malinduta Posted November 15, 2011 Posted November 15, 2011 Hello!Has everyone tryed to install the way described here with winnt.sif inside?If i put winnt.sif in i386, just after format, when it starts to copy files, i get copy error for all files in winvblock.ima.Without winnt.sif, everything is ok.Any ideas?
malinduta Posted November 16, 2011 Posted November 16, 2011 OemPreinstall=Yes in Unattended section of winnt.sif was the problem.Set it to No or delete the entry.Thank you for this topic!
tonyzg Posted January 6, 2012 Posted January 6, 2012 OemPreinstall=Yes in Unattended section of winnt.sif was the problem.Set it to No or delete the entry.Thank you for this topic! And thank you for this hint. You just solved the problem I had with one of my ISO installation.
laddanator Posted January 10, 2012 Posted January 10, 2012 (edited) Little late to the game. XP only has two years left which in a way is kinda still a long time. I have been installing XP one way that I like from DVD for years until I realized how much we spend on DVD every year, anyway I have been trying all the old (new methods to me) methods to install XP. Winsetupfromusb which is great(my personal favorite), loading ISO into ram which works but not so good on low ram machines. I have a method that I worked out with Firadisk that works perfect even on low ram machines and only requires booting to USB once (my second favorite) so I though I would give this method a try. I am losing the WinVBlock driver at GUI and I know this is covered allot on here but let me tell you what I gotUsing XP Home as exampleXP Home SP3....updates slipstream with RyanVM toolDriverPacks...all the latest Using Winnt.sif I added this to my presetup.cmd as described by, cdob:DPsFoundstart /b "Open handle to virtual CD-ROM drive." pushd "%CDDRIVE%"and I am using what I assume to be the newest WinVBlock from ilko_t post hereThis is my menu.lst (test purpose only)title XP SP3 Home install find --set-root /laddsbootusb.tagmap --unmap=0:0xffmap --unhookmap --mem /XP/Floppy/winvblk.ima (fd0)map --mem /XP/Floppy/winvblk.ima (fd1)map /XP/ISO/HOME.ISO (0xFF)pausecheckrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)map --hookchainloader (0xFF)/I386/SETUPLDR.BINEverything seems to load fine in TextSetup Mode, if I hit f6, WinVBlock is there in the choices(I just hit f6 the one time to make sure my menu.lst mapped the ima file) I get pass the normal BSOD and I am able to format and copy reboots and DriverPacks start and when DP is done...get the error about the Path and can't find CD drive The editing of the presetup.cmd seems to be the trick for, wimbI am not booting to USB but once because I thought the presetup.cmd trick would eliminate the second part of install as listed below?title 2 Continue Windows XP setupmap /winvblock.IMA (fd0)map /winvblock.ima (fd1)map /Inst/XP_RAM.ISO (0xff)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)map --hookchainloader (hd0)+1 Edited January 10, 2012 by laddanator
cdob Posted January 10, 2012 Author Posted January 10, 2012 Winsetupfromusb which is greatI like this too.loading ISO into ram which works but not so good on low ram machines.Did you tried the sorted ISO file? Haven't used this in conjunction with RyanVM updates.I am losing the WinVBlock driver at GUITechnically you don't loose the WinVBlock driver. Underling USB connection is installed. The existing USB connection is lost and a new one builded.This part kills connection to WinVBlock driver.I am not booting to USB but once because I thought the presetup.cmd trick would eliminate the second part of install as listed below?No, second USB boot is required still.
laddanator Posted January 11, 2012 Posted January 11, 2012 (edited) Did you tried the sorted ISO file? Haven't used this in conjunction with RyanVM updates.Have not tried this but I will No, second USB boot is required still. I think I will stick with the Firadisk method (Nothing against WinVBlock) as a second choice and winsetupfromusb as the first choice. I took stuff from 4 different sites and combined them to make my monster so to speak( cdob, used your XP_INST.IMA with some mods) . I have been meaning to post my stuff on reboot and still plan to do so by the weekend. I have developed a work around without having to use a step 2 on XP installs with Firadisk. The below is not needed anymoretitle 2 Continue Windows XP setup - firadisk.img /XP.isomap --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)map --hookwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP.iso;\n\0chainloader (hd0)+1 I am sure this is not the first work around but my methods works so far so good. Edited January 11, 2012 by laddanator
maanu Posted January 12, 2012 Posted January 12, 2012 i am not sure how you will eliminate the 2nd part (GUI mode) as a whole ? it means every file will be copied to the target partition in txt mode? and user will simply boot from internal hdd second time?will you please detail your mode you made with xp_inst.ima ?thanks.@ cdob so your final say is , firadisk is more favourite then winvblock , when we are talking about Without RAMDISK iso install ? p.s , on second part ,when user boots from internal hdd ( in cases when he was originaly booted from usb) , he gets HAL.DLL error,and normal mapping does not work on some hardware . i.e checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1) checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0) what should be the failsafe entry , that we should use in 2nd part ?because in boot,.ini , the rdisk was written as (1) in place of (0) originally .
laddanator Posted January 13, 2012 Posted January 13, 2012 (edited) i am not sure how you will eliminate the 2nd part (GUI mode) as a whole ? it means every file will be copied to the target partition in txt mode? and user will simply boot from internal hdd second time?No..XP still needs the GUI part to finish but what I am saying is after the first reboot (text setup) you do not have to boot back to USB and GUI mode is not eliminated. There is still a GUI mode. You can boot straight to the HD and using the method below, the install will continue. The USB stick or drive must remain in so install can finish but you can boot straight to HD after the first part from USB. I only eliminated the need to boot to USB for the second time to load the second Firadisk command... write (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;\n\0 so your final say is , firadisk is more favourite then winvblock , when we are talking about Without RAMDISK iso install ? I think both drivers, WinVBlock and Firadisk are great. I personally have had better luck with Firadisk and yes for this mehtod, I say Firadisk is the better choice as WinVBlock maybe on other stuff.p.s , on second part ,when user boots from internal hdd ( in cases when he was originaly booted from usb) , he gets HAL.DLL error,and normal mapping does not work on some hardware . I have tested this method on 28 plus machines and have booted straight to the HD drive after first reboot from USB and never had this issue. Posted this on reboot but I will repost (copy paste) my method hereOk, here we go. I started this topic because I was trying to turn a two boot to USB process to install XP from ISO into a One boot to USB if need be and through some helpful post I have managed to do so. Also didn't want to load the whole ISO to ram for small ram machinesThis is what I started with in my menu.lstiftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home Setup Part 1 from %USBRoot%\nDec 11password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tagmap --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)map /XP/HOME.ISO (222)map /XP/firadisk.img (fd0)map /XP/firadisk.img (fd1)map --harddrives=1map --hookwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;floppy,vmem=find:/XP/firadisk.img;\n\0rootnoverify (222)chainloaderand you had to follow a reboot to USB for part two (didn't like this part)iftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home Setup Part 2 from %USBRoot%\nDec 11password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tagmap --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)# map (hd1) (hd0)# map (hd0) (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)map --hookwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;\n\0root (hd0,0)chainloader /ntldrchainloader (hd0)+1well not anymore. I needed a one boot process because of time and I wanted to eliminate confusion for my other techs without having to make sure USB was booted a second time or set all the g4d defaults to boot the second choice and so on. I looked at all links that was available to me and I put them all together to make one project.First I want to say winsetupfromusb (Thanks ilko_t) is my favorite and the easiest in my opinion and can be found hereI just wanted a backup option and this method I came up with using Firadisk is the second choice for me.First I am going to use XP Home as my example but works for Pro and MCESecond, you DO NOT have to change Paths or ISO names from the default ones in cdob, XP_INST.IMA or setup.cmd. Just setup the root of your USB and folder names and ISO names as listed on the post at MSFN from the link at number 2 below. I like to use certain ISO names and folders becasue it keeps the confussion down for me as I have three job titles at my company and things get crazy sometimes.1. I am using a SP3 Disc with all DP and Dec updates slipstream with RyanVM update tool2. I download the XP_INST.IMA from here (Thanks cdob) 3.Changed the name of the XP_INST.IMA to HOME.IMA and mounted the IMA with imdisk the name of the path and ISO file in the ISOimage.ini and it looks like this \XP\ISO\HOME.ISO5.Changed everything in the setup/setup.cmd to match the paths (not needed if path is set in the ISOimage.ini) but just in caseset reassign=if not exist c:\ set reassign=trueif exist c:\XP\ISO\HOME.ISO set reassign=trueif exist c:\XP\2003*.ISO set reassign=trueif defined reassign if /I %SystemDrive%.==C:. set reassign=and hereSET ISOfile=set ISO_file_search=\XP\ISO\HOME.ISOif exist ISOimage.ini for /f "eol=;" %%a in (ISOimage.ini) do if not %%a.==. set ISO_file_search=%%and hererem ISO file added to another ISO imageif not exist V:\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF if exist V:\XP\ISO\HOME.ISO ((echo. &echo mount ISOfile V:\XP\ISO\HOME.ISO) >>presetup.logset device_ImDisk=\device\ImDisk1\imdisk.exe -a -t file -f V:\XP\ISO\HOME.ISO -o ro -m W:echo.>>presetup.logdir W:\ >> presetup.logecho.>>presetup.log6.Updated the Firadisk driver from here that's in the mounted IMA in a folder called firadisk the imdisk drivers from the mounted IMA in a folder called imdisk file the changed mounted IMA file9.Created folders on my g4d USB Stick /XP/ISO and /XP/Floppy (using the new g4d 12-30-11) my HOME.IMA (also created PRO.IMA and MCE2005.IMA the same way) to /XP/Floppy and my XP ISO to /XP/ISO11. Created a new folder in my BOOTWS folder (winsetupfromusb to check HD number) called FULLISO and copied my modded ?.lst file into. is what my 4.lst in my /BOOTWS/FULLISO folder looks like (pretty much 2 thorugh 8 will be the same execpt the checkrange numbers and the HD numbers..I am using 4.lst as example because my PC has 3 internal HD)set List4=4.lstecho %List4%echo %USBRoot%echo %Offset%echo %XPISO%echo %Image%pause --wait=10 Making Sure Paths Exist...Hit Enter Key At AnyTimemap --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd3)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd2) (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd3) (hd2)map %USBRoot%/XP/Floppy/%Image% (fd0)map %USBRoot%/XP/Floppy/%Image% (fd1)map --e820cycles=3map --hookwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/ISO/%XPISO%;floppy,vmem=find:/XP/Floppy/%Image%;\n\0rootnoverify (222)chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BINThis part may or may not be needed and can be =3 or =0map --e820cycles=3Use in my testing to eliminate in case of the black cursor of deathIf you notice I set the same variables for the ISO name and IMAGE name so my Home, Pro, and MCE2005 could all use just one /BOOTWS/FULLISO folder and this is my working xpiso.lst which I load from my menu.lst##USB XP Menu 2if exist %USBRoot%/Menu/Splash/xp.xpm.gz set BG=%USBRoot%/Menu/Splash/xpiso.xpm.gzsplashimage %BG%title !USE PARTITION WIZARD FIRST! THIS IS THE FULL ISO INSTALL. SLOWERroot()titlerootiftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home SP3 Install From ISO From %USBRoot%\nDec 11 With Most Drivers\nThis Is A Little Slower Method password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tagclearset /p /u Answer=ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO INSTALL XP HOME SP3...Y or N :if /i "%Answer%"=="n" echo Back To Main Menu! && configfile %USBRoot%/Menu/xpiso.lstset Offset=%USBRoot%/BOOTWS/FULLISOset XPISO=HOME.ISOset Image=HOME.IMAclearif not exist %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/HOME.ISO echo Can Not Find XP Home. Please Contact Superman && pause --wait=10 Going Back To Main Menu && configfile %USBRoot%/menu.lstclearecho Installing XP HOME From %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO%echo Loading Files From %Offset%clearmap --unmap=0:0xffmap --unhookmap %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO% (222)clear#checkrange 0x00,0x01 read 0x8280 && configfile %Offset%/fd.lstcheckrange 8 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/8.lstcheckrange 7 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/7.lstcheckrange 6 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/6.lstcheckrange 5 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/5.lstcheckrange 4 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/4.lstcheckrange 3 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/3.lstcheckrange 2 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/2.lst#checkrange 1 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/1.lstboottitlerootiftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP MCE SP3 Install From ISO From %USBRoot%\nDec 11 With Most Drivers\nThis Is A Little Slower Method password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tagclearset /p /u Answer=ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO INSTALL XP MCE SP3...Y or N :if /i "%Answer%"=="n" echo Back To Main Menu! && configfile %USBRoot%/Menu/xpiso.lstset Offset=%USBRoot%/BOOTWS/FULLISOset XPISO=MCE2005.ISOset Image=MCE2005.IMAclearif not exist %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/MCE2005.ISO echo Can Not Find XP MCE2005. Please Contact Superman && pause --wait=10 Going Back To Main Menu && configfile %USBRoot%/menu.lstclearecho Installing XP MCE2005 From %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO%echo Loading Files From %Offset%clearmap --unmap=0:0xffmap --unhookmap %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO% (222)clear#checkrange 0x00,0x01 read 0x8280 && configfile %Offset%/fd.lstcheckrange 8 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/8.lstcheckrange 7 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/7.lstcheckrange 6 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/6.lstcheckrange 5 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/5.lstcheckrange 4 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/4.lstcheckrange 3 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/3.lstcheckrange 2 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/2.lst#checkrange 1 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/1.lstboottitlerootiftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP PRO SP3 Install From ISO From %USBRoot%\nDec 11 With Most Drivers\nThis Is A Little Slower Method password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tagclearset /p /u Answer=ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO INSTALL XP PRO SP3...Y or N :if /i "%Answer%"=="n" echo Back To Main Menu! && configfile %USBRoot%/Menu/xpiso.lstset Offset=%USBRoot%/BOOTWS/FULLISOset XPISO=PRO.ISOset Image=PRO.IMAclearif not exist %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/PRO.ISO echo Can Not Find XP PRO. Please Contact Superman && pause --wait=10 Going Back To Main Menu && configfile %USBRoot%/menu.lstclearecho Installing XP PRO From %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO%echo Loading Files From %Offset%clearmap --unmap=0:0xffmap --unhookmap %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO% (222)clear#checkrange 0x00,0x01 read 0x8280 && configfile %Offset%/fd.lstcheckrange 8 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/8.lstcheckrange 7 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/7.lstcheckrange 6 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/6.lstcheckrange 5 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/5.lstcheckrange 4 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/4.lstcheckrange 3 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/3.lstcheckrange 2 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/2.lst#checkrange 1 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/1.lstboottitlerootiftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP PRO CORP SP3 Install From ISO From %USBRoot%\nDec 11 With Most Drivers\nThis Is A Little Slower Method password --md5 $1$0$NtEZSDZZ3Hjh6lV5xYzmT/find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tagclearset /p /u Answer=ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO INSTALL XP HOME SP3...Y or N :if /i "%Answer%"=="n" echo Back To Main Menu! && configfile %USBRoot%/Menu/xpiso.lstset Offset=%USBRoot%/BOOTWS/PROCORPset XPISO=PROCORP.ISOset Image=PROCORP.IMAclearif not exist %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/PROCORP.ISO echo Can Not Find XP PRO CORP. Please Contact Superman && pause --wait=10 Going Back To Main Menu && configfile %USBRoot%/menu.lstclearecho Installing XP PRO From %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO%echo Loading Files From %Offset%clearmap --unmap=0:0xffmap --unhookmap %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO% (222)clear#checkrange 0x00,0x01 read 0x8280 && configfile %Offset%/fd.lstcheckrange 8 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/8.lstcheckrange 7 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/7.lstcheckrange 6 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/6.lstcheckrange 5 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/5.lstcheckrange 4 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/4.lstcheckrange 3 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/3.lstcheckrange 2 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/2.lst#checkrange 1 calc *0x475 & 222 && configfile %Offset%/1.lstboottitlerootiftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] Back To Main Menufind --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tagclearset Boot=%USBRoot%/grldrif not exist %Boot% echo Can Not Find grldr on Root . Please Contact Superman! && pause --wait=10 Going Back To Main Menu...Hit Enter At AnyTime && configfile %USBRoot%/menu.lstecho Loading grldr Menu From %Boot%chainloader %Boot%I have tested this on 3 machines plus. One that stood out was an old P3 machine with 128 ram. I install XP ISO using the method I am posting here with one boot from USB, installed slow but installed none the less. Tested on ranges of machines from P3 to Dual Core, memory ranging from 128mb to 4 gig and some machines had 1 internal hard drive and some had 4. All three versions install fine with this method.I am also using winnt.sif for each version;HOME;[Data] AutoPartition="0" MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall ="Yes" AutomaticUpdates="No"[Unattended] UnattendMode="FullUnattended" OEMSkipEula ="YES" WaitForReboot="No" UnattendSwitch="Yes" AutoActivate="No" OemPreinstall="Yes" DriverSigningPolicy="Ignore" NonDriverSigningPolicy="Ignore"[Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1024 Yresolution=768 AutoConfirm=1[GuiUnattended] DetachedProgram ="CMD.EXE" Arguments="/Q /C FOR %I IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (IF EXIST %I:\WINSETUP\OEM\OEMAUTO.EXE (START %I:\WINSETUP\OEM\OEMAUTO.EXE) ELSE (FOR /D %J IN (%I:\*) DO (IF EXIST %J%\WINSETUP\OEM\OEMAUTO.EXE (START %J%\WINSETUP\OEM\OEMAUTO.EXE))))" AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword="NO" OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=35 OemSkipWelcome=1 AutoLogon="Yes"[UserData] ProductKey= FullName="Owner" OrgName="Home" ComputerName=*[TapiLocation] CountryCode=1 AreaCode=434 Dialing="Tone"[Identification] JoinWorkgroup="WORKGROUP"[Networking] InstallDefaultComponents="Yes"and a DriverPack presetup.cmd. If I am busy and I am installing XP from ISO this is very useful as I don't need to have USB set to boot in Bios and I can just boot my default HD boot command with a timeout if the computer does boot to USB and my unattended install is not broken. My default menu.lst##USB Menu AIOtimeout 15color white/bluewrite 0x8274 0x2001title Boot From Hard Drive (Windows Vista/7 or Xp)\nBoot Into Main OS Drivecheckrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map () (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) ()checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map --hookrootnoverify (hd0,0)chainloader +1 || chainloader /ntldrSo now if you use this method, you can get rid of the second part install from your menu.lst as listed belowiftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home Setup Part 2 from %USBRoot%\nDec 11password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tagmap --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)# map (hd1) (hd0)# map (hd0) (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)map --hookwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;\n\0root (hd0,0)chainloader /ntldrchainloader (hd0)+1I have not got any errors about driver signing for Firadisk. USB Drive still has to be left in so install will finish but the key here is that a second USB boot IS NOT NEEDED.Wanted to say thanks, cdob, ilko_t, WonKo the Sane and steve6375Now you can use the ask, choose iso method in your menu.lst from here #43This way you would only have one XP Install menu entry and set your variable according to your %Answer%steve6375 was workng on something to write to the ISOimage.ini on the fly to change the ISO name accordingly (Is this still being worked on?)Have not tested this on 64bit XP as to I have been loading XP for 10 years and I have never loaded a 64bit version and I have never seen a customer with a 64bit version.To sum it up. I use complex menu entries and the BOOTWS method because I work on a range of computers but most computers have 1 internal hard drive so I am going to give you a simple menu.lst example below. You don't need the first boot to HD entry, ( I use it as a out of the room or doing something when computer reboots and I ain't looking kinda thing and forgot the PC was set to boot to USB)timeout 15color white/bluewrite 0x8274 0x2001title Boot From Hard Drive (Windows Vista/7 or Xp)\nBoot Into Main OS Drivecheckrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map () (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) ()checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map --hookrootnoverify (hd0,0)chainloader +1 || chainloader /ntldrtitleroottitle XP Home Install From ISO With 1 USB Boot\nWorks With Low Ram alsofind --set-root /whatereverheremap --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)set XPISO=HOME.ISOset Image=HOME.IMAmap /%XPISO% (222)map /%Image% (fd0)map /%Image% (fd1)map --hookwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/%XPISO%;floppy,vmem=find:/%Image%;\n\0rootnoverify (222)chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BINAnd there you have it UPDATETo clear this up. Nothing special has to be done to the XP ISO or added to the XP ISO. You can use a plain XP or a modded XP. All the files required to make this happen goes on the USB Stick or Drive.Also just realized links from one post doesn't copy and paste well to another website post. Will fix the MSFN links today. Edited January 13, 2012 by laddanator
jaclaz Posted January 13, 2012 Posted January 13, 2012 Just so you know, the IF EXIST in winnt.sif may choke on some card controllers See here:jaclaz
laddanator Posted January 13, 2012 Posted January 13, 2012 Just so you know, the IF EXIST in winnt.sif may choke on some card controllersBeen lucky enough that the error using IF EXIST only happens on a live machine...get that can't find drive error, hit enter to continue. I have found a solution in the code below and has been error free so far on installs and live machines. I need to change that IF EXIST line in the winnt.sif to this For %%I in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B) do (dir %%I:\ 1>nul 2>nul && if /i exist "%%I:\whaterever" set USBDrive=%%I:)See here: for the links. Got some reading to do today.
maanu Posted January 13, 2012 Posted January 13, 2012 so to sum it up , (i doubt if i am right , because all above details are giving me headache ) 1- you only change few names according to your choice in cdob's file , and updated firadisk and imdisk . .2- you used only this one entry only title XP Home Install From ISO With 1 USB Boot\nWorks With Low Ram alsofind --set-root /whatereverheremap --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)set XPISO=HOME.ISOset Image=HOME.IMAmap /%XPISO% (222)map /%Image% (fd0)map /%Image% (fd1)map --hookwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/%XPISO%;floppy,vmem=find:/%Image%;\n\0rootnoverify (222)chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BINwhat should be the 2nd entry *because above will only setup txtmode , yes ?then what should be the second entry to the gui mode ?moreover set XPISO=HOME.ISO can the HOME.ISO on any root ? (means even if it is in internal hdd ?, it will be searched like find set root of grub4dos ? ) should the tag file be in the same directory as HOME.ISO ?moreover , does cdob's USB to USB still valid with this trick ? i guess all imdisk will do , is search the iso and mount it again for windows setup to use . just like the win7 iso install trick ? please attach your modded .IMA file
submix8c Posted January 13, 2012 Posted January 13, 2012 Post #53 - dorked links. Please correct. Method interests me greatly.
cdob Posted January 13, 2012 Author Posted January 13, 2012 I took stuff from 4 different sites and combined them to make my monster so to speakRead more sites and combine another approach.Dietmar explained USB boot basics in 2005 on this there is a another approach by Emanuel OS manufacturer confims basic USB boot settings in 2009't you edit the ISO image anyway?There is another approach: combine existing parts new:use firadisk search feature and configure USB boot settings.To boot once from USB:Edit \i386\txtsetup.sif, move the following entries from [inputDevicesSupport.Load] to the [bootBusExtenders.Load] section , as shown here[bootBusExtenders.Load]pci = pci.sysacpi = acpi.sysisapnp = isapnp.sysacpiec = acpiec.sysohci1394 = ohci1394.sysusbehci = usbehci.sysusbohci = usbohci.sysusbuhci = usbuhci.sysusbhub = usbhub.sysusbstor = usbstor.sys[inputDevicesSupport.Load]usbehci = usbehci.sysusbohci = usbohci.sysusbuhci = usbuhci.sysusbhub = usbhub.sysusbccgp = usbccgp.syshidusb = hidusb.sysserial = serial.sysserenum = serenum.sysusbstor = usbstor.sys... now the same for [bootBusExtenders] and [inputDevicesSupport][bootBusExtenders]pci = "PCI-Bustreiber",files.pci,pciacpi = "ACPI Plug & Play-Bustreiber",files.acpi,acpiisapnp = "ISA Plug & Play-Bustreiber",files.isapnp,isapnpacpiec = "Integrierter ACPI-Controllertreiber",files.none,acpiecohci1394 = "IEEE-1394-Bus-OHCI-konformer Anschlusstreiber",files.ohci1394,ohci1394usbehci = "Erweiterter Hostcontroller",files.usbehci,usbehciusbohci = "Open Hostcontroller",files.usbohci,usbohciusbuhci = "Universeller Hostcontroller",files.usbuhci,usbuhciusbhub = "Standard-USB-Hubtreiber",files.usbhub,usbhubusbstor = "USB-Speicherklassentreiber",files.usbstor,usbstorNo need to edit [inputDevicesSupport] section.Given a file \images\winsetup.iso:Edit \i386\hivesys.inf[AddReg];search ISO imageHKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FiraDisk","StartOptions",0x0,"cdrom,vmem=find:\images\winsetup.iso";edit txtsetup.sif move USB controller, hub and storage to Boot Bus Extender;and add USB CriticalDeviceDatabase settingsHKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\PCI#CC_0C0300",ClassGUID,0x00000000,{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\PCI#CC_0C0300",Service,0x00000000,usbuhciHKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\PCI#CC_0C0310",ClassGUID,0x00000000,{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\PCI#CC_0C0310",Service,0x00000000,usbohciHKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\PCI#CC_0C0320",ClassGUID,0x00000000,{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\PCI#CC_0C0320",Service,0x00000000,usbehciHKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\USB#CLASS_09",ClassGUID,0x00000000,{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\USB#CLASS_09",Service,0x00000000,usbhubHKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\USB#ROOT_HUB",ClassGUID,0x00000000,{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\USB#ROOT_HUB",Service,0x00000000,usbhubHKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\USB#ROOT_HUB20",ClassGUID,0x00000000,{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\USB#ROOT_HUB20",Service,0x00000000,usbhubHKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\USB#CLASS_08",ClassGUID,0x00000000,{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\USB#CLASS_08",Service,0x00000000,usbstorAdjust \images\winsetup.iso to your Setup Windows from ISO : Boot from ISO, with virtual CD+Floppymap /images/winsetup.iso (222)map /images/firadisk.img (fd0)map /images/firadisk.img (fd1)map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && geometry (hd1) && map (hd0) (hd1)checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && geometry (hd1) && map (hd1) (hd0)map --hookwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/images/winsetup.iso;floppy,vmem=find:/images/firadisk.img;\n\0chainloader (222)Drawback: ISO images has to be edited.Benefit: ISO images has to be edited. Next step would be include firadisk in ISO your final say is , firadisk is more favourite then winvblock , when we are talking about Without RAMDISK iso install ? Well both are nice. One is nicer at given hardware, BIOS and requested approach. There is no better one.on second part ,when user boots from internal hdd ( in cases when he was originaly booted from usb) , he gets HAL.DLL error,and normal mapping does not work on some hardware . Can you name some examples? How many internal and external disks does exists?checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1) checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0) This assumes one USB drive and install to first internal hard disk.first internal hard disk as for BIOS sort order at USB boot.what should be the failsafe entry , that we should use in 2nd part ?I've no experience. Ilko solved this more clearly.
maanu Posted January 13, 2012 Posted January 13, 2012 (edited) hi cdob thanks for clearifying , on a system where it give problem at second boot (hal.dll error) , i had 1 internal hdd , 1 usb. ,.what do you mean by > To boot once from USB: ?is this for TXTMODE only ? moreover , what happens if user boot again for gui mode ? and i guess this is newer then your XP_INST.IMA's usb32 approach ?moreover , i am specifically interested in making the SECOND MODE (GUI) with NO RAMDISK , but i have had failures so far with both winvblock , or Firadisk , both on vm and real machine. your trick of using imdisk , in XP_INST,.IMA is more interesting , i ll try it tomorrow after getting back from office, it is 3.05 AM here.i ll take your XP_INST.IMA 0.4 , but i will only use Direct Map for the iso . and i guess it should execute setup.cmd and Mount the iso file again for the windows setup in gui mode .p.s the interesting question what i am thinking is , WHAT is the difference between your SETUP.CMD's imdisk.exe -a -t !ImDiskType! -f "%ISOfile%" -o ro -m V:andwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/images/winsetup.iso;floppy,vmem=find:/images/firadisk.img;\n\0the firadisk one , for some strange reason does not work for me, i am using 2012-01-01 grub4dos version .p.s i guess editing the iso , should only be when we need to install this iso to USB directly . for installing iso to Internal hdd, there should not be any editing involve in my humble view. Edited January 13, 2012 by maanu
cdob Posted January 13, 2012 Author Posted January 13, 2012 on a system where it give problem at second boot (hal.dll error) , i had 1 internal hdd , 1 usb. ,.Goto grub4dos command line: which devices exist?what do you mean by > To boot once from USB: ?is this for TXTMODE only ? moreover , what happens if user boot again for gui mode ?Boot from internal hard disk for gui mode.Set BIOS to boot from inernal hard disk always. Press a hot key (could be ESC, F9, F11, F12) at boot to select a boot device. Next select XP install from USB device.Machine continues at internal hard disk a next reboot. and i guess this is newer then your XP_INST.IMA's usb32 approach ?It's another approach. With less addional code.i am specifically interested in making the SECOND MODE (GUI) with NO RAMDISKXP_INST.IMA uses imdisk to mount ISO file.New approach uses new firadisk feature to search and mount the ISO file. That's one driver for textmode and gui mode.but i have had failures so far with both winvblock , or Firadisk , both on vm and real machine. USB drivers has to lauch first, ISO file can be found next.This works directly at a friendly BIOS. And does require addional settings at a unfriendly BIOS. Hence the CriticalDeviceDatabase setttings.i ll take your XP_INST.IMA 0.4 , but i will only use Direct Map for the iso .Try to RAM load the floppy image and direct map for the iso.You may write different ISO file name to floppy image. Read ISO RAM thread for examples..]imdisk.exe -a -t !ImDiskType! -f "%ISOfile%" -o ro -m V:This uses imdisk to mount the ISO file.write (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/images/winsetup.iso;floppy,vmem=find:/images/firadisk.img;\n\0That's a marker for firadisk driver. Firadisk does search files on its own and mount the found images.the firadisk one , for some strange reason does not work for me, i am using 2012-01-01 grub4dos version .Use current firadisk. And be aware: There has to be one /images/winsetup.iso at all drives. If there are several /images/winsetup.iso at differnt drives, you may get a BSOX 0x7b.p.s i guess editing the iso , should only be when we need to install this iso to USB directly . for installing iso to Internal hdd, there should not be any editing involve in my humble view.Well, it's a personal choice.At some machines/BIOS setup dosn't detect floppy image at textmode: Driver load does work, but driver copy fails.A full ISO file integrated solution would be nice in that cases.
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