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7Slimmer MMX-R2


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I have updated 7Slimmer to MMX-R2. Everyone interested in making a custom Win7 install should check it out!

Downloads (total, as of 12-03-10): 78,893 (including external host for non-members)

Downloads (latest version): 312


This thread is essentially a novice-friendly guide to modify Windows 7. Component removal is the central focus, but the user can customize a Windows 7 installation disk with language packs, updates, addons, tweaks, and much more. This is a semi-GUI program, meaning that you do not have to type in lines of code at a DOS prompt. Just run the program (Vista/7 users: Run as Administrator) and follow the prompts.

I am attaching a README for specific details. For in-depth details, read Jeronimo's thread about removal.bat

The source code is available, do whatever you want I'm too lazy to write a license... Consider it open source.

Questions? Just ask in this thread and I'll try to get it answered :)

UPDATE: 0.2 -- Some x64 users were having problems with the CHOICE.COM user-selection engine. This update fixes that. The included 7Slimmer.ZIP file has both the 32-Bit and 64-Bit version. 32-Bit also gets a little cleaner code.

UPDATE: 7Slimmer MMX -- 2010 is here! The UI is refreshed, and some functions like cleanup and remove packages are a lot faster. The 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions are combined into one EXE file - still no need to install anything. 'MMX' is Roman Numeral for 2010 if you didn't know :)

UPDATE: 7Slimmer MMX-R2 -- Final version for now, cleaned code and made the program compatible with EVERY Windows NT-based OS. Before, you had to be on Windows 7 exclusively (or download a lot of extra files).


I have made a video tutorial for anyone interested. Click Here!




Edited by SausageHack
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Saw your guide, have not read it completely, in stead of reg file, you could use the following command:

reg delete HKLM\wim\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{98D99750-0B8A-4c59-9151-589053683D73}

I keep my removal batch-file up to date in the topic Windows 7 x64 vLite "extreme removal". There were some errors/issues in previous releases. From what I see:

double quote missing after .log

Maybe if you mark your changes, you can easily add them or maybe I will (not sure if it is just the prep-section). I would not keep to seperate removals for x86 and x64, they nearly always need to make changes to the file anyway.

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First of all, excellent guide mate!

I have a question about it, is it 'compatible' with Ultimate versions?

I mean that if I change the 'image index' and 'edition' values in the removal file, would it work OK???

Or does it need more tweaking to make it work with Ultimate???

If that's the case, could you please tell me what do I have to change to make it work?

PS: right now I'm starting to make a test with Ultimate, hope it goes OK.

Thanks in advance


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===== Post Nº1 =====

First of all, excellent guide mate!

I have a question about it, is it 'compatible' with Ultimate versions?

I mean that if I change the 'image index' and 'edition' values in the removal file, would it work OK???

Or does it need more tweaking to make it work with Ultimate???

If that's the case, could you please tell me what do I have to change to make it work?

PS: right now I'm starting to make a test with Ultimate, hope it goes OK.

Thanks in advance


Yup! As long as you change the image index, it will work with Ultimate.

I just realized a few errors in the 'modified' batch files (thanks Jeronimo!) I'll work on them after I get back from Driver's Ed lol

Guide #2 will be here soon with *hopefully* better support and maybe a GUI if I find a week or so of free time. For now, You'll have to manually create the ISO, Mount, LNG, and Drvers folders as well as place intlcfg and imagex in C:* :blushing: Not so bad right?

===== Post Nº2 =====

EDIT: I uploaded a working Guide (it's #2) on the first post. removalXX.bat prep and fixreg now work, and the folders are created. imagex.exe and intlcfg.exe are automatically copied to the working directory based on the architecture you are modding. 'SausageHack' is now spelled correctly :thumbup

Important note I missed in the original post: If you are modding an x64 edition of Win7, you NEED to be in an x64 working environment as you run these scripts. If you are modding x86, you can work from either x86 or amd64. If you are working from amd64, modify removal64.bat so that the batch file can look in the right places!

Edited by Yzöwl
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I am going to update the removal.bat shortly. I would recommend grabbing that 1 when it is available. Would be even better to have your modifications clearly marked and add them per default. However it is not necessary to add imagex to the dir of the removal, it does require less changes to the batchfile.

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===== Post Nº1 =====

I just went through your nicely explained procedure. I hope to try it out soon on x64 version. ;)

===== Post Nº2 =====

I think there are few problems in removal64.bat (I tried this one only),

1. One can't go beyond the line in batch file

start "WIM-prompt" cmd

goto exit

2. After copying imagex.etc and the saus*.ini, there is again redirection to exit

I haven't gone beyond these lines.

Edited by Yzöwl
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I think there are few problems in removal64.bat (I tried this one only),

1. One can't go beyond the line in batch file

start "WIM-prompt" cmd

goto exit

2. After copying imagex.etc and the saus*.ini, there is again redirection to exit

I haven't gone beyond these lines.

Thanks for pointing that out. I really haven't tested the x64 be because I'm writing this from my iPod. On top of that the only computer I have access to at the time I made that guide is a 800mhz intel celerom box running nLited XP on it! Guys, mod the batch files and the guide as much as you want and then upload it! It's for all of us to tweak!

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I think there are few problems in removal64.bat (I tried this one only),

1. One can't go beyond the line in batch file

start "WIM-prompt" cmd

goto exit

2. After copying imagex.etc and the saus*.ini, there is again redirection to exit

I haven't gone beyond these lines.

Thanks for pointing that out. I really haven't tested the x64 be because I'm writing this from my iPod. On top of that the only computer I have access to at the time I made that guide is a 800mhz intel celerom box running nLited XP on it! Guys, mod the batch files and the guide as much as you want and then upload it! It's for all of us to tweak!

Edited by liquid0624
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Whew... finally got my laptop back, so more work with x64! I have heard some people getting stuck on WIM-Prompt, I'll be fixing that if it is indeed a problem. I apologize for not testing all aspects of these files before I uploaded them, I just wanted them uploaded hoping that other people could step in and work out bugs. Anyway, dead0 has a similar thread that focuses on not-so-extreme removal if anyone wants an alternative guide per se...

Keep updated! Guide v3 will probably be up soon :)

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Whew... finally got my laptop back, so more work with x64! I have heard some people getting stuck on WIM-Prompt, I'll be fixing that if it is indeed a problem. I apologize for not testing all aspects of these files before I uploaded them, I just wanted them uploaded hoping that other people could step in and work out bugs. Anyway, dead0 has a similar thread that focuses on not-so-extreme removal if anyone wants an alternative guide per se...

Keep updated! Guide v3 will probably be up soon :)

EDIT: Really soon: Here's Guide v3! The issue some people are having with x64 wasn't really a problem. When you run

removal64.bat prep

, it will copy files and then ask if SausageHack.ini is a file or a directory. Type 'F' for file name. Then, it will exit when it copies it over to the presets folder.

The only change in version 3 is that now the prep script automatically exits after it does it's thing. xD *scattered applause* :hello:


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I do not mind you post your guide with my alterations, but please keep in mind I try to keep it flexible. If you put in fixed parameters, then someone might not be able to use it. Where I always use %mount%, you put C:\Mount in the fixreg at the bottom.

Maybe I can include some additional options, so that you can use your options together with my removal batch-file. That also keeps it easy to maintain for you. You have to point out what changes you made, otherwise I would have to dig thrue the whole thing.

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I do not mind you post your guide with my alterations, but please keep in mind I try to keep it flexible. If you put in fixed parameters, then someone might not be able to use it. Where I always use %mount%, you put C:\Mount in the fixreg at the bottom.

Maybe I can include some additional options, so that you can use your options together with my removal batch-file. That also keeps it easy to maintain for you. You have to point out what changes you made, otherwise I would have to dig thrue the whole thing.

Jeronimo, I have made this package to go with the guide. I understand what you mean about keeping it flexible, and like i said anyone can mod this. Maybe it would be cool if we worked together on a batch that could encompass both 32 and 64 bit, and include :prep and :fixreg

Would that be cool?

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