.dll
 09-Aug-2004  65,536   wshext.dll
 09-Aug-2004  98,304   wshom.ocx

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thanks RyanVM!

if it didn't execute on my svcpack.inf, well i'm going run it on cmdlines.txt ...

will feedback later =)

Updates: it finally installed when run through cmdlines.txt, inside a batch file,

script8825.cmd (my preferred ;))

@echo off

echo Installing MS Windows Script v5.6.0.8825
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Xtra\script8825.exe /Q:A /R:N


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Which is about the stupidest update I've seen yet. It is not really an update, it just runs a tool that will tell you, via a message box, if you should run an update or not. It definitly throws a wrench in the Unattended Installations unattended aspect.

At first glance, it looks like a registry setting can show this update as installed. To be continued ...

I just wish they'd talk to me before releasing this kind of stuff ...

It also looks like update WindowsServer2003-KB833987-x86-ENU.EXE is needed for Windows Server 2003, and IE6.0sp1-KB833989-x86-ENU.exe for Windows 2000, but I guess that should be in another thread.

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Critical Update for Windows XP (KB885626)

This non-security critical update helps resolve an issue where a limited number of systems running a BIOS without production support for Intel Pentium 4 and Intel Celeron D processors based on Prescott C-0 stepping can potentially hang on Windows XP Service Pack 2 installation. After you install this update, you may have to restart your computer.


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Thank GOD for AMD! :lol::sneaky::whistle:

Also, I noticed that people were using:

script8825.exe /Q:A /R:N

Is this a necessity or is this not one of the quiet install files? Also, where are they getting this script8825.exe file from or am I missing something here, as I don't see mention of the download for this one, or was it scripten.exe that is being referenced?

Edited by DisabledTrucker
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At first glance, it looks like a registry setting can show this update as installed. To be continued ...


Adding this to the registry fools WU to think that the "hotfix" 873374 is installed:


I've attached a little exe that can be installed via svcpack.inf:

Signature="$Windows NT$"



Q873374.exe /Q:A /R:N
Q885626.exe /Q /O /N /Z

What it does is executing this inf adding the regdata




If you have any program listed under the two sections of Affected Software/components here:


You need to install that specific hotfix, but this works with a clean WinXP SP2 install.


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with regard to the GDI+ Detection Tool (KB873374)....

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


...will have Windows Update NOT show the GDI tool Critical Update. Delete this key and it will show again on WU.\

Oh bugger, somebody beat me to it. ;):thumbup

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