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[NEWS] ReactOS 0.3.16 released


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The ReactOS Project is pleased to announce the release of version 0.3.16. A little under a year has passed since the previous release and a significant amount of progress has been made. Some of the most significant include completion of the CSRSS rewrite and the first stages of a shell32 rewrite. 0.3.16 is in many ways a prelude to several new features that will provide a noticeable enhancement to user visible functionality. A preview can be seen in the form of theme support, which while disabled by default can be turned on to demonstrate the Lautus theme developed by community member Maciej Janiszewki. Another user visible change is a new network card driver for the RTL8139, allowing ReactOS to support newer versions of QEMU out of the box.

Official website: http://www.reactos.org/

Download: http://www.reactos.org/download-reactos

Changelog: http://www.reactos.org/wiki/ChangeLog-0.3.16

Enjoy !

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Well the kickstarter shows that when you ask too much without offering the same amount of work - this will happen. For example something like 20 000 - 25 000 would be fine but NO - let's try to get 120 000 geez...

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Well the kickstarter shows that when you ask too much without offering the same amount of work - this will happen. For example something like 20 000 - 25 000 would be fine but NO - let's try to get 120 000 geez...

Sorry to say so, but 120,000 bucks are "peanuts".

The issue here is IMHO much different, see:



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