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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Could someone post the XP file-checker here for me to download? Despite multiple attempts over many days I am unable to access Mim0's site now, whether starting from hfslip.tk or going directly to the altervista address. It's as though the addresses are being blocked, but I have no evidence of that. Thanks in advance.

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Try again with the link in Mim0's sig - http://hfslip.altervista.org/

I couldn't find a browser where it didn't work just fine. And the download link can be found on this page - http://hfslip.altervista.org/filechecker.htm

If you are having a problem accessing it, then you really need to figure out why, rather than getting someone else to post the file for you. I would guess it is something in your firewall or AV settings, your HOSTS files, or your DNS (I use OpenDNS).

Cheers and Regards

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Yes, I understand, sorry for breach of etiquette. I am not especially savvy anymore and wouldn't have asked except that I have already tried and failed many times with different browsers; never had any problems before; and haven't knowingly changed anything myself. Checked firewall and HOSTS (found nothing) before asking. Also tried different computers with no luck. Will keep looking but at this point I'm guessing I will have to give up. With XP so near support EOL I had hoped it wouldn't be too much of a bother to get one or two files here. Best regards.

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Getting Mim0's file is not a big deal, I can up it for you, and it is not an etiquette issue, but I really think that the fact that you can't get to his site is a much bigger issue that you really need to solve first. Otherwise, you will likely still have the issue with your updated system. You say you have tried with multiple computers and multiple browsers. Are they all the same OS, all run from your home, (ie same router), etc? If one of your systems is a laptop, can you take it to a friend's house and try there, and if that fails try their computer? I'm trying to help you think if there might be some common element between all of the computers and browsers that you have tried that might somehow be the problem.

Cheers and Regards

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I'm old, poor, and disabled. I only have my usual browser (Firefox) and IE installed, but for OS I can use either XP Pro or 2K Pro, and I have tried those various combinations on three different computers. All are in my house and so on this side of the same router. Have tried changing DNS to OpenDNS and then flushing DNS cache per your previous post ... same result. Every other website I visit, I have no problem, but each time I try to access Mim0's site with Firefox, for example, I get a timeout error saying the server is taking too long to respond. Similar error message using IE. Don't have laptop and honestly, don't have any friends. Hoped to use the file checker a couple more times, i.e. until after last patch Tuesday, so now not being able to browse there but able to browse everywhere else I need to, it's debatable what is the bigger problem, but for your help and suggestions I'm grateful. Afraid of going off-topic though.

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So it sounds like you might be able to resolve this through a router setting.

In the meantime, use this - -:-DELETED-:- - if it will help you out. Please let me know once you have downloaded it and I will delete the link, or it will be deleted in 24 hours, whichever comes first.

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt
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Thank you kindly. Was able to download just now, but for the previous 15 hours had to power due to ice storm overnight. Kudos to the local power crews who got it restored so quickly in spite of widespread tree damage in my area.

Glad I checked back when I did. Will investigate router issue(s) first chance I get.

Thanks again. I wish you all the best.

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The KB2935092 time zone update does not seem to appear in the Windows Update list. It should be a hotfix, I think.

Anyway, March 2014 Patch Tuesday - 1 month before Windows XP and Office 2003 go EOL.

That means, the Patch Tuesday next month will be the last one for Windows XP, and we will say goodbye then.

KB2925418 | MS14-012| IE | 42219 42207 | replaces KB2909921 in MS14-010

KB2929961 | MS14-013 | qedit.dll | 42113 | replaces KB2845187 in MS13-056

KB2930275 | MS14-015 | win32k.sys | 42101 | replaces KB2893984 in MS13-101

(Update 2014-03-13: I forgot one update. This one is offered in WU but not in Automatic Updates)

KB931125 | optional | rootsupd.exe (March 2014) | 42092 | WGA Validation Required

(Update 2014-04-06: Add the KB2934207 nagware and it's download link)

KB2934207 | "high-priority" | EOS notification | ENU direct download | Nagware. Better hide this update rather than install it.

APSB14-08 | Adobe Flash Player

No updates for Office 2003. Not even OUTLFLTR update (but there is one for Outlook 2007).

Edited by Explorer09
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1 month. XP goes EOL on apr 8.

about TZ update, Whatever it is, it's required for us in Chile (the gov. again changed the daylight saving schedule) or else you get the wrong time.

And, BTW, WU is also asking for KB2934207, an update that notifies the user about XP's EOS.

Edited by jvidal
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1 month. XP goes EOL on apr 8.

about TZ update, Whatever it is, it's required for us in Chile (the gov. again changed the daylight saving schedule) or else you get the wrong time.

And, BTW, WU is also asking for KB2934207, an update that notifies the user about XP's EOS.

I would better avoid the KB2934207 update, or find a registry workaround for that. Like MSRT, it's not worth slipstreaming. (http://forum.thinkpads.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=113436)

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No workaround. Already tried when it came out a week or so ago.. It needs the binary in system32. It only runs once or you can choose the delete the things that make it run and it will never run. Will just sit there in system32 making WU happy.

EDIT: There hasn't been a workaround for MSRT for ages. It stopped relying on the registry entry alone and started looking for the binary too.

Edited by -X-
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