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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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I also removed the following:


Also, what's the difference between hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v10_modified_by_tomasz86.cmd and hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v11.cmd?

Edited by JayMan
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JayMan, if you found the Archive, you would have found this -


Now you know the difference between J10 and J11. :yes:


I will -assume- that since the date of the "HFSLIP_ia.7z" is -newer- than "hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v11" that it -might- be experimental. :unsure: I really have no clue why you insist on using obsolete/experimental stuff. :no: But... it's your option.




edit - Reference is here for USP5.2 -


Edited by submix8c
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Also, what's the difference between hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v10_modified_by_tomasz86.cmd and hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v11.cmd?





tomasz86 changed code to only use 7z (if present in hftools) to handle addon(s) to fix short name issues as did Acheron since Beta K v3


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you both (submix8c and mukke) for the info!

(Yeah submix8c, I didn't see that page! How did you get to it, as I don't see any links to it).


So, back to my other question: if I use his archive and do the file replacements listed - would I then have the most recent and up-to-date version of Win2K, or has there been any updates released not included in this archive?


Thanks again!

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My dear friends here,

I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to update my site last months. 

But now I will update to the most current updates.


I read the last pages here in this thread. Many thanks to post all the infos here!


Could anyone tell me the state of HFSLIP 1.7.10 (Acheron)? Does it have a stable state so I should add it to the Update-list?


CU, Mimo

Edited by Mim0
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 new file-checker for XP:

2014-07-04- Added: KB2935092 (Daylight saving time (DST) changes for Chile, Turkey, and Paraguay)- Added: KB2929961 (MS14-013: DirectShow)- Added: KB2930275 (MS14-015: Kernel-Mode Driver)- Added: KB931125 (Roots Certificates Update March 2014)- Added: KB2936068 (MS14-018: Internet Explorer)- Added: KB2922229 (MS14-019: Windows File Handling Component)- Added: KB2964358 (MS14-021: Internet Explorer (non cumulative))- Added: KB890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool 5.13.10300.0)- Added: Adobe Flash Player Removed: KB2845187 (MS13-056: DirectShow, replaced by KB2929961)- Removed: KB2893984 (MS13-101: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers, replaced by KB2930275)- Removed: KB931125 (Roots Certificates Update November 2013)- Removed: KB2909921 (MS14-010: Internet Explorer, replaced by KB2936068)- Removed: KB2758857 (MS12-081: Windows File Handling Component, replaced by KB2922229)- Removed: KB890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool 5.7.9701.0)- Removed: Adobe Flash Player

Download: http://hfslip.altervista.org/hfslip/hfslipfc-130206-xp140704.zip

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Wow, an update!


Thx a lot, mimo.

Although,we might need a new version, adobe flash was updated again today (14.0.145) & MRT 5.14.


c ya!

Edited by jvidal
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey -x-, any dl links for the update? can't seem to find any in the links you posted


Edit: Nevermind,  searched on download.microsoft.com and found it disguised as a win2k3 update.

Edited by jvidal
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  • 4 weeks later...

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