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7Slimmer MMX-R2


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Errorlevels are not that problematic, you need to know how they work. It is always a greater than check (if errorlevel 1) or a lower than check (if not errorlevel X).

If you want to check on errorlevel 0:

if not errorlevel 1 ..

If you want to check on errorlevel 1 or higher:

if errorlevel 1 ...

Check the help (help if) for further information.

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I'm having some problems that I can't seem to sort out. Every time I build an image and install it, towards the end of the installation I always get this error message:

"Windows could not configure one or more system components.  To install Windows, restart the computer and then restart the installation."

I've tried many different things here, including only removing one single component using vLite, such as just the sample media and photos. As long as I don't use vLite, I can install the base image fine. But as soon as I select anything in vLite and install the image, I always get this error.

I'm using x64 Home Premium. I've tried an RTM release and an MSDN release (also RTM, just wanted to try a fresh base image). I'm building the images on an x64 Home Premium install using the Vista version of WAIK.

Any ideas?

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sirjustin1, I ran into the same problems installing an extremely stripped down version (ie it fit on a cd rom) onto my old 800mhz P3 micro tower. I solved this by integrating all concievable drivers into the image. (it grew by 40 mb). You can use removalXX.bat drivers to do that :)

Edited by SausageHack
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See first post for the new semi GUI! It's finally here... beta for now until I get more than 10 minutes at a time to work on it. Who knows I might get some extra credit in computer science cuz of this lol.

Jeronimo, thanks for the info. Actually it wasn't the errorlevel itself that was messing me up, I just forgot my goto end statement after option1 :blushing:

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See first post for the new semi GUI! It's finally here... beta for now until I get more than 10 minutes at a time to work on it. Who knows I might get some extra credit in computer science cuz of this lol.

Jeronimo, thanks for the info. Actually it wasn't the errorlevel itself that was messing me up, I just forgot my goto end statement after option1 :blushing:

Hi there, I downloaded your GUI and ran into the following errors:

Unsupported 16-Bit Application

For the following Compatibility type, 2 errors:

Windows 95
Windows 98/Windows Me
Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

This program is not supported on this operating system.

Windows 2000
Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
Windows Server 2003 (Service Pack 1)
Unsupported 16-Bit Application
Windows Vista
Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)
Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)

The program of feature
"\??\C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\Temp\736B.tmp\CHOICE.COM" cannot start or run due to incompaitiblity with 64-bit versions of Windows.
Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available.

I am running Windows 7 64-bit Build 7100. I can see the basic menu you've created but I get those errors.

║ ║
║ Windows7Slimmer By SausageHack + Jeronimo ║
║ ║
Version .01
Which architecture are you modding?
1 * 32-Bit (x86)
2 * 64-Bit (amd64)
3 * Exit

Any thoughts?

Edited by Rommsey
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@Rommsey: I think it comes down to choice.com, a 16 bit executable, not being supported in x64. This seemed to work fine in all x86 platforms I tested (I only have legit copies for 32-bit). One of my friends has an err... not-as-legit W7 x64 I can test on this weekend. Back to the issue: a choice.com that works universally. I got that file from a redistributable DOS floppy 6.22 I had, so I think it would be best to run the user selection through set -p than to use if statements and multiple versions of choice.

The new problem is that I really don't know how to do that :)

Edited by SausageHack
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Sounds good sausagehack. I'm working with Liquid's guide and I run into some errors there, which is actually a good thing because those are errors that I would encounter with your steps later on so for now it's saving me repetitive errors :)

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Just an update for 7Slimmer:

Some x64 users are having issues with this app. This will be fixed in the next release, which hopefully will be written in java :] But for now just run the commands manually if you have an error.

Think of 7Slimmer as beta... But if you like to program then upload your own version! We need other people to contribute I can't really program worth crap xD

EDIT (like a week later): nobody is having any problems at all?

Edited by SausageHack
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  • 3 weeks later...
This thread is essentially a novice-friendly guide to modify Windows 7. Component removal is the central focus, but the user can customize a Windows 7 installation disk with language packs, updates, addons, tweaks, and much more. This is a semi-GUI program, meaning that you do not have to type in lines of code at a DOS prompt. Just run the program (Vista/7 users: Run as Administrator) and follow the prompts.

I am attaching a README for specific details. For in-depth details, read Jeronimo's thread about removal.bat

The source code is available, do whatever you want I'm too lazy to write a license... Consider it open source.

Questions? Just ask in this thread and I'll try to get it answered :)

Thanks a Lot :hello:

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Just an update for 7Slimmer:

Some x64 users are having issues with this app. This will be fixed in the next release, which hopefully will be written in java :] But for now just run the commands manually if you have an error.

Think of 7Slimmer as beta... But if you like to program then upload your own version! We need other people to contribute I can't really program worth crap xD

EDIT (like a week later): nobody is having any problems at all?

Having the same problem with CHOICE.COM and 64-bit incompatibilities. How is the update going? :)
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  • 3 weeks later...
Any idea when the next version will come out that will fix issues with x64?


Check the first post- it's here! Sorry to keep everyone waiting. From now on, I'll try to stay on top of this thread instead of forgetting about it xD

This worked fine for me on my W7 Home Premium x64 installation.

Everyone can also find me on SevenForums SFT group ~ http://www.sevenforums.com/general-discuss...builds-sft.html

And since there wasn't enough room to attach the source files in post #1, I'll post them here if that's ok. Note: This is from 0.1 so it is 99% the same and probably better than 0.2 due to compatibility.


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