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> Bummer, that's what I was afraid of - I was hoping there was some sort of "conditional child" CSS selector :}

Yeah, often run into that prob too, mighty annoying :( But no chance in Mozilla browsers by CSS alone, not even in FF60, as I've read awhile back. While younger Chrome browsers can select parents now by css. But some day I needed it enough to finally help myself with a bit javascript in a KM-macro. IIRC it just adds classNames to certain tr table rows (probably to parent-parent of matching links, collected by document.querySelectorAll(..css..), then css can finally style them. But would rather avoid onload-JS if possible.

> Opted for just keeping all rows then elevating z-index to "hide" last-modified and size cell text for ia32, sse, and win64 rows instead.


58 minutes ago, siria said:

> Opted for just keeping all rows then elevating z-index to "hide" last-modified and size cell text for ia32, sse, and win64 rows instead.


My Stylem styles are basically trial-and-error - but they work, lol.

Below is what I use for o.rhost.win - half is for the http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/home.html and the other half is for http://o.rthost.win/palemoon/?sort=date&order=desc

But I keep it all lumped into one Stylem style sheet.

The trick was to set the table width but then oversize the first column width beyond the actual column width but display cells as tables so they don't resize (if that makes sense).


@-moz-document domain('o.rthost.win') {
  #ajContent a {text-decoration: none !important;}
  #container {
    padding: 0 !important;
    text-align: center !important;}
  #footer {display: none !important;}
  #g_body p {display: none !important;}
  #header {display: none !important;}
  .foot {display: none !important;}
  .list {
    position: absolute !important;
      top: -1px !important;
    width: 99.4% !important;}
  a[href*='.asc'] {display: none !important;}
  a[href*='http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/'] {display: none;}
  a[href*='http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/arctic'] {display: block;}
  a[href*='http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/iceape'] {display: block;}
  a[href*='http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/palemoon'] {display: block;}
  a[href*='http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/pm'] {display: block;}
  li {height: auto !important;}
  table {
    margin-left: 10% !important;
    width: 80% !important;}
  th.t, td.t {display: none !important;}
  th.m, td.m {text-align: center !important;}
  th.n {padding-left: 10px !important;}
  tr {height: 16px !important;}
  tr td.n a[href*='/palemoon/palemoon-27'] {
    background-color: lightgreen !important;
    display: table !important;
    padding-left: 10px !important;
    text-decoration: none !important;
    width: 140% !important;}
  tr td.n a[href*='/palemoon/palemoon-28'] {
    background-color: palegoldenrod !important;
    display: table !important;
    padding-left: 10px !important;
    text-decoration: none !important;
    width: 140% !important;}
  tr td.n a[href*='xpmod-ia32'], tr td.n a[href*='xpmod-sse'], tr td.n a[href*='win64'] {
    background-color: palevioletred !important;
    position: relative !important;
    z-index: 1 !important;}
  tr td.n a[href*='sources'], tr td.n a[href*='pm28xp'], tr td.n a[href*='src'], tr td.n a[href*='msvcr'], tr td.n a[href*='lav'], tr td.n a[href*='loader'] {
    background-color: palevioletred !important;
    display: table !important;
    padding-left: 10px !important;
    position: relative !important;
    width: 140% !important;
    z-index: 1 !important;}
  ul li {list-style: none !important;}

Posted (edited)

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.7.win32-git-20201128-11839e2-uxp-a8a397fbc-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.7.win64-git-20201128-11839e2-uxp-a8a397fbc-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.7.win32-git-20201128-11839e2-uxp-a8a397fbc-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.2a1.win32-git-20201128-86b6cb4c2-uxp-a8a397fbc-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.2a1.win64-git-20201128-86b6cb4c2-uxp-a8a397fbc-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Issue #1676 - Follow-up: Put js/src (including vm), jit, and wasm back into unified sources. (a8a397fbc)

Official Basilisk changes since my last build:
- Update back-end branch pointer (11839e2)

No official Pale-Moon changes since my last build.

Edited by roytam1

New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20201128-355db4de-uxp-a8a397fbc-xpmod.7z
BNavigator Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20201128-355db4de-uxp-a8a397fbc-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom-older

* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.


New build of HBL-UXP for XP!

Test binary:
IceDove-UXP(mail) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/icedove.win32-20201128-id-eed0566-uxp-a8a397fbc-xpmod.7z
IceApe-UXP(suite) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/iceape.win32-20201128-id-eed0566-ia-41157bf-uxp-a8a397fbc-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP):

for UXP changes please see above.


New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20201128-b383d6bc2-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20201128-b383d6bc2-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20201128-b383d6bc2-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win64-git-20201128-b383d6bc2-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1167823 - Begin rewriting CheckSideEffects to work by kind, not arity. r=shu (3dbb147c1)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle various nullary/unary nodes in BytecodeEmitter::checkSideEffects. r=shu (16db94f34)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind in BytecodeEmitter::checkSideEffects. r=shu (2c994828f)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (8726e98c5)
 - Bug 1167823 - Check various binary operators for side effects, by node kind. r=shu (da2a42a59)
 - Bug 1173969 - Add ARM64 Trampoline and MoveEmitter. r=jandem (78df8ad3a)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (6ae74fc89)
 - Bug 1182936 part 1 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Rename mips to mips32. r=nbp (6c47d3ac3)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (008192c61)
 - Bug 1155618 - Fix OOM issues related to AsmJS compilation r=terrence r=luke (4fa2b1875)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle try/catch by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (18aea1680)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle various list-ful nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (b23e01874)
 - pointer style (f9dbf7554)
 - Bug 1178770 - Move MacroAssemblerSpecific::call to the MacroAssembler. r=h4writer (27701ec78)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle various other nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (85448267d)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle functions by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (1c6eae1da)
 - pointer style (e18f6e8fd)
 - Bug 1164121 - Add |mach| command to run jsapi-tests. r=sfink (28b9e99ce)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (cdbcaf264)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (5d8ca8fac)
 - bug 1125394 - launch runtime executable stub from test app bundle on Mac; r=jmaher,marco (7f4d2f685)
 - Bug 1155338 - Move mach command arguments into mochitest harness, r=chmanchester,gbrown (e25c02087)
 - bug 1125394 - launch runtime executable stub from test app bundle on Mac; r=jmaher,marco (c7ecbf9ec)
 - Bug 1164597 - Consolidate all mochitest mach commands into single |mach mochitest|, r=chmanchester (042d5b97e)
 - Bug 1169410 Add support for web-platform-tests to |mach test| r=gps (7c8cd4917)
 - Bug 1169799 - Update |mach test| suites to reflect new |mach mochitest| command, r=chmanchester (9d33ab17c)
 - Bug 1149670 - Add a mach command to find tests in specified directories and prepare a commit to push them to try.;r=ahal (2d2145c35)
 - Bug 1154006 - [mach] Ability to lazy load parsers passed in via the @command decorator, r=gps (eac0b362a)
 - Bug 1138581 - Support wildcard expansion in mach file-info; r=glandium (a4b9a973d)
 - Bug 1168607 - Make `mach file-info` work with Mercurial repos; r=glandium (0a6e69591)
 - Bug 1173633 - Print docstrings of mach command handlers in help output; r=ahal (0080c50a6)
 - Bug 1090957 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Implement atomicExchange operations temporary. r=nbp (4b51a4fad)
 - Pointer style (c16016361)
 - add LastFrameCheck in ::Compile lost for some reason (dd9689746)
 - Bug 1155185 - IonMonkey MIPS: Fix build failure on MIPS; implement MacroAssemblerMIPS::convertInt32ToDouble(const BaseIndex& src, FloatRegister dest). r=rankov (64eb0d71c)
 - Bug 1194072 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Add an option to mark JIT pages as non-writable. r=nbp CLOSED TREE (ecc0c19c7)
 - Bug 1173622 - Add a thorough docstring and clean up comments on the |mach try| command.;r=ahal (ae1f0e534)
 - Bug 1107534 - Using audio channels type to capture different stream. r=roc (17fd7fa15)
 - Bug 1014355 - Init X with thread-safe mode in child processes. r=karlt (3d150507f) (77b85633c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1162357 - Convert some usage of DataSourceSurface::GetData() to Map(). r=bas (9881dbe55)
 - pointer style (30b6f2e71)
 - Bug 1153825 - Fix length properties of (Weak){Map,Set} constructors; r=evilpie (218d034d8)
 - No Bug - Add detail to a comment documenting out barrier implementation; r=sfink NO BUILD (5f37e40e7)
 - Bug 1174873 - Remove HeapPtr and rename RelocatablePtr to HeapPtr; r=jonco (91d932808)
 - Bug 1176090 - Change all RelocatablePtr to HeapPtr and remove the |using|; r=jonco (7f35882f3)
 - Bug 1165486 - Cleanup: rename staticEvalScope to topStaticScope to prepare for the static top-level lexical scope. (r=luke) (af5fc90a5) (21c450432)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1140468 - Add flag for setting which treeherder envs to report to r=garndt (f829a25e4)
 - Bug 1137820 part 4: Make hg.m.o mozharness the default repo. (2ede25214)
 - Bug 1137820 part 1: Update phone build image. Inherits from builder image version 0.5.0. (f94da0a53)
 - Bug 1132562 - Use workspace directory so autoclobber can function with caches r=wcosta (ffe9814ca)
 - Bug 1137820 part 3: Move phone builder scripts to gecko tree. (374b297aa)
 - Bug 1140551 - Add support for setting number of test chunks in task directly r=garndt (da6951b15)
 - Bug 1119387 part 1: Move basic build setup to a separate script. (d25399fb5)
 - Bug 1119387 part 2: Add flame nightly build script. (cde52b483)
 - Bug 1142692: Use the correct mozharness default branch. CLOSED TREE (948549837)
 - Bug 1119387 part 3: Add option to specify mozharness branch. (bed6721db)
 - Bug 1112260: Add flame-kk build from cypress repo. (3c347564c)
 - Bug 1137820 part 2: Inherit cypress and b-i branches from m-c. (5aa28430c)
 - Bug 1147605 - Disable tests on phone builds r=me CLOSED TREE (2ec21678d)
 - Bug 1142779 - Enable testdroid devices to be used within test tasks r=lightsofapollo (69a5c78ca)
 - goanna->gecko (186aef420)
 - Bug 1143055 - Enable emulator-l builds r=wcosta (52d23632a)
 - Bug 1143056 - Enable Emulator L by default on treeheder prod r=me a=taskcluster-only (2fcec65e4)
 - goanna->gecko (da439bbbe)
 - Bug 1099238 - Try running integration test on mulet. r=lightsofapollo (535aaf3d4)
 - Bug 1140551 - Move all chunk configs into tasks instead of branch configs r=garndt (9347abfce)
 - Bug 1143066 - Use faster worker type and increase chunks for emulators r=garndt (53260bf2f)
 - Bug 1144944 -Add support for emulator kk x86 r=kli (a6bcdd29b)
 - Bug 1136020 - Update try decision task to use cache and more recent version of builder r=garndt (6c7b361f2)
 - Bug 1131157 - Add buildbot lines to mulet/b2g-desktop/emulator r=wcosta (836099568)
 - Bug 1140976 - Show mulet built by tc on treeherder prod r=me a=taskcluster-only (7b35b90b0)
 - Bug 1149432 - Add initial indexing to builds r=pmoore (c9ee977b5) (016724a54)
- not setting DIST_INSTALL here to unbreak nightly-build (0e23afadd)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1165486 - Detect with scopes at parse time using the static scope chain instead of treating it as a polluted global. (r=luke) (d3f36dba2)
 - Bug 1147144 - OdinMonkey: fix toString() on asm.js module when source discarding is enabled (r=bbouvier) (c531a712a)
 - Bug 1219954 - Check for OOM in js::AsmJSFunctionToString() r=bbouvier (b49c34ba2)
 - Bug 1154391 - Remove export syntax that's not present in ES6 r=shu (4cf107d0f)
 - Bug 1154947 part 1: Add routes scopes to taskcluster graph. (a9288fb42)
 - Bug 1143286 - Fix terminating scope assertion in DebugScopeObject. (r=jimb) (2adef2ea7)
 - Bug 1148963 - OdinMonkey: throw if link-time failure and discardSource = true (r=bbouvier) (effa89d9b)
 - Bug 1148963 - OdinMonkey: add CompileOptions::lazyParsingDisabled and testing function setDiscardSource (r=bz) (8c0798e2c)
 - Bug 1141417 - Remove cmake from builder image r=me a=taskcluster-only (38c536206)
 - Bug 1142801: Update docker images for taskcluster-vcs 2.3.1. CLOSED TREE (b66596fad)
 - Bug 1119387 part 4: Validate only artifacts that can leak blobs. (fb3740271)
 - Bug 1139173 - ipc/chromium: Use <errno.h> instead of non-standard <sys/errno.h>. r=froydnj (a224046a7)
 - Bug 1139173 - ipc/chromium: Remove unused functions from file_util. r=froydnj (b8c2ecbfd)
 - Bug 1139173 - ipc/chromium: Remove ScopedTempDir. r=froydnj (2a0673401) (9df8b9217)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1161101 - Use JS_GetOwnPropertyDescriptor instead of GetPropertyDescriptor in dom/bindings. r=bz (918d7961c)
 - Bug 1119387 part 5: Update docker images. (0d47fde65)
 - Bug 1144463 - Add dolphin-512 and update docker. r=jlal,wcosta (aa6a55cab)
 - Bug 1134226: Add lightsaber nightly builds. (7926eff96)
 - Bug 1151981 - Properly check for MSVC (mingw fixup). (d95e17266)
 - Bug 1154947 part 3: Add aries nightly user, userdebug and eng builds. (45e096ed6)
 - Bug 1178932 - Implement Reflect.construct. r=Waldo. (4c5f0e72e)
 - Bug 1131206 - Remove the less useful commands from taskcluster mach r=garndt (e4c8ed78a)
 - Bug 1131206 - Select mozharness version from in tree r=garndt (fdab5140d)
 - bug 1156816 - Fix scopes for aws-provisioner. Switch nightly builds to production balrog. r=garndt (561d5cd58)
 - Bug 1166073 - change docker registry to hub r=garndt (17faea355)
 - Bug 1166233: Bring taskcluster-build mach command back. (c0a719c6b)
 - Bug 1142779 - Add buildbot steps for cloning and running tests r=lightsofapollo (304235375)
 - Bug 1142779 - Update job tasks to include functional unit and dual sim r=lightsofapollo (09b320602)
 - Bug 1147605 - Disable tests on phone builds r=me CLOSED TREE (0912de6ba)
 - Bug 1142779 - Update job tasks to use new chunking logic r=lightsofapollo (70c531920)
 - Bug 1144994 part 1: Update provisioner. (2447affa4)
 - Bug 1144994 part 2: Switch aries nightlies from cypress to m-c. (3019a6878)
 - Bug 1164939: Provide flame-kk user, userdebug and eng builds. (ab7ad22a7)
 - goanna->gecko (70b49bb18)
 - Bug 1166745: Reorganize tasks. (d3090e0a9)
 - Bug 1170378: Create tasks timestamps in UTC. r=jonasfj a=jonasfj (60160f061)
 - Bug 987902 - Add a "doctor" mach command; r=gps (be60e7df6)
 - Bug 985857 - Automatically log mach output and add a command to display it. r=gps (90993b77f)
 - Bug 991983 - Add a ContextDerivedTypedListWithItems type. r=gps (ad9482c7b)
 - Bug 991983 - Don't pass template paths to contexts. r=gps (30a4f2038)
 - Bug 991983 - Refactor SourcePath handling for moz.build, add new classes and extensive tests. r=gps (00aeb401b)
 - Bug 1142494 - Only package the steeplechase tests if webrtc is enabled. r=ted, f=drno (760943034)
 - Bug 1142494 - Fix OSX packaging mistake. r=glandium, a=bustage (03cd3ca35)
 - Bug 1147029 - Land luciddream in-tree, r=ted (8a4d2651b)
 - Bug 1147031 - Write mach command for luciddream. r=jgriffin (b913c4df4)
 - Bug 1171446 - Add a description to the luciddream mach target r=ochameau (c807799b6)
 - Bug 1176642 - Remove unused imports; r=glandium (b0e458f5d)
 - Bug 1151080: Rewrite NR_async_timer_set(0) to use direct dispatch. r=mt (6c3dda54d)
 - Bug 1152185 - Include port/generic/include also for mtransport/test and webrtc/signaling/test. r=ekr (969ce4205)
 - Bug 1156621 - Don't assume --without-system-nspr. r=glandium (4cf9c3e76)
 - Bug 1035468: A NAT simulator based on NrSocket, and integrate into ice_unittest. r=ekr (903d8f6c8)
 - Bug 1162026 - move WrapRunnable &co over to variadic templates; r=ekr (6224de8e9)
 - Bug 1163328 - Add a Tuple class to MFBT. r=froydnj (ba3276ef3)
 - Bug 1163328 - Add an And<...> class to TemplateLib.h which performs logical and on a variadic number of booleans known at compile time. r=froydnj (ac3afcabd)
 - Bug 1175621 - make WrapRunnable* more efficient by utilizing moves in wrapper functions; r=ekr (15cf9f55a) (b383d6bc2)


New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


In-tree changes:
- macros: check for null second.md first. tag #12 (15baf33e)

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git fa350a3b2..b383d6bc2:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1167823 - Begin rewriting CheckSideEffects to work by kind, not arity. r=shu (3dbb147c1)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle various nullary/unary nodes in BytecodeEmitter::checkSideEffects. r=shu (16db94f34)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind in BytecodeEmitter::checkSideEffects. r=shu (2c994828f)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (8726e98c5)
 - Bug 1167823 - Check various binary operators for side effects, by node kind. r=shu (da2a42a59)
 - Bug 1173969 - Add ARM64 Trampoline and MoveEmitter. r=jandem (78df8ad3a)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (6ae74fc89)
 - Bug 1182936 part 1 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Rename mips to mips32. r=nbp (6c47d3ac3)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (008192c61)
 - Bug 1155618 - Fix OOM issues related to AsmJS compilation r=terrence r=luke (4fa2b1875)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle try/catch by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (18aea1680)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle various list-ful nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (b23e01874)
 - pointer style (f9dbf7554)
 - Bug 1178770 - Move MacroAssemblerSpecific::call to the MacroAssembler. r=h4writer (27701ec78)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle various other nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (85448267d)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle functions by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (1c6eae1da)
 - pointer style (e18f6e8fd)
 - Bug 1164121 - Add |mach| command to run jsapi-tests. r=sfink (28b9e99ce)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (cdbcaf264)
 - Bug 1167823 - Handle more nodes by kind when checking for side effects. r=shu (5d8ca8fac)
 - bug 1125394 - launch runtime executable stub from test app bundle on Mac; r=jmaher,marco (7f4d2f685)
 - Bug 1155338 - Move mach command arguments into mochitest harness, r=chmanchester,gbrown (e25c02087)
 - bug 1125394 - launch runtime executable stub from test app bundle on Mac; r=jmaher,marco (c7ecbf9ec)
 - Bug 1164597 - Consolidate all mochitest mach commands into single |mach mochitest|, r=chmanchester (042d5b97e)
 - Bug 1169410 Add support for web-platform-tests to |mach test| r=gps (7c8cd4917)
 - Bug 1169799 - Update |mach test| suites to reflect new |mach mochitest| command, r=chmanchester (9d33ab17c)
 - Bug 1149670 - Add a mach command to find tests in specified directories and prepare a commit to push them to try.;r=ahal (2d2145c35)
 - Bug 1154006 - [mach] Ability to lazy load parsers passed in via the @command decorator, r=gps (eac0b362a)
 - Bug 1138581 - Support wildcard expansion in mach file-info; r=glandium (a4b9a973d)
 - Bug 1168607 - Make `mach file-info` work with Mercurial repos; r=glandium (0a6e69591)
 - Bug 1173633 - Print docstrings of mach command handlers in help output; r=ahal (0080c50a6)
 - Bug 1090957 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Implement atomicExchange operations temporary. r=nbp (4b51a4fad)
 - Pointer style (c16016361)
 - add LastFrameCheck in ::Compile lost for some reason (dd9689746)
 - Bug 1155185 - IonMonkey MIPS: Fix build failure on MIPS; implement MacroAssemblerMIPS::convertInt32ToDouble(const BaseIndex& src, FloatRegister dest). r=rankov (64eb0d71c)
 - Bug 1194072 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Add an option to mark JIT pages as non-writable. r=nbp CLOSED TREE (ecc0c19c7)
 - Bug 1173622 - Add a thorough docstring and clean up comments on the |mach try| command.;r=ahal (ae1f0e534)
 - Bug 1107534 - Using audio channels type to capture different stream. r=roc (17fd7fa15)
 - Bug 1014355 - Init X with thread-safe mode in child processes. r=karlt (3d150507f) (77b85633c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1162357 - Convert some usage of DataSourceSurface::GetData() to Map(). r=bas (9881dbe55)
 - pointer style (30b6f2e71)
 - Bug 1153825 - Fix length properties of (Weak){Map,Set} constructors; r=evilpie (218d034d8)
 - No Bug - Add detail to a comment documenting out barrier implementation; r=sfink NO BUILD (5f37e40e7)
 - Bug 1174873 - Remove HeapPtr and rename RelocatablePtr to HeapPtr; r=jonco (91d932808)
 - Bug 1176090 - Change all RelocatablePtr to HeapPtr and remove the |using|; r=jonco (7f35882f3)
 - Bug 1165486 - Cleanup: rename staticEvalScope to topStaticScope to prepare for the static top-level lexical scope. (r=luke) (af5fc90a5) (21c450432)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1140468 - Add flag for setting which treeherder envs to report to r=garndt (f829a25e4)
 - Bug 1137820 part 4: Make hg.m.o mozharness the default repo. (2ede25214)
 - Bug 1137820 part 1: Update phone build image. Inherits from builder image version 0.5.0. (f94da0a53)
 - Bug 1132562 - Use workspace directory so autoclobber can function with caches r=wcosta (ffe9814ca)
 - Bug 1137820 part 3: Move phone builder scripts to gecko tree. (374b297aa)
 - Bug 1140551 - Add support for setting number of test chunks in task directly r=garndt (da6951b15)
 - Bug 1119387 part 1: Move basic build setup to a separate script. (d25399fb5)
 - Bug 1119387 part 2: Add flame nightly build script. (cde52b483)
 - Bug 1142692: Use the correct mozharness default branch. CLOSED TREE (948549837)
 - Bug 1119387 part 3: Add option to specify mozharness branch. (bed6721db)
 - Bug 1112260: Add flame-kk build from cypress repo. (3c347564c)
 - Bug 1137820 part 2: Inherit cypress and b-i branches from m-c. (5aa28430c)
 - Bug 1147605 - Disable tests on phone builds r=me CLOSED TREE (2ec21678d)
 - Bug 1142779 - Enable testdroid devices to be used within test tasks r=lightsofapollo (69a5c78ca)
 - goanna->gecko (186aef420)
 - Bug 1143055 - Enable emulator-l builds r=wcosta (52d23632a)
 - Bug 1143056 - Enable Emulator L by default on treeheder prod r=me a=taskcluster-only (2fcec65e4)
 - goanna->gecko (da439bbbe)
 - Bug 1099238 - Try running integration test on mulet. r=lightsofapollo (535aaf3d4)
 - Bug 1140551 - Move all chunk configs into tasks instead of branch configs r=garndt (9347abfce)
 - Bug 1143066 - Use faster worker type and increase chunks for emulators r=garndt (53260bf2f)
 - Bug 1144944 -Add support for emulator kk x86 r=kli (a6bcdd29b)
 - Bug 1136020 - Update try decision task to use cache and more recent version of builder r=garndt (6c7b361f2)
 - Bug 1131157 - Add buildbot lines to mulet/b2g-desktop/emulator r=wcosta (836099568)
 - Bug 1140976 - Show mulet built by tc on treeherder prod r=me a=taskcluster-only (7b35b90b0)
 - Bug 1149432 - Add initial indexing to builds r=pmoore (c9ee977b5) (016724a54)
- not setting DIST_INSTALL here to unbreak nightly-build (0e23afadd)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1165486 - Detect with scopes at parse time using the static scope chain instead of treating it as a polluted global. (r=luke) (d3f36dba2)
 - Bug 1147144 - OdinMonkey: fix toString() on asm.js module when source discarding is enabled (r=bbouvier) (c531a712a)
 - Bug 1219954 - Check for OOM in js::AsmJSFunctionToString() r=bbouvier (b49c34ba2)
 - Bug 1154391 - Remove export syntax that's not present in ES6 r=shu (4cf107d0f)
 - Bug 1154947 part 1: Add routes scopes to taskcluster graph. (a9288fb42)
 - Bug 1143286 - Fix terminating scope assertion in DebugScopeObject. (r=jimb) (2adef2ea7)
 - Bug 1148963 - OdinMonkey: throw if link-time failure and discardSource = true (r=bbouvier) (effa89d9b)
 - Bug 1148963 - OdinMonkey: add CompileOptions::lazyParsingDisabled and testing function setDiscardSource (r=bz) (8c0798e2c)
 - Bug 1141417 - Remove cmake from builder image r=me a=taskcluster-only (38c536206)
 - Bug 1142801: Update docker images for taskcluster-vcs 2.3.1. CLOSED TREE (b66596fad)
 - Bug 1119387 part 4: Validate only artifacts that can leak blobs. (fb3740271)
 - Bug 1139173 - ipc/chromium: Use <errno.h> instead of non-standard <sys/errno.h>. r=froydnj (a224046a7)
 - Bug 1139173 - ipc/chromium: Remove unused functions from file_util. r=froydnj (b8c2ecbfd)
 - Bug 1139173 - ipc/chromium: Remove ScopedTempDir. r=froydnj (2a0673401) (9df8b9217)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1161101 - Use JS_GetOwnPropertyDescriptor instead of GetPropertyDescriptor in dom/bindings. r=bz (918d7961c)
 - Bug 1119387 part 5: Update docker images. (0d47fde65)
 - Bug 1144463 - Add dolphin-512 and update docker. r=jlal,wcosta (aa6a55cab)
 - Bug 1134226: Add lightsaber nightly builds. (7926eff96)
 - Bug 1151981 - Properly check for MSVC (mingw fixup). (d95e17266)
 - Bug 1154947 part 3: Add aries nightly user, userdebug and eng builds. (45e096ed6)
 - Bug 1178932 - Implement Reflect.construct. r=Waldo. (4c5f0e72e)
 - Bug 1131206 - Remove the less useful commands from taskcluster mach r=garndt (e4c8ed78a)
 - Bug 1131206 - Select mozharness version from in tree r=garndt (fdab5140d)
 - bug 1156816 - Fix scopes for aws-provisioner. Switch nightly builds to production balrog. r=garndt (561d5cd58)
 - Bug 1166073 - change docker registry to hub r=garndt (17faea355)
 - Bug 1166233: Bring taskcluster-build mach command back. (c0a719c6b)
 - Bug 1142779 - Add buildbot steps for cloning and running tests r=lightsofapollo (304235375)
 - Bug 1142779 - Update job tasks to include functional unit and dual sim r=lightsofapollo (09b320602)
 - Bug 1147605 - Disable tests on phone builds r=me CLOSED TREE (0912de6ba)
 - Bug 1142779 - Update job tasks to use new chunking logic r=lightsofapollo (70c531920)
 - Bug 1144994 part 1: Update provisioner. (2447affa4)
 - Bug 1144994 part 2: Switch aries nightlies from cypress to m-c. (3019a6878)
 - Bug 1164939: Provide flame-kk user, userdebug and eng builds. (ab7ad22a7)
 - goanna->gecko (70b49bb18)
 - Bug 1166745: Reorganize tasks. (d3090e0a9)
 - Bug 1170378: Create tasks timestamps in UTC. r=jonasfj a=jonasfj (60160f061)
 - Bug 987902 - Add a "doctor" mach command; r=gps (be60e7df6)
 - Bug 985857 - Automatically log mach output and add a command to display it. r=gps (90993b77f)
 - Bug 991983 - Add a ContextDerivedTypedListWithItems type. r=gps (ad9482c7b)
 - Bug 991983 - Don't pass template paths to contexts. r=gps (30a4f2038)
 - Bug 991983 - Refactor SourcePath handling for moz.build, add new classes and extensive tests. r=gps (00aeb401b)
 - Bug 1142494 - Only package the steeplechase tests if webrtc is enabled. r=ted, f=drno (760943034)
 - Bug 1142494 - Fix OSX packaging mistake. r=glandium, a=bustage (03cd3ca35)
 - Bug 1147029 - Land luciddream in-tree, r=ted (8a4d2651b)
 - Bug 1147031 - Write mach command for luciddream. r=jgriffin (b913c4df4)
 - Bug 1171446 - Add a description to the luciddream mach target r=ochameau (c807799b6)
 - Bug 1176642 - Remove unused imports; r=glandium (b0e458f5d)
 - Bug 1151080: Rewrite NR_async_timer_set(0) to use direct dispatch. r=mt (6c3dda54d)
 - Bug 1152185 - Include port/generic/include also for mtransport/test and webrtc/signaling/test. r=ekr (969ce4205)
 - Bug 1156621 - Don't assume --without-system-nspr. r=glandium (4cf9c3e76)
 - Bug 1035468: A NAT simulator based on NrSocket, and integrate into ice_unittest. r=ekr (903d8f6c8)
 - Bug 1162026 - move WrapRunnable &co over to variadic templates; r=ekr (6224de8e9)
 - Bug 1163328 - Add a Tuple class to MFBT. r=froydnj (ba3276ef3)
 - Bug 1163328 - Add an And<...> class to TemplateLib.h which performs logical and on a variadic number of booleans known at compile time. r=froydnj (ac3afcabd)
 - Bug 1175621 - make WrapRunnable* more efficient by utilizing moves in wrapper functions; r=ekr (15cf9f55a) (b383d6bc2)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76


New build of Firefox 45ESR:

Test binary:
SSE https://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.31-20201128-646e70d72-win32-sse.7z
IA32 https://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.31-20201128-646e70d72-win32-ia32.7z

repo: https://github.com/roytam1/mozilla45esr

Changes since my last build:
- bump version to 45.9.31 (f04c4c18b)
- import changes from tenfourfox:
 - #632: M1424915 M1354233 M1324114 M1343008 M1236277(just backbugs) M1328955 (d87db7e16)
 - #632: M1362498 M1397686 M136178 M1320252 M1355875 (82cb3b59e)
 - #632: M241788 M1271955 M1249352(p1) + additional local optimizations (438bdb726)
 - #632: M1249352 part 2 (2c61821e4)
 - more hosts for adblock (c1a28532c)
 - #632: M1249352(remaining) M1358297(backbugs) M1369317(pp1,3,4) M1426996 (1eab6170b)
 - even more host (just one) for adblock (011118c38) (d97646cc3)
- update NSS exported symbols and tried to sync both files as match as possible (646e70d72)

8 hours ago, VistaLover said:

alright I just forgot there is basilisk repo changeset.

On 11/25/2020 at 10:53 PM, j7n said:

What could be the reason why New Moon 28 doesn't release the memory and stop using CPU if I close all tabs? Usually happens after browsing heavy sites. Memory usage still around 700 MB and occasional CPU spikes with everything inside the browser closed.

Bugs inherited from the old Firefox code. Regular user may only employ workarounds, either restart the browser when it takes too much or run the 64-bit build on the 64-bit OS on the hardware with sufficient amounts of spare RAM.


Both Old Youtube and Good Old Youtube extensions stopped working for me in Serpent52 today. With any of those enabled i just get a json.txt download.

I even tried the extension for NM27 that Roy had provided previously, but turns out it didn't support playlist pages like the one i was trying to load - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMX26aiIvX5pbNWuM5A7lbEQu6yOWmOJS


I added playlists to the extension (modified file attached), but it still didn't work.

Also tried couple older Serpent builds - same result.

In the end it turned out that the page requests were made with the normal Basilisk user agent. Overriding it to a GoogleBot UA with the UAControl extension allowed all three Youtube extensions to work fine.

Strangely, i didn't need this UA override yesterday. The two web-extensions in Serpent worked fine previously.

Are Google monkeys screwing around again, huh?!

Or maybe i had a (long forgotten) general.useragent.override.youtube.com in about:config and the last update reset that for some reason?


1 hour ago, RainyShadow said:

Both Old Youtube and Good Old Youtube extensions stopped working for me in Serpent52 today.
With any of those enabled, i just get a json.txt download.
(redacted) ... playlist pages like the one i was trying to load -

1. Latest Serpent v52.9.0 (2020-11-27) (32-bit) [BuildID=20201127025411]
 The default SSUAO for "youtube.com" there is

general.useragent.override.youtube.com;Mozilla/5.0 (%OS_SLICE% rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0 Basilisk/52.9.0

2. Latest Good Old Youtube v1.16.0 (patched to enable installation), with default settings: 


FWIW, you don't need to change the default yt SSUAO when using GOYT...

I have no issue loading the referenced playlist in the non-polymer layout:


However, I do not have a Google/YT account, thus I visit as non-signed-in... YT's behaviour might be different for signed-in users... :dubbio:
Tips: If I suddenly find I am being served the abominable polymer layout, I make sure I delete browser cache and all *google.*/*youtube.* set cookies, then restart browser+reload youtube page ;) ...

1 hour ago, RainyShadow said:

Are Google monkeys screwing around again, huh?!

Make no mistake about it... :angry: Already, the classic yt search is impossible to restore... :realmad:


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