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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, BJFox said:

... Nothing will ever make it a truly good product...

I for one beg to differ.  Windows 10 can be made to look and operate exactly like Windows 7, only faster, more stable, and more secure, HOWEVER, to do so requires not only a bit of digging/learning, particularly WRT telemetry and other privacy options, but also some tenacity/perseverance when it comes to those "tweaks" that Microsoft loves to do you a big favor and revert.

Here's the basic reason:  You and I, and most people at a level to be reading this post, have been around Windows for many years, in some cases decades.  I first used Windows at 3.0 (then 3.1 really introduced some stability, and 3.11 introduced networking).  I recall playing with memmaker and config.sys for hours to eek an extra 2K of base memory so Doom would load.

MOST people who get a new computer today (with no alternative but Windows 10, and worse "Home"), have no clue what the difference between a registry entry and a service is.  MOST people today throw their hands up in the air when the machine gives 'em a BSOD or their printer doesn't work, or whatever. 

Again, you and I and the rest of the gang here know better.  We all know enough to make the tweaks needed to make Windows 10 look and feel like nothing more than a better Win7.  If anyone is bemoaning Windows 10 because of how it behaves, well, really it's up to them to rein that in and make it behave like you wish it to (and for many, that means "like Win 7 did").  However, the big distinction here, is much of the Windows Metrics parameters we used to use to very finely control how Windows APPEARS (as opposed to behaves) has been taken away from us.  And for this, I do agree, Microsoft took a step backwards for us, the minority.  But, this is the point.  The majority of consumers simply don't have the skills to wield the BFG9000.  And so, to reduce the instances of crashes or borked displays, video configurations, etc., Microsoft has dumbed down the interface.  I get that from a business perspective, but I wish dearly they'd address the few of us that really do know what we're doing, and give us the "chrome://flags" or "about:config" option.  Let *US* take the responsibility... you know, with great power comes great responsibility.

*BUT* .... and here's the thing...  and we must all really keep this in mind... at least we're not running Mac OS where *everything* is bolted down and you can't do jacketysquat with your own computer.

My two cents worth, which today is probably more like .000002 but hey.  



Edited by JoppyFopFop
"and more secure" !


I agree with most of that, except I don't recall Aero on Windows 7 being that big a problem.  Now with a decade of additional cpu/gpu advancements, is Aero really something that would cause people to glitch out in windows 10.  I assumed MS had other reasons to not implement it :(

They should bring it back. Without Aero, windows 10 kind of reminds me of Win95.

On 7/3/2020 at 12:28 AM, BJFox said:

Well said, bro. Windows 10 is a pile of $hit by any measurement. AeroGlass is the only thing that makes it tolerable as far as I am concerned. Nothing will ever make it a truly good product. The Redmond Retards are losers that have completely lost their way and couldn't find their a$$es using both hands. All they produce in garbage now. Their nonstop streak of failures started with Windows 8 and there is no end in sight to their stupidity.

i created an account because i felt compelled to reply to the sentiment i see all the time along these lines. 

all i can say here is thrashing microsoft because the world has changed and might seem unfamiliar to you is useless. windows 7 sucks unless you don't mind being stuck on old hardware in a world that is moving on. 

i remember clinging to XP until i couldn't, i remember early 7 and it sucked. they worked on it and it was great by the time i upgraded to 10. and 10 sucked but they're updating it all the time, and i've come around. 

it takes me maybe ten minutes to get a fresh 10 install looking like this. i've tried my hand at turning it into a full-blown linux clone as well. 

another five minutes and i might re-theme it with some great styles from niivu and others. i use aeroglass when i can, when i don't it's whatever

as you can see from my screenshot, the gamechanger is the fact that windows 10 comes with WSL - a fully functioning linux kernel built right in. this means windows 10 is pretty much the lobby where i might play a game on steam before opening up a terminal and getting to work, using a *real* operating system. (it will even run graphical linux applications, if you need to rely on that sort of thing)

and more importantly: i don't have to rely on janky 3rd party apps like rainmeter to extensively mod my desktop. windows 10 has so much powerful features built right in, or easily available.

while the default experience certainly borders on intolerable for power users, the more i see replies like this i start liking it more: because to get a great OS you have to sit down and just learn a bit about it. when i see people complaining, i just see people who are unwilling to learn a little bit about their software - and that's fine if you're alright with the basic UI.

sometimes it feels like the devs for 10 really work hard to give the user an incredibly powerful OS - and then they have to deal with a marketing team that will come in from time to time and demand that they cover it all up with a flashy, ad-filled UI aimed at turning the UI into a user-data-collection device. they comply, but they also ensure it's something you can easily undo. 


Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, adrianocolvero said:

The Microsoft advocate joined the chat.

Not everyone in this thread is bashing Windows


Edited by JoppyFopFop
Posted (edited)

Microsoft bashing is...  Sometimes warranted.

Ignoring their own "desktop consistency guidelines" to what, try to make it look "different"?  Just bad policy.  Show me someone who honestly thinks desktop usability is "new and improved".

I love the system Windows is based on.  I've been a Windows afficionado since the time of NT.  Second to none the kernel is.  Dave Cutler's design was so many decades ahead of its time and is still better than any version of Unix, IMHO.  But it is not open and it is starting to look like we have already seen the best it could become.

Today Windows development appears to have become about hanging all kinds of things on that solid kernel and calling them operating system improvements, because "perception is reality". 

Truth be told, even as a software developer I don't need cloud-integration.  But Windows is no longer a system for developers.  Microsoft envies Apple, and that is a very, very bad thing.


Edited by NoelC

I don't mind Windows 10.  It's pretty reliable.  I've really only had to do clean installs on new hardware (not like the old old windows days where an annual clean install was highly recommended). 

Sure I need to tweak it the way I like it, which makes it work more like win7.

My only gripes are when updates break or reset things.   I have to imagine we're all in the small minority using aeroglass, so I'm guessing most people don't even notice this when there's a bigger update.

Posted (edited)

This thread went from talking about Aero Glass for the latest version of Windows 10 to debating if Microsoft sucks or not.

Edited by davidb420
2 hours ago, davidb420 said:

This thread went from talking about Aero Glass for the latest version of Windows 10 to debating if Microsoft sucks or not.

That's because their highly correlated topics.  The only reason aeroglass breaks is because Microsoft keeps tweaking the graphical interface with their big updates.   Obviously there's merit to that making us think windows 10 sucks.

I still have no idea why MS removed Aero from Win10.   You could run Aero no problems on technology from 10 years ago.   Today's tech should have so much redundant power it should be a non issue.

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Zod said:

That's because their highly correlated topics.  The only reason aeroglass breaks is because Microsoft keeps tweaking the graphical interface with their big updates.   Obviously there's merit to that making us think windows 10 sucks.

I still have no idea why MS removed Aero from Win10.   You could run Aero no problems on technology from 10 years ago.   Today's tech should have so much redundant power it should be a non issue.

Windows 10 still runs Aero, just not AeroGlass, Microsoft stated they removed the glass because they thought it looks tacky and unfit for modern times. It's not about technology or hardware power.

Edited by SkyySX
22 hours ago, SkyySX said:

Windows 10 still runs Aero, just not AeroGlass, Microsoft stated they removed the glass because they thought it looks tacky and unfit for modern times. It's not about technology or hardware power.

Weird, because to me the the boxiness of Win10 mixed with the removal of aeroglass makes it look like a bit like Windows 95/ME.

1 hour ago, Zod said:

Weird, because to me the the boxiness of Win10 mixed with the removal of aeroglass makes it look like a bit like Windows 95/ME.

That I do agree with but sadly we aren't the design-department at Microsoft :(

Posted (edited)
On 7/6/2020 at 1:39 AM, Zod said:

[...] windows 10 kind of reminds me of Win95.

I would take old Windows' DWM-less 3D bordered UI over this Metro flattyville crap any day. Just pop on that Maple color scheme, set the background to bluelace16.bmp on tiled. I would be complete. Oh how we took classic theme, 16-bit DOS compatibility, etc. for granted! :(

Edited by dimapoter

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