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Reboot.pro status


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  • 5 years later...

Just gonna bump this. Maybe it's just me? Reboot seems to be inaccessible (again?).


tracert reboot.pro / Tracing route to reboot.pro []


("reboot.pro" via one lookup) Source:  whois.ripe.net

IP Address:

% This is the RIPE Database query service. % The objects are in RPSL format. % % The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions. % See http://www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf %ERROR:201: access denied for % % Sorry, access from your host has been permanently % denied because of a repeated excessive querying. % For more information, see % http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/db/faq/faq-db/why-did-you-receive-the-error-201-access-denied % This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.96 (WAGYU)


Mind you, Arin isn't blocking. It can't seem to find which lookup website I had used (now), but it seemed to indicate registration was good until September (?) of 2021.

Is it just down or was it hacked or blocked or what?



=== LOL! Malware (someone reported it?) ===


HOLY CRAP! It's a file made by WIMB!!!! This "spyware hunter" is a POS on Twitter...

Edited by submix8c
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10 hours ago, jaclaz said:

What is a  "POS"? :unsure:

Pacific Orchid Society? Plane of Symmetry? Process Override Switch? :dubbio:
No... not like that... my guess is it's just a Piece Of Crap(?)... sort of... :D

@submix8c:  glad to see you around, man! Cheers! :hello:

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Since @submix8c: was referring to an individual (?), then POS must mean Person of Substance. What that substance is shall remain unsaid. :)

EDIIT: By the way, reboot.pro is back up for me, at lease at this moment.


Edited by bphlpt
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"Piece of <insert derogatory expletive here>" And yes, apparently back up again. In reference to said "person" I railed him for (1) His SHA is entirely different, so I'm assuming he/she/it (PC correctness on twitter - mustn't mis-gender) either (1a) downloaded a DIFFERENT version or (1b) altered it or (1x) downloaded with some POS software. (2) I uploaded mine to VirusTotal, got "hits" then realized OMG-AUTOIT and uploaded JUST an AutoIT from extract and SAME RESULT, proceeded to inform User that he's not too bright and should resign from TrojanHunter Club.

End result - Fork-em for a cruddy reporting of a respected website "issuing trojans/malware" (not true at all) and Reboot is apparently back up (for now) and Steve-o is once more a happy (and somewhat smug -> purported TrojanHunters) camper.

Back to fixing a dear old (from 50 years ago) gal's PC that her Son-In-Law was kind enough to "upgrade" to Win10 before I had a chance to back it up (hence stomping on Dell's WinRE.wim in Recovery Partition so I have to "recreate" it). Note: More to it than than but I think I have a handle on it (needs tested) - idea was to be able to Factory Restore if ever sell it (It's a bad-a$$ PC). HELLO, OFF-TOPIC!!!!


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I don't understand how the whole stuff works. :w00t:

I mean Virus Total seemingly gave the file 20/73.

What is the meaning of such a score?

Besides the fact that we all know how - for *whatever* reasons - almost *any* AutoIt compiled file has been before or later (falsely) marked as positive by this (or that) antivirus on Virus Total, how is it possible that a single report made the whole site (I mean not the specific URL) inaccessible?

Which kind of authority has the (either the specific or any random) POS?

Which kind of authority has abuse.ch (over a site that is - I believe - hosted in Germany)?

Or is it the hosting company that is so stupid as to make a whole site inaccessible because of a single report about a single file?


Edited by jaclaz
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The reason why AutoIT EXEs get flagged is that the compiler uses UPX packing and this is what antivirus programs pick up on. So a lot of AutoIt programs will be flagged as malware or a virus just for being compiled. Imagine that some day some antivirus were to detect everything made by the Visual Basic compiler to be malware! :lol:


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7 minutes ago, Tripredacus said:

The reason why AutoIT EXEs get flagged is that the compiler uses UPX packing and this is what antivirus programs pick up on. So a lot of AutoIt programs will be flagged as malware or a virus just for being compiled. Imagine that some day some antivirus were to detect everything made by the Visual Basic compiler to be malware! :lol:


NO, as per your link, there can be MANY reasons, AMONG them the UPX packing.

I stand by my "*whatever* reasons", which - while more vague - remains more accurate.


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  • dencorso pinned this topic
  • 1 year later...
11 hours ago, jaclaz said:

Nuno forgot/missed a renewal deadline by one day or two.


It cracks me up how often this happens.

We have somewhere between 350 and 400 computers on the factory floor and they all have software licences that are purchased two years at a time and all based on when the equipment was purchased.

Heck, we have some licenses expire before the machine even makes it through "debug and validation" and yet Engineering puts it into "production" with an EXPIRED license, so I have to immediately shut it down and red-tag it!

The software companies will pro-rate the license but we can't get "IT" to go that route (ie, update all 350 to 400 when the factory is shut down for two weeks between model years, pro-rate the first license to coincide with model year changeover).

Instead, we end up with random computers across the entire production floor popping up "nag screens" for THIRTY DAYS that a license is about to expire.

And an Operations Manager so h#llb#nt on squeezing the turnip that IT can't take the machine offline for FOUR MINUTES to update the license.

So we dang near always end up with the license EXPIRING and the machine WILL NOT RUN until that license is updated.

Several phone calls spanning multiple time zones and THREE HOURS LATER the machine is back up and running.

All because the Operations Manager wouldn't release the machine for FOUR MINUTES.

And because "IT" can't see past the nose on their face to schedule ALL licenses to be updated during a two-week shutdown, as if their "job security" is somehow tied to them taking THREE HOURS to run down license updates that we all know only takes FOUR MINUTES.


But I digress...

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