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How to Activate Windows XP Online 2018-2021

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Slightly OT, but relevant if you want to add the cryptographic protocol TLS 1.2 for any XP reason such as mentioned above:

> On 9/3/2018 at 3:56 PM, cc333 said:
> .. all forms of TLS less than 1.2 were taken offline June 30, ... unless ... MS decides to release a patch that fixes the problem (... POSReady 2009 might get one)
> On 9/5/2018 at 11:01 AM, Mathwiz said:
> They did; actually there are two: ...

I found the TLS 1.2 procedure posted in 2 parts on MSFN, plus a related TLS 1.0 security update reply post by Mathwiz.  It wasn't non-techie friendly, and was a tediously long study for (non-expert) techie power users.  I compiled the source posts and wrote a step-by-step procedure "INSTRUCTIONS TO ADD TLS1.2 TO WINDOWS XP OS & IE8".  It combines adding KB4019276 for POSReady 2009, KB4316682 for IE8, and the TLS 1.0 security update for XP registry:

Update Windows XP & IE8 to TLS1.2 (Connected Last Skype 7)


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  • 5 months later...

  • 2 months later...

Hi guys

My friends old PC needed a Windows XP activation after a hardware change. He was getting the 32777 error message when tried to do the online activation.
The Windows was not updated since he is not using it online, just periodicaly connects to update the antivirus software. So, he didn't had an SP3 installed, Windows was still with IE6.
So, after searching for the easiest way to do the activation under these circumstances, I think I stumbled upon something great.
In one of the forums in my country (Serbia), I found a post about the activation trough the Android phone App. Yeah, I was sceptic also, but it turns out that this thing works :)
So, if anyone is in the same spot, and need a fast and easy way to activate legal Windows XP, try the andoid phone app on the Play Store. The app is called MPActivator.
Not sure if there is the same thing for iOS devices, but you can loan any android phone, from your family members or a friend. The process won't take long, you just need to type in some numbers :)

Start the phone activation in your Windows XP, and when you get to the activation window, you will get that 9 blocks with 6 digits.
Start the MPActivator on your android phone. Close the first window that comes up by pressing the "x" in the upper right corner of the phone.
You will then get the product activation screen. Just follow the instructions, choose the 6 digits tab, fill the 9 blocks with 6 digit numbers you got on your Windows XP (Instalation ID), check that you didn't made any mistakes, and tap on "Submit".
You will get the numbers that you need to type in your PC and voila, the activation is done!

I hope this will work for everyone like it worked for me. Great App!

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Sounds like the same procedure as it is for doing it over the phone.
I had to activate Office 2010 on XP the same way as it wouldn't activate online (which it would on Windows 10 of course).
It said that phone activation was no longer available too, but it still worked!
That app sounds much better than typing all those numbers in using your phone keypad listening to voice prompts, if I ever have to do it again I'll certainly try it!

Edited by Dave-H
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As you all know, the motherboard of my RDD has bit the dust. So, I have replaced it with an interim one, an Asus TUV4X, which unfortunately is defective as well (extremely long boot times, most likely capacitor issues). While I am waiting for the arrival of the new one (which boots XP in normal times, just 18 seconds on an old clunky 30GB hard drive), I am in the process of setting up the OS (this time the RDD is going to be a more powerful Tualatin system in terms of processing power and RAM) and so, I have installed a genuine copy of XP Pro SP3 including an original product key I stored long ago.

Well, when it came to activation, I did the good old online process, and interestingly enough, Windows activated itself without any issue... Either it was luck or I just don't know.

Edited by looking4awayout
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Yeah, at some point a few months after i posted this, ms fixed all the activation stuff

i think it may be because they updated all their internal certs due to an industry change which had the side effect of fixing activation

but there was a long period where the only way to activate was the above method

it wouldn’t surprise me though if they decide to keep the servers up they let the certs expire again

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/23/2019 at 6:46 AM, looking4awayout said:

when it came to activation, I did the good old online process, and interestingly enough, Windows activated itself without any issue.


On 12/24/2019 at 4:03 AM, Cyber Axe said:

it wouldn’t surprise me though if they decide to keep the servers up they let the certs expire again

It is very good news;  even if it only lasts for a few years.

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  • 1 month later...

I have always used the old "rootsupd" tool from Microsoft to fix all my certificate issues. It's one of the first things that I do when I get an XP machine on the internet. Sadly, Microsoft removed this tool for download, but the Internet Archive has it.



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  • 11 months later...
  • Dave-H changed the title to How to Activate Windows XP Online 2018-2021

You are still able to activate Windows XP in 2021 online. You need the root certificates update available at: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stdin82/htfx/master/NT5/rootsupd.exe and Service Pack 3. You must also have a valid non blacklisted product key. Otherwise it would say unauthorized product key. Also make sure that you enable TLS 1.0 in Internet Explorer. I leave you 2 images of activating XP. It will sometimes also say unable to activate. That is usual so just keep trying a few hours later.




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/3/2018 at 9:40 PM, cc333 said:

I'm trying to activate XP SP2 (upgraded to SP3), and it won't work.

I tried the settings described here to no avail.

Whatever I do, I get the "Configure your network settings" screen, and if I click next or skip, it eventually fails to connect to the server. Is it possible MS finally took it offline?


EDIT: I have a working internet connection (it's downloading updates presently), so that's not the problem.


I also tried to activate a Windows XP Home Edition system without service packs. But it didn't work.

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I had to reactivate my system a couple of times because I changed the motherboard.
It never worked online, but I did do it by telephone, despite it saying that phone activation was no longer available.
A tedious business, but it did work!
I had to do the same with Office 2010.

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  • 11 months later...
On 4/3/2021 at 7:08 PM, xpandvistafan said:

You need the root certificates update available at: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stdin82/htfx/master/NT5/rootsupd.exe

This here allowed me to activate XP again. I resurrected an installaton from several years ago and it wanted reactivation, but all the things I could find failed but after installing this it activated properly ~

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