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the future of microsoft is in shakey hands


What Will The Future Be For Microsoft As A Company?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. With The Direction Windows 11 Is Taking What Is The Future For Microsoft?

    • Windows Sells So Horrible They Go Bankrupt For Good And Linux And MacOS Rule
    • Microsoft Somehow Makes A Miracle And Windows Does Good Again And MacOS & Linux Lose Share

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with the state that windows 11 is currently in as well as recent poor choices by microsoft itself what will the future hold for windows as an os? please put your answer here

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I manage 16 PC's at work (Point of Sale system) - desktops and a few laptops. The majority have Win 11 the others Win 10. I have had zero issues for over a year. 

I use Win 11 at home as well. Zero negative issues. 

I'm not a MS apologist or anti this or that. These are facts from direct observation and experience. (For me... I'm not speaking for anyone else, nor do I want to change anyone's mind)

I also run Parrot linux on a laptop. I've messed with many distros over the years. 


Do you realize what it would take to bankrupt a $3.4 Trillion company? If they did go bankrupt, it would affect the economy of the US and the world in a huge negative way. 


Edited by xrobwx71
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OP youre looking it all wrong...
believe or not it is Linux that is big troubles now

the linux foundation is investing the least in dev of lin kernel (think it is about 3%) and most in AI and some non related Lin projects...
while for some stupid reason stocks raised up for m$ when they announced new AI in w11

there is going to be new sh1t storm in Lin world soon and its not going to be nice
even Canonical is starting to branch off soon

Edited by vinifera
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3 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I've used over three dozen different Linux versions over the past two decades.

NONE of them will EVER dethrone Microsoft.

It's a pipe dream to think otherwise.


i never really thought anything could but with linux being at 4% usage as of february it seemed pretty likely

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actualy it could, if people stopped making gizillion distributions and just focus on 3 or 4
and naturaly lin foundation should change their crappy policy

Edited by vinifera
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For Linux to take over, there would have to be new retail computers that come with it preinstalled. Most people just use whatever comes with their laptop (or desktop) and don't bother with installing anything custom. + Installing & finding hardware drivers is usually the most difficult thing when setting up a Linux system.

Laptops with Linux preinstalled do in fact exist and they are called Chromebooks. So if Linux somehow takes over, it's gonna be Chrome OS or some other distro managed by a by a big corporation which won't be any better and likely more locked-down than Windows 11.

Still, I don't see this happening in the near future and especially not in businesses.

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1 hour ago, vinifera said:

actualy it could, if people stopped making gizillion distributions and just focus on 3 or 4
and naturaly lin foundation should change their crappy policy

I agree - there are far too many distributions and I wish the focus could be on the main reliable ones.

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On 3/27/2024 at 10:55 AM, legacyfan said:

the future of microsoft is in shakey hands


By  legacyfan
Yesterday at 10:55 AM in Windows 11

You mean it's in the hands of 

Shakey's Pizza?

Shakey's Pizza bought Microsoft?

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1 hour ago, Dixel said:

You mean it's in the hands of 

Shakey's Pizza?

Shakey's Pizza bought Microsoft?

Never heard of it.  Though they have clearly been around for a while.  Had to look it up, I've visited California but still have never heard of it.


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13 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Never heard of it.  Though they have clearly been around for a while.  Had to look it up, I've visited California but still have never heard of it.

It was a joke. Clearly, the title is misspelled, not to mention the overall misleading, clickbait style name of the topic and improper, poor English grammar.

No articles to support that "theory", nothing.

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