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Start Is Back - 2.1 release

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Posted (edited)

anyone was make autoit script for this starisback? please upload your scripts,,thanks :)

I have pack it with winrar and make it as exe.

;The comment below contains SFX script commands





And my install.bat looks like this

cmdow @ /HID


@echo off

start /wait Startisback.exe /silent

shutdown -r -t 0

thanks my friend,but "/silent" switch only for one user installation,,i need install for all user on my computer,,any command switch for this? thanks. :)

Edited by zuardin


Just had to boot into Safe Mode - nothing related to SIB, I should emphasise - and was suprised to see that SIB was working.

Just on the off-chance that SIB should go doolally at some point, it might be best if it was not enabled in Safe Mode otherwise there's the possibility of an incurable problem. Failing that, a way to boot with SIB deactivated - such as booting with a certain key held down - might be a wise precaution.


It's funny to notice that StartIsBack 2.0 new features quickly became Start8 requested features:

When I close modern app - Return to last used Environment

Windows XP style All Programs menu

But we know that 2.0 Beta 0 had them first :rolleyes:

It's also funny to notice that someone is paying attention to the Start8 forum. :whistle:

Ribbing aside, from what I read and see, StartisBack is certainly moving along fast and furious in its development, adding features and bug squashing. I like. :thumbup



Posted (edited)

After testing beta 1 for a few days I noticed a rather noticeable speed decrease at opening 'All Programs' folder. I am not sure if it is due to 'Metro' applications but I will try to disable it and test afterwards. What is also imortant if you reopen 'All Programs' folder after experiencing speed loss it will be fine. Thus, another reason could be object cache spoiling & recovering or something similar.

At least, I don't remember such things to happen in 1.3.3.

P.S. I use windows 7 'All programs' style.

Edited by vit9696

It's also funny to notice that someone is paying attention to the Start8 forum. :whistle:

Not really. That's just plain smart!

Awesome job Tihiy!

Posted (edited)
After testing beta 1 for a few days I noticed a rather noticeable speed decrease at opening 'All Programs' folder.
How noticeable is the delay? How much 'Metro' apps do you have installed? How much desktop apps? Edited by Tihiy

Hey Tihiy, did you receive my email I sent three days ago? :whistle:

Seems that I didn't.

Can I become a skin creator? I'm really interested. :lol:

Posted (edited)
How noticeable is the delay? How much 'Metro' apps do you have installed? How much desktop apps?

3-4 secs. About 5 or 6 (don't use them at all, deleted most of the system ones). Over 70 I suppose. Maybe more. I guess it is normal for <one> time, because it needs to read all the apps in a folder, but from time to time it happens again and again. Shouldn't it have this list in memory?

Edited by vit9696
Posted (edited)

3-4 secs. About 5 or 6 (don't use them at all, deleted most of the system ones). Over 70 I suppose. Maybe more. I guess it is normal for <one> time, because it needs to read all the apps in a folder, but from time to time it happens again and again. Shouldn't it have this list in memory?

Does setting 'Start Menu - Start Apps - Don't display this item' or using 1.3.3 fixes the problem?

Can I become a skin creator? I'm really interested. :lol:

Why no? Edited by Tihiy
Posted (edited)

can you provide a option to make Metro programs be in a window instead of fullscreen? RetroUI have done it, maybe you could to?

2.0 alphas could do it, but there's too much work to make this work decent. RetroUI does not do it even half-decently. Maybe SIB 3.0 could do it. :rolleyes:

i see... well maybe this program can help you in someway -> Windows 8 Start Menu Modifier , the lastest version is not on OP, its on page 3 at page3

this program alters the Start Screen Full to whatever size and where you want, also a nice option "Fill Screen, Leave Taskbar" < this one would be very nice implented on StartisBack

can't post images but take a look on the first link, it has images

not sure if metro apps full screen works like Start Screen full screen but....

Edited by Spike

I have a 64-bit version of Windows 8 Pro, and am currently trying out multiple start menu restorers before buying one. However, I can't uninstall StartIsBack, no matter what I try. What's a workaround?

Does setting 'Start Menu - Start Apps - Don't display this item' or using 1.3.3 fixes the problem?

Yes, I changed this option two days ago and I don't have a bug any more (or at least I cannot reproduce it). Well, I don't need metro apps in start menu, so, such a fix is acceptable for me. 1.3.3 worked well with the same number of programs, though I didn't try to install it after installing 2.0.

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