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Install XP from a ISO file


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Problem solved

Some how when I left map --mem off and the ISOimage.ini was permanently written

this was deleted

;directory and name of ISO image to mount

So when I put everything back to stock paths in the ISOimage.ini, I left the above out. Added the above back to my mounted v5 IMA and presto MCE2005.ISO has now reappeared! :w00t:

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How about the video tutorial?

Never done one but would be glad to with, cdob, permission. Also, if I do a write up, I would cover all three options

1.With firadisk only

2.With, cdob's IMA file or USB Helper as I like to call it

3. Complete integration of firadisk into ISO source

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Anyway this method can be used with DPMS driver stuff from chenell? What I mean is that the cdob's IMA is mapped to "floppy" but so is the driver if found from DPMS. Would this not cancel one or the other out? I notice that the driver is loaded to (fd1) but on my Asus, the stuff from cdob's IMA will only works from (fd1) so you can't have two txtsetup.oem in the same "floppy" right?

Edited by laddanator
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i use RUN batch by a chinese friend Sratif
Thanks for the head up.

Any way to use remap hard disks only?

Use a own firadisk.img, map a ISO, command run to remap drives and continue.


map %myISO% (222)
command %dir%/run remapHD
root (222)
chainloader /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

BTW: I'm looking forward to visit Fairy Meadow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy_Meadow_Nanga_Parbat

But I doubt this year, hopefully next year.

By the way, cdob, did you say you had a V6?
It's under construction. I've fun with different approaches and different BIOS.
Anyway this method can be used with DPMS driver stuff from chenell?
That's simple: integrate firadisk to ISO image.
What I mean is that the cdob's IMA is mapped to "floppy" but so is the driver if found from DPMS.
That's another approach.

XP setup reads driver from both floppy drives. Try IMA at fd0 and dpms at fd1.

But BIOS does matter too. May work at one BIOS and fail at the next.

Two different floppy approach seems to work technically, but not reliable in real world.

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That's simple: integrate firadisk to ISO image.

Ahead of you on this.

XP setup reads driver from both floppy drives. Try IMA at fd0 and dpms at fd1.

My Asus will work with anything that is mapped to (fd0) except the IMA project. Maps to (fd0) fine but get "can't copy firadisk " and so on error on XP install from the IMA file unless I map to (fd1). Once I map to (fd1)...everything copies fine

BTW: I'm looking forward to visit Fairy Meadow http://en.wikipedia....ow_Nanga_Parbat

But I doubt this year, hopefully next year.

What? :)

dpms at fd1.

DPMS loads to (fd1) anyway

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DPMS loads to (fd1) anyway

It seems a parameter can change the behavior:




Further improvement. Support to specify DPMS.ISO file (the file name must be DPMS.ISO)

2 new parameters

pe for pe, just copy the SYS file

0 | 1 | 2 0 use only (fd0 using the), 1 (fd1), 2, and all use.

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Further improvement. Support to specify DPMS.ISO file (the file name must be DPMS.ISO)

I have been using the ISO format with this in my menu.lst

map %USBDrive%/XP/DPMS.ISO (0xff)
map --rehook

Not sure if this is the proper way but it works so far.

I noticed in the dpms.bat, the ISO is mapped this way

map /DPMS.ISO (0xdf) || map --mem /DPMS.ISO (0xdf)

Not sure what the 0xdf is

Edited by laddanator
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There is no need to use DPMS.ISO, DPMS.BAT should be enough.

The point was that DPMS.BAT accepts parameters, e.g.

/DPMS.bat 1

map DPMS floppy to fd1

/DPMS.bat 0

map DPMS floppy to fd0

/DPMS.bat 2

map DPMS floppy to both fd0 and fd1

I've tested the above, with "/DPMS.bat 2" two floppies are created, fd0 blank or with unreadable contents, and fd1 with the drivers. The unreadable contents of fd0 are either a trick yet to be revealed, or a bug, or the parameter is expected to go along WINPE one.

There is also a switch WINPE or winpe, put first if present, which causes only driver files to be copied to the floppy.

Not sure what the 0xdf is
Similar to 0xff, BIOS CD number- 0xff=255 decimal, 0xdf = 223. 0xdf must have been picked as likely to be available one, as 0xff or hd32 are typically used.
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There is no need to use DPMS.ISO, DPMS.BAT should be enough.

I was using the extracted version but nod32 sometimes will delete everything in the DPMS folder except chkpci and fat (weird I know)

So I started using the ISO unextracted to prevent this.

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  • 7 months later...

Hello everyone,

I use XP_INST v06. I tried the following methods of booting Windows XP ISO to install it to hard drive (I use MSDN original image). However, they all failed. The 1st one ended in BSOD 0x7B even before drive selection screen, and others prompted to insert diskette into drive A: after I pressed F6. If I load ISO to RAM it seems to pass this obstacle, but it takes too long. I'd like to leave ISO on disk rather than load it to RAM. Is it possible to alter these methods somehow to achieve the result? My hardware is Sony VAIO VPCF13S8R.

title Install Windows XP From ISO With 1 USB Boot\nWorks With Low Ram also

find --set-root /multiboot/ISOS/ru_winxp_pro_with_sp3_vl.iso

map /multiboot/ISOS/ru_winxp_pro_with_sp3_vl.iso (222)

map --mem /multiboot/ISOS/XP_INST.IMA (fd0)

map --mem /multiboot/ISOS/XP_INST.IMA (fd1)

map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)

map --hook

write --offset=0 (fd0)/setup/ISOimage.ini \\multiboot\\ISOS\\ru_winxp_pro_with_sp3_vl.iso\n;\n;\n;

write --offset=0 (fd1)/setup/ISOimage.ini \\multiboot\\ISOS\\ru_winxp_pro_with_sp3_vl.iso\n;\n;\n;

write (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/multiboot/ISOS/ru_winxp_pro_with_sp3_vl.iso;floppy,vmem=find:/multiboot/ISOS/XP_INST.IMA;\n\0

rootnoverify (222)

chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

title Setup Windows XP from ISO \n1: simple case, friendly BIOS \ntry this first

set dir=/multiboot/ISOS

set myISO=%dir%/ru_winxp_pro_with_sp3_vl.iso

echo %myISO%

set fdIMA=%dir%/XP_INST.IMA

cat --length=0 %myISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %myISO%

map %myISO% (222)

map --mem %fdIMA% (fd1)

map --mem (md)0x6000+800 (fd0)

map --hook > nul

dd if=(fd1) of=(fd0) count=1

#use original firadisk.inf

#cat --number=1 --locatei="firaedit.inf" --replace="firadisk.inf" (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul

#chenall's ntboot

cat --locate=###### --number=1 (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul || call :error %fdIMA% file error..

set offset=%?%

set fira.opt=cdrom,vmem=find:%myISO%;

write --offset=%offset% (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM value=Parameters,StartOptions,REG_SZ,"%fira.opt%"\r\n;

cat --skip=%offset% --locate=/ --replace=\\ (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM

command (fd1)/grub4dos/shifthd.bat

root (222)

chainloader /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN || chainloader ()

title Setup Windows XP from ISO \n2: strange USB BIOS or hardware

set dir=/multiboot/ISOS

set myISO=%dir%/ru_winxp_pro_with_sp3_vl.iso

echo %myISO%

set fdIMA=%dir%/XP_INST.IMA

cat --length=0 %myISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %myISO%

map %myISO% (222)

map --mem %fdIMA% (fd1)

map --mem (md)0x6000+800 (fd0)

map --hook > nul

dd if=(fd1) of=(fd0) count=1

#uncomment to enable fixUSB

command (fd1)/grub4dos/fixUSB.bat %myISO%

#use original firadisk.inf

#cat --number=1 --locatei="firaedit.inf" --replace="firadisk.inf" (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul

#chenall's ntboot

cat --locate=###### --number=1 (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul || call :error %fdIMA% file error..

set offset=%?%

set fira.opt=cdrom,vmem=find:%myISO%;

write --offset=%offset% (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM value=Parameters,StartOptions,REG_SZ,"%fira.opt%"\r\n;

cat --skip=%offset% --locate=/ --replace=\\ (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM

command (fd1)/grub4dos/shifthd.bat

root (222)

chainloader /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN || chainloader ()

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I am not sure to get it. :unsure:

This thread is about "Install XP from a RAM loaded ISO image".

There is another one:

Install XP from a ISO file.

Use a original ISO file. Or use a custom version, e.g. integrate mass storage drivers.

No RAM disk used.

Usefull at low RAM machines and slow USB BIOS speed.


P.s.: last post and the present one were originally posted on this other thread:

Edited by jaclaz
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  • 2 years later...

Toshiba satellite laptop i3

Win 7 Home Premium 32 bit


Hi!  I tried to read some sense into pages 1 & 2 of this thread but I'm afraid it is way above my head, so I stopped reading....   I have what I think/hope should be a simple request. 


Without having a clue what I was doing, I used nLite to slipstream SP3 + ?latest SATA drivers onto drive D:\WinXP SATA folder as an ISO file.  I want to dual boot XP with Win 7, so that I can use some old XP programs occasionally.


My Question:  What the heck do I have to do next?


by the way, when I earlier tried to install XP onto the Win 7 machine, I got the hung screen with STOP  0X0000007B message.


Hope you can help (in words of one syllable, or less....)




PS  If it isn't simple, why isn't it?

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