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Latest Version of Software Running on XP

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Posted (edited)
On 2/21/2024 at 5:05 PM, user57 said:

well here is a experimental version of sumatra pdf for windows xp

i had to change lots of things this time, so it might have errors

but we should test it out

version 3.5.2 is lastest version up to current date 21.02.2024




edit to fix some problems


After testing on Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3, I note the following problems:

1. Dragging and dropping to open files does not work when there is already a document open.
Prerequisite:  Use standard window mode (which also disables tabs).
Problem Description:  Drag and Drop to open document does not work when there already is an open document.  Regular menu system to open document still works.
Expected behavior:  After dragging and dropping next document to open into window with already open document, another window should open with the dragged-in document.
What actually happens:  Open window becomes inactive and no new window with the dragged in document is shown.  However, there is a new SumatraPDF.exe process created without a visible window and without the ability to terminate the process not forcibly.

2.  Visual GUI display bugs.
Toollbar items display is somewhat, wrong-looking.  This is what it looks like:

Edited by Ascii2


that GUI bug might be also in the normal sumatra pdf 3.5.2 release 
i noticed a slight view GUI bug in win7/vista (not win10) - more i could not test (maybe in 8.1 ?) (it is functional but
so the sumatra author might not have taken care of vista and 7 anymore)
in windows XP the GUI is in-perfect but looks mostly normal and very ok and acceptable and is functional

if that problem is meant i only could use a pre version to fix that up (but that is rather work for the sumatra pdf author
- it happend due changes sumatra author did with the GUI)

you should test the orginal sumatra pdf first to see if it has these problems 
the sumatra author has a open forum for problems regarding his programm

if you descripe a different GUI problem you might send me a private message with screenshots

to that drag and drop problem i noticed that one a bit, if we talk about the same one (but rather it sometimes dont drag and drop always with the first try
in 10 that is bugged too - it might accept the file but then you get a error that sumatra pdf could not open that pdf file)

- but also you need to test the sumatra pdf i builded up in a win10 machine first
if that same problem apears there = there is already 50 % the reason are the changed for the XP mod

then you have to try it with the normal (unchanged official version) also on win10 
if both (official and xp modded) have not that problem in win10 - it is a NOT reason related for the changed xp mod 

if both (official and xp modded) have 1 working and the other is not working - the reason is with the XP mod (100 %)

that part might come from what sumatra author called (//hacky but works) the code didnt look so well in this solutions and ended up in a OS specific reaction
(this is normally not what you want - rather that would be bad programming)




On 7/1/2024 at 7:20 AM, user57 said:

that GUI bug might be also in the normal sumatra pdf 3.5.2 release 
i noticed a slight view GUI bug in win7/vista (not win10) - more i could not test (maybe in 8.1 ?) (it is functional but
so the sumatra author might not have taken care of vista and 7 anymore)
in windows XP the GUI is in-perfect but looks mostly normal and very ok and acceptable and is functional

if that problem is meant i only could use a pre version to fix that up (but that is rather work for the sumatra pdf author
- it happend due changes sumatra author did with the GUI)

you should test the orginal sumatra pdf first to see if it has these problems 
the sumatra author has a open forum for problems regarding his programm

if you descripe a different GUI problem you might send me a private message with screenshots

to that drag and drop problem i noticed that one a bit, if we talk about the same one (but rather it sometimes dont drag and drop always with the first try
in 10 that is bugged too - it might accept the file but then you get a error that sumatra pdf could not open that pdf file)

- but also you need to test the sumatra pdf i builded up in a win10 machine first
if that same problem apears there = there is already 50 % the reason are the changed for the XP mod

then you have to try it with the normal (unchanged official version) also on win10 
if both (official and xp modded) have not that problem in win10 - it is a NOT reason related for the changed xp mod 

if both (official and xp modded) have 1 working and the other is not working - the reason is with the XP mod (100 %)

that part might come from what sumatra author called (//hacky but works) the code didnt look so well in this solutions and ended up in a OS specific reaction
(this is normally not what you want - rather that would be bad programming)




@user57, thank you for the quick attention to the matter.

I was able to find other computers to test on. They were running Windows 10 Pro.

With regards to the issue with dragging and dropping files into a window with an already open document, the problem does manifest with both the original and your releases of SumartraPDF 3.5.2.

With regards to the GUI issue, neither your nor the original author release manifest the problem on Windows 10 Pro.


well that means that the problem do not rely withing the changes i did to make sumatra pdf compatible with xp

that drag and drop function is imperfect also on win10 
if you rapidly open and close tabs with drag and drop it comes up with an error aka "sumatra pdf could not open this pdf file"
there i suspect sumatra pdfs authors drag and drop function is inperfect

it rather raise the question if i change the sumatra pdf author code itself to fix this up
thats a different kind of change, rather i get a sumatra pdf coder then

the GUI i already told looks more imperfect on vista/7 (more then in xp)
that the GUI looks well on win10 is probaly not an accident 


@user57, that was also my conclusion, if I understood your post correctly.  For the moment, your v3.4.6 release seems to be working well enough. I shall continue to use that for now.  Thank you for your efforts.

  • 3 weeks later...

well i could write more to the sumatra pdf code itself 

but its his drag and drop function, if it was working good before he made some changes here too

(a rollback is certainly always possible, but it raise questions to do so)
it might be just something simple cant say that without reading the code a while

if nobody ask him he might dont react

the chance is better to ask the author more directly

sumatra pdf´s author actually got many of "issues/bugs" 
of all kinds of nature ... cosmetic, inperfection, crashes ect.

  • 1 month later...

CPU-Z 2.10 does not run on Win XP. The last working version is 2.09. But the discontinuation of XP support has not been announced, so it's a bug, but I couldn't find how to inform the developer about the problem, there is no forum or feedback.



I just did!
Strangely, CPU-Z 2.09 on XP isn't prompting me that there's an update.
I don't know if that is significant or not.

7 hours ago, ED_Sln said:

but I couldn't find how to inform the developer about the problem, there is no forum or feedback.

... In addition to the on-line Contact Form, the "cpuz_readme.txt" file bundled in the ZIP distributions contains a valid e-mail address ;) 

CPU-Z Readme file

Version 2.10
July 2024
Contact : cpuz@cpuid.com
Web page: https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html
Validation page : https://valid.x86.fr/
Hall of Fame : https://valid.x86.fr/records.php
CPUID SDK : https://www.cpuid-pro.com/products-services.php

OT: Luckily for me, v2.10 does launch successfully under Vista SP2 x86 :P ; whenever I read about an app ceasing to function under WinXP SP3, I fear the same would be true for NT 6.0, because most app authors tend to put Vista inside the same boat as XP :angry: ... But in this case it may be the author simply upgraded to a compiler not targeting NT 5.x by default/at all :whistle: ...



Setup is made with Inno Setup 6.3.0, which supports Windows 7 and newer. The program itself however still works on XP x64.


But what does latest and greatest enhance in evaluating EOL CPU on EOL OS?


On 9/2/2024 at 5:38 AM, Dave-H said:

I don't know if that is significant or not.

They added a bunch of freshly released CPU-s, nothing major.

10 hours ago, VistaLover said:

In addition to the on-line Contact Form, the "cpuz_readme.txt" file bundled in the ZIP distributions contains a valid e-mail address

Thanks, sent the error report to the email.

9 hours ago, UCyborg said:

The program itself however still works on XP x64.

Oh indeed, works on XP x64, apparently they added that system call in it.

3 hours ago, mina7601 said:

"Minimum supported client: Windows Vista, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition"

It's weird, not supported in XP but supported in 2003, and I've seen the opposite, not supported in 2003 but supported in XP. Why didn't they synchronize it, in fact XP and 2003 are the same system, albeit on an updated kernel.

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