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GUI is working fine, however clicking on "save" leads to weird behavior for the inactive window color settings, the opacity slider jumps around randomly, as well as the "use inactive window color" tickbox, which randomly re-enables itself. All settings are correctly saved though.


Fixing non-problems before they maybe actually exist. :unsure:

Let's call it "proactive prevention" instead of the more common used term "lost time". :yes:

I like the way you think, jaclaz.

Those of you who are running "leaked" software: You have no idea who's added what to it. Do you think that you're safe running such software? You do understand that what you're doing is illegal, right?



GUI is working fine, however clicking on "save" leads to weird behavior for the inactive window color settings, the opacity slider jumps around randomly, as well as the "use inactive window color" tickbox, which randomly re-enables itself. All settings are correctly saved though.

Automatic re-enabling of "Use glass color for inactive frames" may be caused by selecting the same color as currently set for glass color. In such case, it will be reset to default. Opacity slider is really broken.
Posted (edited)


I'v used the ver. 1.1 for a while,and it worked well with my win8.1.

But today I ran a software named PCMaster,and the ver.1.1 just didn't working.Then I tried to reinstall or install the ver. 1.2 but still couldn't fix it.And I tried to recover my system by the system protect but didn't help.

And here is the [removed].Run pcmaster.exe.

Please help me.


Edited by Tripredacus

I installed the Win 8.1 Update 1 and forgot it would break AeroGlass. :(

Yeah, I uninstalled AeroGlass before installing 8.1 Update 1. Also, most third party themes that I tried dont work properly on the start screen. For example, right clicking on tiles should bring up a context menu. Only works for the default theme.

Fixing non-problems before they maybe actually exist. :unsure:

Let's call it "proactive prevention" instead of the more common used term "lost time". :yes:

I like the way you think, jaclaz.

Those of you who are running "leaked" software: You have no idea who's added what to it. Do you think that you're safe running such software? You do understand that what you're doing is illegal, right?


I have to say I disagree with that whole statement about the leaked software.

1. The software hasnt had anything "added" to it except what MS themselves put in it because the leaked builds were on Microsoft's Windows Update servers shortly before they were pulled and are now mirrored everywhere.

2. None of this is "illegal." Its an update. To people like myself that have purchased Windows 8.1, this update is free. Nothing is being stolen. If anything, its against Microsoft's End User License Agreement that you, and I, haven't actually read.

As for safe, I've been running it for about 4 hours now and everything is running smoothly. All the features in the leaked Escrow build are working just fine on my production machine. The only thing making this incomplete is the Aero Glass and updated themes to support the new features.

Relax, Noel. MS software is leaked all the time from MS themselves. Who do you think discovered the "hacked" registry key? ;)


just want to say, this is freaking awesome!

can live with the watermark and the popup on startup.

just hope it works with update 1, this and startisback actually makes me like using windows 8!

shame we have to pay for removed features mind, but a couple of quid to support good people like yourselves is fine by me!

I still find it hard to believe MS thinks people wouldn't want this? its just nuts


1. The software hasnt had anything "added" to it except what MS themselves put in it because the leaked builds were on Microsoft's Windows Update servers shortly before they were pulled and are now mirrored everywhere.

But this is completely wrong. You can NEVER surely say that the mirror is 100% copy of what was leaked on Windows Update. Especially when the mirrored copy is often labeled with hacking group name.

2. None of this is "illegal." Its an update. To people like myself that have purchased Windows 8.1, this update is free. Nothing is being stolen. If anything, its against Microsoft's End User License Agreement that you, and I, haven't actually read.

If it is against EULA that it is stolen and illegal. Unless Microsoft provides download link/copy purchase/etc. where it specifies that it is free, then it is not free. It is only your theory that the update is free. Since it has never been officially released by copyright holder then usage is illegal.

As for safe, I've been running it for about 4 hours now and everything is running smoothly.

blah, so running for 4 hours is guarantee of quality, stability and so on?

It is the legit RTM from where I got the files.

Legality or morals is beside the point and has little to do with AeroGlass.

I can sit and wait on you updating when public, its no skin off my nose.


Automatic re-enabling of "Use glass color for inactive frames" may be caused by selecting the same color as currently set for glass color. In such case, it will be reset to default. Opacity slider is really broken.

That could be. Color balance slider seems to be broken as well btw, not just the opacity one.

Is WIndows 8.1 Update 1 available via Windows Update yet?

No? Then it's NOT LEGITIMATE. Some of you seem to think you get to make up whatever rules and terms you want. That's ridiculous. You're just lucky no one takes notice of your illegal activities. You might find out how unpleasant that can be.

If you don't want to be without Aero Glass, which is clearly 3rd party software and not from Microsoft, what the heck are you doing installing an unreleased, illegitimate OS? Do you actually THINK about things before you do them?

EVEN IF Big Muscle were so energetic that he would want to try to support it, don't you think it might take him a little time to get it to work? I'm sure Microsoft is not trying to do him favors. They don't want Aero Glass to work! You folks who haven't a clue act like software is easy to write.

Relax and wait for the release. Then wait patiently some more for 3rd party software authors to make their stuff compatible.


Posted (edited)

Is WIndows 8.1 Update 1 available via Windows Update yet?

No? Then it's NOT LEGITIMATE. Some of you seem to think you get to make up whatever rules and terms you want. That's ridiculous. You're just lucky no one takes notice of your illegal activities. You might find out how unpleasant that can be.

If you don't want to be without Aero Glass, which is clearly 3rd party software and not from Microsoft, what the heck are you doing installing an unreleased, illegitimate OS? Do you actually THINK about things before you do them?

EVEN IF Big Muscle were so energetic that he would want to try to support it, don't you think it might take him a little time to get it to work? I'm sure Microsoft is not trying to do him favors. They don't want Aero Glass to work! You folks who haven't a clue act like software is easy to write.

Relax and wait for the release. Then wait patiently some more for 3rd party software authors to make their stuff compatible.


Not sure who you are talking to, but just in case.... Actually it was genuine - got it internally but have decided to wait until it's officially released. Will amend my post above. Meanwhile I used System Restore to return to the status quo.

Edited by Ex_Brit
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