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[Guide] Disable Data Collection in Windows 10


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I'm not saying at all that those three nameless IP's should be removed from your list, but for me: -- Webpage not available -- took too long to respond -- went to http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps-and-games -- brought up a page that just had "Ok" on it, whatever that means. :)


Bear in mind an IP address is not necessarily a web server.  It could be that those servers exist but listen for other protocols.


That last one, though, says it's "Ok", so it must be okay.  :crazy:



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Thank you for this thread!
A few more settings from Reddit comments:
Windows Update

In Local Group Policy Editor, set: Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update -> Configure Automatic Updates -> 2 - Notify for download and notify for install
Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update -> Turn on Software Notifications -> Enabled
Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update -> Allow Automatic Updates immediate installation -> Disabled
Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update -> Turn on recommended updates via Automatic Updates -> Enabled

Remove OneDrive

@echo offclsset x86="%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe"set x64="%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe"echo Closing OneDrive process.echo.taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe > NUL 2>&1ping -n 5 > NUL 2>&1echo Uninstalling OneDrive.echo.if exist %x64% (%x64% /uninstall) else (%x86% /uninstall)ping -n 5 > NUL 2>&1echo Removing OneDrive leftovers.echo.rd "%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1rd "C:\OneDriveTemp" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1rd "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\OneDrive" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1rd "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft OneDrive" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1 echo Removing OneDrive from the Explorer Side Panel.echo.REG DELETE "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /f > NUL 2>&1REG DELETE "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /f > NUL 2>&1pause
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Excellent guide pdt163 (not that I'm thinking of going Windows 10). There's a lot of it I don't understand but two things jump out at me:

(1)  It's strongly preferred that you use a local account with Windows 10.

What does that mean? A local account as against a "non-local account" - what is that? Could someone please explain. Where do you get he option to use a local account?


(2)  Change the name of your PC by going to Start (or hitting the Windows key), typing About PC, and clicking Rename PC.

Why would it be advisable for the user to change the name of PC? What is doing so going to do/affect?

Edited by Radish
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@Radish: A local Account save Data and Informations on your HDD (and not in the Internet !!!)

You can choose that, when you Install Windows (you need to push the GoBack Button when the Setup like to create a account, to get the dialogoption)


@NoelC: For Re-Tweaking the Question is: It ist possible to reactivate Autoexec.bat ? Cause some entrys need to be loaded, when the system Starts - or you need a restart - after every Re-Tweak ! (Can i run a Auto-It.exe before Userlogin by Script-login or something similar ?)


@All: Wouldn´t it be enough to create a local user Setup, with a good Firewall Preset ?


My "unfinished" Windows 10 Firewall Rules Set:


Edited by R4D3
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(2)  Change the name of your PC by going to Start (or hitting the Windows key), typing About PC, and clicking Rename PC.

Why would it be advisable for the user to change the name of PC? What is doing so going to do/affect?

Probably because Windows 10 doesn't let you choose a custom name but rather generates a random one during the setup process. I'd change it "just in case".

Check also this: https://fix10.isleaked.com/

Edited by tomasz86
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@All: Wouldn´t it be enough to create a local user Setup, with a good Firewall Preset ?

No software firewall at Windows level should be relied on, to defend one from MS new worldview.

A good firewall on the router might be reliable enough but, then again, it might impair the setup process...

MS may have become obnoxious but hasn't become either naif or senile.

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@NoelC: For Re-Tweaking the Question is: It ist possible to reactivate Autoexec.bat ? Cause some entrys need to be loaded, when the system Starts - or you need a restart - after every Re-Tweak ! (Can i run a Auto-It.exe before Userlogin by Script-login or something similar ?)


Not Autoexec.bat, no.  I believe the Task Scheduler could serve as the means to start any number of things at appropriate times.



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"MS may have become obnoxious but hasn't become either naif or senile."



I am not sure about that... (they forgot so many things they have programmed in the past...) - i see that i can block everthing with the internal Firewall (even Windows Update) - ok the firewall probably can´t block things that connects to internet before User Login !?


@NoelC: I mean: is there a "State" where people can run a file/script before a login... (or earlier) to check Reg entrys and files... - a inf file as example is able to change Regentrys etc... with Guirunonce ? (not sure if it was this or a similar entry, and if it still exists) - Than this file is executed before a login...


or maybe a Sysfile, with a waitstate and some Reg Commands in it) - just to make sure, that your config is still your config, on every boot (after every update)

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I'll throw this on the table (and promptly hide my hand behind my back ;)):


if one has anyway the stupid bloat .Net is, it is actually lightweight and represent IMHO a more friendly way to manage the Windows built-in firewall.


As a side note, the views of the Author on security not necessarily being the same as mine BTW, I would give them a 70% hit rate:


though Tip #10 is obviously a very, very good one, and compensates for the little sense that #1, #2 and #8 make.



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I was taking a look at Edge today to see if it was using any files or such for network settings... For example, people are reporting that any security settings set for IE are ignored. I didn't really find what I was looking for but did find that Edge stores your history in the registry. Search under HKCU for one of these:




The path is pretty long so if you search for one, you'll find the other two right next to it.

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Converted tomasz86's OneDrive uinstaller into an runnable script as well as added an automated services & schedules tasks command script.

Edited by ptd163
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Converted tomasz86's OneDrive uinstaller into an runnable script as well as added an automated services & schedules tasks command script.


Just to make it clear - the script is not written by me, just taken from one of the Reddit comments :)


Also check: http://www.tenforums.com/customization/7161-how-uninstall-apps-using-powershell.html. Not really related to privacy but still useful when debloating the system.


Be careful with uninstalling everything with

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
It will remove the whole Windows Store in the process.
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I'm amazed at the steps we have to take to keep Windows 10 from phoning home.  We tolerated this nonsense during the Insider Preview phase, but now that Windows 10 has hit the big time RTM there should be no need to add a zillion lines to our hosts file.  


After having played with Windows 10 x64 Enterprise in a VM for a week or so I'm not impressed.  Even bigmuscle can't save us, and he himself admits he's not made the switch.  I've gone back to Windows 7 and will wait to see what the August Release brings.  Now that the benchmarks are out (admittedly I've only found one source so far) showing Windows 10 to be no faster (or longer lasting on the battery) than either 7 or 8/8.1, I just don't see any advantages to the new OS right now.  I'm willing to keep an open mind on this and am sure you master tweakers will save the day...whenever that is!



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