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let me see if i understand...

as long as i have the code below called (lets say its called: updateSAV.cmd) after SAV installs, itll update (if im connected to the internet)?

echo Attempting virus definition update...


rem Without this then the exe will refuse to run.

rem I think this is a security thing as the main exe that calls it is in same folder.

cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus"





echo Virus definitions downloading...

start /wait .\VPDN_LU.exe /s /silent

echo virus defs should be finished...wait a bit to be sure

ping -n 5>nul



echo Waiting for installer to finish...


ping -n 60>nul



echo Unable to download virus definitions at this time.



echo Virus definitions downloaded.



This will do it.

Just remember .msi installer will not return until install is done.

The .exe installer will return imediately and you need the wait time for that.

If you are using only the .msi then all you need is change to directory where you installed SAV, then run VPDN_LU.exe /s /start

This is a simpler version without all the messages I used for testing.

INSTALL is the installation location, passed to the .msi file, and used to run updates.

TRIES is an how many minutes (approx.) to wait for install to finish, which is important for the .exe setup.

PUSHD and POPD are built into xp, not sure if they are in dos or not.

PUDHD will change to a folder and store the current folder

POPD will change back to the stored folder

If you want just the updates then remove the line that calls the installer, you need to keep the variables or the wait loop won't work.

SET INSTALL="C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus"

start /wait msiexec /i "Symantec Antivirus.msi" /qb REBOOT=ReallySuppress RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 INSTALLDIR=%INSTALL%



start /wait .\VPDN_LU.exe /s /silent

ping -n 60>nul



Well after a lot of testing and yelling at the screen I have found the reg fix works but not on the automated installs.

Turns out for some strange reason after the auto install you simply need to open and close SAV for it to take effect. Strange and still works but not good enough for me and my auto installs.

So thanks to rogue I started playing with the grc.dat file.

Now the auto install works with the fix and no reg file needed :w00t:

So just put this file in the same dir as the setup of SAV and you should be all good to go.

Please let me know if anyone has any trouble.

Me and rogue make a good team LOL




I know this have nothing to do with silent install, but I hope some of you can help me.

Symantec do not offer any tool to backup the groupsettings in 9.x but you it can be backup if you follow the procedure discripe below (Unsupported !!) (Copy from an email I got from Symantec Support). I want to collect the settings from all my primery parent servers remote on one server. Does any one know how to do that?

--- Copy from Email start---


The following method is not a supported means of product configuration. We

strongly recommend backing up the registry on both servers before moving

forward with these instructions. Because of the changes being made and the

volatile nature of making these types of changes we also strongly

recommend doing thorough testing in a test network environment before

attempting these changes in the production environment. The following

steps will outline the process of retaining client groups between server

groups when moving the primary server of one group into another. It is

also suggested that you read through the entire document before following

the steps provided.

1. If Symantec Antivirus 9 right click the client group and ensure

"Inherit settings from Server Group" is Not Checked

2. Go to the registry of the primary server you will be moving

3. Backup the registry entry (Registry (or) File -> Export Registry File)

for each client group you want to keep and put them in a shared location

Example: If I have three client groups with the names testgroup1,

testgroup2, and testgroup3. I would backup the following keys:








4. Move the Primary server to the new server group

5. CRITICAL: When prompted with "Do you want to apply settings from the

New Server Group? This could take several minutes" choose "NO"

6. At the Primary Server of the new server group Import each .reg file

you created in step 3

7. Lock the server group

8. Unlock the server group

You should now see all the client groups and they should have maintained

all of their settings.

If you would like your new secondary server to have same Auto-Protect

Settings as the new server group please do the following:

1. Right click the new server group

2. Go to All Tasks --> Symantec Antivirus --> Client Auto-Protect Options

3. Click Yes on the message

4. Click Reset All --> Reset All

This will propagate the server group settings to the new secondary server.

If your client group has "Inherit settings from Server Group" Unchecked

they will not be affected by this change.

--- Copy from Email end---


I use the 9.02 MSI as follows - command line switches specify your SSC server and few other things:

msiexec.exe /i "%systemdrive%\Install\nav9\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=ReallySuppress NETWORKTYPE=1 SERVERNAME=xxxxxx ADDLOCAL=SAVMain,SAVUI,SAVHelp,OutlookSnapin /QB" /f

As you can see you can specify which componens of SAV9 to install, in my case I choose NOT to install the firewall stuff. Also you get to specify which SSC server to connect right after install for defs and NOT to run LU.


Hope this helps


  • 4 weeks later...
Heh, my SFX install (7zip based) is 11.7MB B)

Still no luck on the LiveUpdate settings, though :(

Hi Ryan

Can you share with us the command line you use to compress your SAV install for sfx including autorun and silent install? :yes:

I have been playing with 7zip for a day or so but have had little joy getting it to work correctly. Previously have been using WinRAR.

Hi Ryan

Can you share with us the command line you use to compress your SAV install for sfx including autorun and silent install?  :yes:

I have been playing with 7zip for a day or so but have had little joy getting it to work correctly.  Previously have been using WinRAR.

I'm assuming you've already got an administrative installation point at this point in time. Download StartX and put it in the same folder as the SAV9 AIP (you'll have to do a search to find it - it's finals week for me and I'm not looking for it). (The rest of this is for the most part in the 7zip help file, for future reference...:rolleyes:) Create a 7zip archive of the whole thing. You can delete the other files in the directory so you only have a .7z file remaining. In notepad, create a text file with the following information in it and save it as config.txt in UTF-8 (critical!) format.
RunProgram="StartX.exe /WAIT \"msiexec /i sav9.msi /qb-! RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS\""

You can change the MSI parameters however you see fit (say for example you want to use the /qn switch instead or your MSI has a different filename), just maintain the rest of the structure.

From the 7zip directory, copy 7zS.sfx to the folder with the .7z file and config.txt in it. Open a command prompt at that location and enter the following command:

COPY /B 7zS.sfx + config.txt + sav9.7z sav9.exe

(I'm assuming that the archive name is sav9.7z for this example - you'd obviously change that to whatever it really is. Same goes for the final EXE name)

You should now have an EXE in the directory ready to go.

P.S. - We'll save custom icons and UPX compression of the SFX module for a later date (unless somebody else wants to do it) ;)

EDIT: Heck, I'm feeling like such a nice guy tonight (and don't feel like studying anymore) that I'll even include my UPX compressed SFX file with a custom SAV icon for the installer. Just extract the SFX file from the archive and modify the procedure accordingly to take the new filename into account (if you can't figure that part out, I will officially lose all hope for mankind).


  • 1 month later...
here's how i installed sav 9 with RunOnceEx.cmd


REG ADD %KEY%\070 /VE /D "Symantec AntiVirus Corp 9.0" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\070 /V 1 /D "\"%CDROM%\software\sav\Symantec AntiVirus.msi\" ADDLOCAL=SAVMain,SAVUI,EMailTools,OutlookSnapin,Pop3Smtp,QClient NETWORKTYPE=1 SERVERNAME=%SAVSERVER% ENABLEAUTOPROTECT=1 RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn" /f

enjoy. (i know i am) :rolleyes:

Hi, any help whit nav corp and installing as client service

can you write down the right runonce commands cuse i tryed urs but it wont load for some reason :}

its msi installer, any help is much appriciated!! ;):}

  • 1 month later...

hi. when i manually install SAV9 to my machines, i was instructed to install it as "managed" (not standalone) setup...

i was wondering, with silent install of SAV9 discussed here, what kind of client install does this one do, managed or unmanaged or standalone?

if ever, how will i silently install this one as "managed"? thanks a bunch.

hi. when i manually install SAV9 to my machines, i was instructed to install it as "managed" (not standalone) setup...

i was wondering, with silent install of SAV9 discussed here, what kind of client install does this one do, managed or unmanaged or standalone?

if ever, how will i silently install this one as "managed"? thanks a bunch.

you can create a silient managed install using the management tools that come with sav 8.x and above.

  • 3 weeks later...

I just checked the contents on the CD of SAV and it has the Packager which is seems to be handy however it won't work with version 9.0 and above because they are now using MSI instead of PMI. Any suggestions? I'm trying to make a package for a computer that's off site. How can I make it unmanaged and it runs daily scans and liveupdate on its own without user interface? Thanks!

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