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7Slimmer MMX-R2


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wow, i followed your guide with a little modifications and my partition c only takes less than 1.8GB (without virtual memory), it's so cool, thanks for your efforts.

but i got some questions:


REM Image Index (pre-vLite: 1 HomeStarter, 2 Home Premium, 3 Professional, 4 Ultimate)

actually, i found there are 5 indexes in rtm install.wim. Ultimate index is 5 not 4, you may check my attched log.

2.)why do we need repeat steps 15 and 16 in your guide?

3.)in your guide, you said: "Now the final step is a vLite dummy run. vLite the image and apply one tweak", what does this mean? shall i run vlite then rebuild?

4.)removal32.bat removes a lot of packages. how to get a full package list together with description so that i can create my customization system depend on my requirement.


Edited by oldghost
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Sure, that is the reason why I posted here. See my previous post and let me know.

Ok lol :) It seems that you are the batch file genious around here. If you could write a batch that includes prep and fixreg, as well as other useful parameters, I would be more than happy to write a detailed and easy to follow guide for it. I like the idea of having only one batch file, but some people aren't very apt at editing it to suit their specific needs. I was thinking maybe a parameter for 32 bit and another for 64 bit? Maybe auto-detection based on a hash of a particular file? I not super scripter but let me know if any of that sounds good.

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No problem. So you changed nothing beside x86/amd64 and additional options for prep and fixreg?

Yup. Just added those parameters and seperated into x86 and amd64.

I know you do the 'extreme removal,' so maybe there could be a version for you, but also a version that keeps IE8 and WMP 12? Thanks. I would take them out myself, but I really don't want to keep a perfectly safe to remove package. Just quote or PM me when and where the new batch is up :thumbup


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I get an error during the first time login to system. It shows "There was a problem starting C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iessetup.dll, the specified module could not be found." But this error will not appear any more after rebooting. Which package will cause this error? I definitely remove too many packages :(


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I updated my removal batch-file in my topic here. I added the fixreg part, but your preparation can not be added I think.

You can create a batch file removal_custom.bat:

@echo off

REM Initialising environment variables (check for your usage)
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Windows codebase: amd64, x86 or empty (determine from %DVD%\setup.exe)
set cb=
REM Windows 7 build
set build=7600
REM Sub version
set svn=16385
REM Pre-part (the same for all Windows 7 builds?)
set pre=31bf3856ad364e35
REM Image edition (Starter, HomeBasic, HomePremium, Professional or Ultimate)
set edition=HomePremium
REM Obsolete - Image Index (pre-vLite: 1 HomeBasic/Starter, 2 Home Premium, 3 Professional, 4 Ultimate)
set II=2
REM Remove Microsoft.NET (C for complete removal, V to keep vLite working or K to keep)
set remove.NET=V

REM Folder of updates to be integrated
set updateloc=C:\Updates
REM Extenstion of the updates to be integrated (msu, cab or * for all/both)
set update.ext=*

REM Folder of drivers to be integrated
set driverloc=C:\Drivers

REM Language to be integrated
set lang=en-US
set langcode=0409
REM Program location intlcfg.exe (WAIK)
set intlcfg=C:\intlcfg.exe
REM Location Language pack and extracted files for Localised Setup
set langloc=C:\lng

REM DVD & sources-folder containing install.wim (and dism.exe)
set DVD=C:\ISO

REM Folder for mount (Dism/Imagex) or Root (Imagex)
set mount=C:\Mount

REM Imagex
set imagex="C:\imagex.exe"
REM Dism
set dism="%sources%\dism.exe"

REM Command for install WIM tweak
REM -----------------------------
set iwt=install_wim_tweak.exe /p %mount% /m

REM Initialisation part 2
call removal.bat init2

REM Prepares a working environment
if "%1"=="prep" goto prep
goto end

REM Preparation for everything
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
md "%DVD%"
md "%driverloc%"
md "%langloc%"
xcopy "%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\tools\%cb%\imagex.exe" %SystemDrive%\imagex.exe
xcopy "%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\tools\%cb%\intlcfg.exe" %SystemDrive%\intlcfg.exe
if "%cb%" == "amd64" (
xcopy sausageHack.ini "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\vLite\presets\SausageHack.ini"
) else (
xcopy sausageHack.ini "%ProgramFiles%\vLite\presets\SausageHack.ini"
goto end


Best would be to run "removal_custom.bat prep", but "removal.bat prep" would also work:

The 1st command would set parameters, call removal.bat with init2 to set the remaing stuff, then continue withprep in removal_custom.bat.

The 2nd would set parameters, perform init2 part, run removal.bat with prep and do the above again. Downside: if Mount-folders differ from the 2 batch-files, then both would be created.

Edited by Jeronimo
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I've tried to read trough the .bat files, and have to realise that i am not at good at understanding them, as i thought :(

Therefor i have to ask this:

Using guide 3, which elements is being removed from my win 7 iso?

and secondly: Can i use vlite to do the same changes, without using these bat- files, just using the programs GUI ??

Thank you for your help

Lars Peter

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Is it possible to do this guide (Guide 3) on a 32-bit OS FOR a 64-bit Windows 7 installation? I currently only have access to a 32-bit OS but would like to vLite a 64-bit version of Windows 7 before I install it.

I guess if it comes down to it I can install a non-vLite 64-bit then vLite the DVD and reinstall but I am trying to avoid that if possible. :whistle:

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Is it possible to do this guide (Guide 3) on a 32-bit OS FOR a 64-bit Windows 7 installation? I currently only have access to a 32-bit OS but would like to vLite a 64-bit version of Windows 7 before I install it.

I guess if it comes down to it I can install a non-vLite 64-bit then vLite the DVD and reinstall but I am trying to avoid that if possible. :whistle:

You can only vLite a 64-Bit installation from a 64-Bit host OS. So basically yes you have to be running all this from a x64 OS.

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Alrighty. I got Windows 7 64-bit (non-vLite'd) installed and re-did the tutorial but when I load the "SausageHack.ini" in vLite it doesn't do anything. I even re-downloaded and copied it to the vLite presets folder but it still doesn't do anything. I tried restarting vLite as well as rebooting my laptop to no avail. :wacko:

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Alrighty. I got Windows 7 64-bit (non-vLite'd) installed and re-did the tutorial but when I load the "SausageHack.ini" in vLite it doesn't do anything. I even re-downloaded and copied it to the vLite presets folder but it still doesn't do anything. I tried restarting vLite as well as rebooting my laptop to no avail. :wacko:

Just select some general components that you want gone. If you open SausageHack.ini you can see the components that were intended to be selected. Good luck

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