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  1. I run nod32 and Threatfire at the same time.. I find if I only run nod32 on its own.. some virus can get passed.. but runing both works very well if nod32 does miss some thing then Threatfire will stop it.. Threatfire puts all the control to the user so you know its a virus or just some new program your installing.
  2. it windows with litesteps as shell and slimmed down with nlite.. dont think you should go around going on infrudging your copyright as you dont have one. what is copyrighted? also on they site it says "You agree to never use the microwinX source code" what code? dont unstand where or what is copyrighted?
  3. try it this way. this way it has to exit so the next program can install.. but 40 secs should do if it dont outpost should still install ok.
  4. [quote name='Hammett' post='169841' date='Aug 17 2004, 03:23 AM']It is possible by using a -auto switch on the command line: "LooknStop_Setup_205.exe -auto" Other available switches: -path "xxx" => to install Look 'n' Stop in xxx -reg "regfile" => to apply a regfile with Look 'n' Stop predefined options -startauto to have Look 'n' Stop automatically started at Windows startup -startmenu to create shortcuts in the Windows Start Menu -reboot to automatically reboot after the installation (if required) -run to run Look 'n' Stop after the installation (apply only if no reboot is required) The uninstall can also be automated: looknstop -uninstall -auto Note that these features are rarely used so it is possible there are some bugs there :-\ [/quote] Thanks M8
  5. Well never liked v4.x any way I always used the older verion. dont see the point in playing a mp3 when installing programs. the point in makeing a custom version of xp is you put the disc in and install windows and the programs and go out or some thing or install the os more then one computer it saves time.
  6. the http://www.driverpacks.net site is offine. anyone have any links to the driver packs?
  7. Hi can this be done for Gordian Knot also... I like Gordian Knot lets me takes things
  8. with what program? for get that I did it thanks
  9. I did a search but could not find any thing.. I what to update the driver.cab I what to add amdk6.sys, amdk7.sys processr.sys they drivers from windows 2003 server they more uptodate drivers that give better speed in some programs and faster defraging and read and write..
  10. if your going to install norton you may as well install a virus..
  11. My hotfixs are not installing.. Dont unstand why.. this is my svcpack.inf Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" MajorVersion=5 MinorVersion=1 BuildNumber=2600 [setupData] CatalogSubDir="\i386\Update" [ProductCatalogsToInstall] [setupHotfixesToRun] JS56NEN.exe /Q:A /R:N 823182.exe /Q /N /Z 823353.exe /Q:A /R:N 824105.exe /Q /N /Z 824141.exe /Q /N /Z 825119.exe /Q /N /Z 826939.exe /Q /N /Z 839645.exe /Q /N /Z 840315.exe /Q /N /Z 840374.exe /Q /N /Z 841873.exe /Q /N /Z 842773.exe /Q /N /Z 867801.exe /Q:A /R:N 817778.exe /Q /N /Z dxsetup.exe /silent QCHAIN.exe and part of my DOSNET file [Version] signature="$Windows NT$" DriverVer=07/01/2001,5.1.2600.1106 [Directories] d1 = \I386 d2 = \cmpnents\tabletpc\I386 d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386 d4 = \cmpnents\netfx\I386 [Miscellaneous] ProductType = 0 MinimumMemory = 67108864 DestinationPlatform = i386 ServicePack = 1.0 [OptionalSrcDirs] Update
  12. Where did all the SP1 hot fixs go.. I dont like SP2 its not a update its a new os..
  13. Just what to point this out.. you can not install .net from cd-rom or dvd-r you need to copy the setup files to your hard disk..
  14. 9600SE is not good for Doom3 I would get a ATI9800SE and Some of them can be moded to ATI9800 Pro ATI9800SE is about 10% faster then a ATI9600 Pro
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