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No E-Mail Notifications?


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After the forum server crash, I got e-mail notifications back for a few days, although most seemed to be going into my spam filter for some reason, but I'm now not getting any notifications at all. I've checked my user settings, and they still seem to be correct.
Is anyone else still getting notifications?

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Still not working!
I got one notification e-mail a couple of days ago, but it was for a post from several days before that!
I've checked all my settings, and everything seems to still be correct.
Any ideas what might be wrong anyone?

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1) Add the msfn.org email address to your Address Book to prevent filtering/blocking
2) Disable notifications, logout, login, reenable notifications
3) Change registered email address while notifications are disabled

> I got one notification e-mail a couple of days ago, but it was for a post from several days before that!
If post had been edited, then 2) should fix things.

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Thanks, I did actually try most of that yesterday, including toggling off and on all the settings I need on and re-saving every change, and this morning I found that some e-mails had come though.
Again some were for posts which had been made a couple of days ago, so it looks like they were delayed for some reason.
I'll see how it goes now.

Edited by Dave-H
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  • 2 months later...

I'm in the same boat, no email notifications to threads that I follow. I've tried disabling notifications, saving that setting, then resetting it to allow notifications. Doesn't seem to be working for me. Is there anything that an admin at MSFN can do to help stop this  happening?

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It seems to be very erratic for me.
I've had quite a few e-mail notifications during the last few days, but before that it seems I wasn't getting them as I checked to see if there were any responses to a post I'd made, and there were several which I hadn't been notified about! You don't get a notification for every post anyway, only for the first one since you last visited, but even that did not seem to have happened. Touch wood it's OK at the moment though, at least for me.

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Well I just got an email informing me of your response in this thread, Dave. Yippee! Hopefully some fixer in the background has fixed things for me. Wait and see I suppose.

On the subject of only getting one email per-last-time-you-visited I'm not a big fan of that scheme. Keep things simple, you're subscribed to a thread send, an email on every post. There are enough options available in notifications to do otherwise. Or just make one email per-last-time-you-visited a yes/no option in it's own right.

Anyway I hope my issue on not getting emails at all is fixed now.

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You've got me wondering now whether the notifications from MSFN do actually work that way!
I know they do on some forums I subscribe to, but thinking about it I may well have had multiple notifications from the same thread in the past without having visited the thread.

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Mmm . . . I'm kind of totally confused on that issue too I guess. I have so many problems with email notifications from this forum, which make it difficult to actually try and judge what is going on. Really should be 'Sticky' notice/thread somewhere that explains what is happening in this respect. Or even a statement at a user's profile 'Notifications Settings' -- probably the best place to put such a notice, no one can miss it that way.

Should add, got another email for your response directly above. Hope that holds up.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I got an email from @Martin24, he says he has trouble accessing the site as registered member. It started with him not receiving notifications on his email address and when he tried changing it to alternative one he has, he got stuck at the page asking to confirm his email address. He doesn't receive confirmation email. Can anyone help him?

Edited by UCyborg
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