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New Aero Glass Release 1.5.12 for Win10 v1903 (Many Thanks!)


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Works great on my 1903 PC so far, many thanks for updating.

If anyone found a way to enable Glass on Firefox with Webrender and Edge Insider, i'd be more than interested to know how you did it.

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Tested the new AeroGlass v1.5.12 all day yesterday and today.  Working flawlessly on both of my computers running BOTH 1809 and 1903.  Great work @bigmuscle:)

Edited by JTB3
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Sadly I couldn't enjoy this one yet as my Windows User Account self-destructed when I updated from 1809 to 1903 yesterday, I had a recovery-image of 1809 so for now I'm back on that :(

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2 hours ago, activity said:

It may be, that the download doesn´t work at the moment? It shows a 403-Error, if I want download the file :-( 

Me too... I've even opened a topic about it.

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Yeeee finally we have Glass on 1903

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read there was an updated version😍

Can I ask if anyone know how to use Glass AND a custom windows Theme ? Maybe it's better if I open a new thread?

I've tried a few themes (obviously with theme patcher) but I'm not able to have glass on them

Thanks in advance and again a very big thanks for  Bigmuscle 🔥

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For anyone that's using AeroGlass with Chrome Browser (v76+) configured to startup with windows and run in the background, you've probably noticed that the required command line switch --disable-windows10-custom-titlebar is NOT remembered at startup time.  Unfortunately, if you manually edit the ChromeAutoLaunch registry key, it will get overwritten every time Chrome exits.

To address this issue, I created a simple AutoHotkey script that is run 'on login' as a Scheduled Task that automatically adds the necessary startup switch to the required 'ChromeAutoLaunch...' registry key (which has a custom suffix for different users).  I also added a 2nd useful switch --save-page-as-mhtml as well.

The compiled script, source code, task scheduler (xml) import file, and installation instructions can all be found at this Link.
Cheers, -JT :cool:

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On 7/31/2019 at 11:50 AM, activity said:

It may be, that the download doesn´t work at the moment? It shows a 403-Error, if I want download the file :-( 

Try THIS, though it won't install for me. I really just need the zipped up file.


Edit: Found the zipped file in case anyone needs it HERE.

Edited by swimm12984
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Hello everyone! I am a first-timer at the MSFN forums as an active user. So please accept my best apologies if I'm rambling in this post.


So I wanted to make Windows 10 prettier. I've downloaded the latest version of Glass8 and installed it under Windows 10 1903. As you can see, I've even applied a custom theme atlas. But there's an issue with it: it can't apply the atlas image on the UWP app's title bars (as it can be seen in this picture), unlike in a custom version of Windows 10 called Aero10. Is there any way to apply the theme atlas to the UWP apps without using UxStyle (because it breaks Windows 10 1903 when I install it)?

Képernyőfelvétel (1)-min.png

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