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Start Is Back - 2.1 release

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What's new:

- All programs multi-column flyout (Windows XP style)

- Closing Modern App returns you to desktop or start screen, whichever was used last (not configurable now)

the second change is nice, but the first one is not good. Is this the new default way or can I still use the Vista/7 style?

Yes, the option to continue using the default Windows 7/Vista style is present under the 'Appearance' tab. ;)

Posted (edited)

Depending on how many users you have, a possible solution is to put a red warning "Antivirus XYZ wrongly detects StartIsBack as a virus. It's recommended to switch to a better AV product", then watch how fast the AV vendor fixes the problem.

Well, giving more problems to user is a bad option. Although I don't understand yet why startscreen.exe is flagged, it's totally one-line app without encryption / network / whatever algorithms. Maybe because it uses DeleteFile API call, lol. :rolleyes:

Edit: it flags startscreen.exe malware because of icons in it. That's rude discrimination.

Edited by Tihiy

Some seemingly innocent things like the "/MERGE:.rdata=.text" (esp. when combined with upx compression) do optimization trigger many heuristic engines.

Those engines seem to work by the famous "kill them all and let God sort them out afterwards" principle... :(



I have a question.

The program works very good.

I would like to install it to a offline Image is that possbile or silent install with setupcomplete.cmd in windows 8.

I have tro to use this i setupcomplete.

Start /wait setup.exe /silent

That works fine in windows 8 but when i try with setupcomplete.cmd it dont get install i think it need to load the desktop before you can install it silent

is that a way to load desktop with setupcomplete.cmd and the install the startisback.

Well, giving more problems to user is a bad option. Although I don't understand yet why startscreen.exe is flagged, it's totally one-line app without encryption / network / whatever algorithms. Maybe because it uses DeleteFile API call, lol. :rolleyes:
It's probably some random signature that matches - I've had several AV programs flag a certain GIMP plugin as malware for a while.

My friend still uses the old Ex7forW8 because it completely disables metro.

Now I thought I read something about StartIsBack that it deloads metro from the memory when not in use, is this true?

Help me convince him to switch :P


Hi, this new version is awesome, if this beta is great icant image how we'll be the final, but I found that in the Recent Items when I right Click the option clear recent item list is not available, check that.


Hi this New Beta is awesome i cant image how we'll be the final edition, but i found that in the Recent items when i right click the option Clear recent items list is not there please check it and the program say that are another version to download and not true.


program say that are another version to download and not true.

It's because you are using the beta, the version check only sees the full version on the startisback site.


Hi Tihiy,

Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I would like to ask you to consider adding searching in the "games explorer" database from the start menu, like in Windows 7.



i found that in the Recent items when i right click the option Clear recent items list is not there please check it

'Clear recent items list' is there for me.

Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I would like to ask you to consider adding searching in the "games explorer" database from the start menu, like in Windows 7.

Since 1.3.1 newly installed games create shortcuts in Games start menu subfolder so it's searched like in Windows 7. If you don't have some shortcuts there, create them.

My friend still uses the old Ex7forW8 because it completely disables metro.

Now I thought I read something about StartIsBack that it deloads metro from the memory when not in use, is this true?

Help me convince him to switch :P


Metro still loaded with sib, theres just a option i love that seclude all metro apps to the start screen forever.

C:\Program Files (x86)\StartIsBack\StartScreen.exe is removed as threat as soon as AV is enabled.
Gen:Variant.Kazy? What the insane stuff again. It's clear, of course. I'll resolve this issue in next version.

Yes, that's the one. Here's a screen...post-104081-0-89126600-1359669613_thumb.

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