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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Unfortunetly the updates have different links for different langauges, and it's not possible to do: 'WindowsXP-xxxxxx-%lang%.exe', as the the links differ with more than just the languages part...

I made one for Win2k but just with the ENU updates...

Maybe ppl could contribute with the different languages-links to mimo for this to get implemented...

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As you already did add a dependency on wget for the updates of hfslipfc itself, would it be possible to extend the functionality to automatically download all the missing updates?
As you can see in my reply frm Jan 28 2010, 09:07 AM in this thread I really would like to implement it. But how to get all d/l-links in all languages on an easy way?

As Martin said, if people can offer these links it wil be a great help. :)


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I always have dumb ideas, it just so happens that hfslip is one of them. A dumb idea just arose. Tomcat wrote a handy commandline utility that used an old command line hfnetchk. As part of the script that TC wrote, it downloaded the latest MSSecure_1033.CAB file from msft. If one were to extract the cab file, you'd find an xml file. The xml file is full of file names and versions and what the download links are. Maybe there is a way to do a findstr on the file to get the right path to the hotfix. Here's a sample line from the xml file when viewed with notepad. The xml file is 57k lines long, so the findstr command may take a bit with a list of hotfixes to parse fully.

<Location LocationID="1490" Path="http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/1/7/417ba29a-1906-4346-9c83-3e841e4068e4/IE6.0sp1-KB922760-Windows2000-x86-ENU.exe" AbsolutePath="" />

The tricky part would be to get the appropriate language for the cab files. The script I have here and have been using for a number of years works fine with ENU versions. TC had three languages identified.

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About filechecker:

Here there's a problem with the updating... I've enabled updating + downloading and have wget.exe in HFSLIP dir. When running hfslipfc.cmd then i can see it states new version available(even though i'm using the latest i.e. 100206), and then when it tries to download the new one, then it comes up with an error about a missing url for wget.exe and shows the wget.exe help-output and then the normal check begins...

About update-list:

The High-Priority update: KB971737 is called Optional in it's notes section.

Btw, to see which updates is High-Priority and Optional for the standard XP-SP3 components, then i would recommend checking out Xables list, which is very precise and very fast updated:


Edited by Martin H
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About filechecker:

Here there's a problem with the updating... I've enabled updating + downloading and have wget.exe in HFSLIP dir. When running hfslipfc.cmd then i can see it states new version available(even though i'm using the latest i.e. 100206), and then when it tries to download the new one, then it comes up with an error about a missing url for wget.exe and shows the wget.exe help-output and then the normal check begins...

Can you attach the ini?
About update-list:

The High-Priority update: KB971737 is called Optional in it's notes section.

Btw, to see which updates is High-Priority and Optional for the standard XP-SP3 components, then i would recommend checking out Xables list, which is very precise and very fast updated:


THX, i'll check that!


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- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool v3.4

- Added: MS10-005: Paint (KB978706)

- Added: MS10-006: SMB Client (KB978251)

- Added: MS10-007: Windows Shell Handler (KB975713)

- Added: MS10-008: ActiveX Kill Bits (KB978262)

- Added: MS10-011: Client/Server Run-time Subsystem (KB978037)

- Added: MS10-012: SMB Server (KB971468)

- Added: MS10-013: DirectShow (KB977914, KB975560)

- Added: MS10-015: Kernel (KB977165)

- Added: Security Advisory 977377: TLS/SSL (KB977377)

- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool v3.3

- Removed: MS08-068: SMB (KB957097)

- Removed: MS09-055: ActiveX Kill Bits (KB973525)

- Removed: MS09-001: SMB (KB958687)

- Removed: MS09-038: Media File Processing (KB971557)

- Removed: MS09-028: DirectShow (KB971633)

- Removed: MS09-058: Kernel (KB971486)

Can anybody tell me something about KB979099?

Regards, Mimo

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							FOR XP

WindowsXP-KB971557-x86 WindowsXP-KB975560-x86
WindowsXP-KB971633-x86 WindowsXP-KB977914-x86
WindowsXP-KB971486-x86 WindowsXP-KB977165-x86
---------------- WindowsXP-KB978037-x86
WindowsXP-KB957097-x86 WindowsXP-KB978251-x86
WindowsXP-KB973525-x86 WindowsXP-KB978262-x86
-------------------- WindowsXP-KB978706-x86
----------------------- WindowsXP-KB975713-x86
WindowsXP-KB958687-x86 WindowsXP-KB971468-x86
KB917275 WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB979099-Client-x86-TR

hope wrong.

@mimo KB905474 no TRK version but HFSLIPFC say WindowsXP-KB905474-TRK-x86.exe (WindowsXP-KB905474-ENU-x86.exe allready added) sorry bad english :)

Edited by nosferatu79
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You have added KB961451 on your list, but you didn't do it in the file checker:

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB961451-v2-x86-PLK.exe

- Added: Security Advisory 977377: TLS/SSL (KB977377)

Where is that update on your list? I don't see it anywhere.

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@mimo KB905474 no TRK version but HFSLIPFC say WindowsXP-KB905474-TRK-x86.exe (WindowsXP-KB905474-ENU-x86.exe allready added) sorry bad english :)
d/l it here:


:) for questions about this please ask/search in the forum. I can't tell you something about that... (I'm not using it)


PS: but good hint anyway, I change my DL-link!!! :)

Edited by Mim0
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You have added KB961451 on your list, but you didn't do it in the file checker:

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB961451-v2-x86-PLK.exe

- Added: Security Advisory 977377: TLS/SSL (KB977377)

Where is that update on your list? I don't see it anywhere.

KB961451 and KB974905 are updates which you have to request by the MS support. For these kind of updates I will add a new category in the next rel. I have forgotton to notice that. :(

Regarding: 977377: I think you d/l the version during my upload-process. I added 2010/02/09 w/o 977377 and some minutes later with 977377. Sorry. Plz d/l it manually again. I think I have to change my strategy for testing the update-process and making the final version.

Edited by Mim0
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why does hfslipc want kb977377? it is not a critical update.
The file-cheker doesn't "want" it. The file-checker just report missing advisories when ADVISORIES=1 in the ini (which is default, otherwise set it to '0').

But anyway. The file-checker cannot make it right for any user I think. The task of the filechecker is to list missing updates but not to force the user to use them. The user has to decide to ignore updates which are listed as missing or to add them. The filecheker will just help to be informed about the currently used updates in the HFSLIP-folders.

You can add this update in the IGNORE-section in your INI so you will never see this again as missing update. :)

Edited by Mim0
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