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7Slimmer MMX-R2


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Just select some general components that you want gone. If you open SausageHack.ini you can see the components that were intended to be selected. Good luck

Thanks SausageHack! :) I finally got it to work and am running Windows 7 (x64) as I type this! :thumbup

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I am getting the following error when I run the command: removal64.bat packages

"The specified package is not valid Windows package."

I have extracted everything to the root of my C-drive. See the attached jpeg.

I have also attached the full output from my command prompt as a text file.

Any help appreciated.

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I am getting the following error when I run the command: removal64.bat packages

"The specified package is not valid Windows package."

I have extracted everything to the root of my C-drive. See the attached jpeg.

I have also attached the full output from my command prompt as a text file.

Any help appreciated.

Some people were having the same problem on Jeronimo's thread. They solved the problem by using a different version of WAIK (should be Vista SP1)


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I had seen that thread and downloaded the Vista WAIK, but just realised that whatever vesion I got is not the correct one as its name does not match the name of the one in the link you posted. :rolleyes: Downloading correct one now.

Thx for that. Hopefully that will fix my problems

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I'm on the vLite step, when rebuilding, vLite has a ton of pop-ups on dependencies, should I keep or remove these dependent components?

Use your own judgement really, but I recommend that you keep the ones that you aren't sure about. If you know that it's something you don't need/use, it may be smarter to just keep it.

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Ahh that's great. I decided to NOT keep all of the one's with pop-ups. I'll be installing soon so I'll report what happens. Maybe those dependencies should not be in the vLite preset in the first place.

I'm on the vLite step, when rebuilding, vLite has a ton of pop-ups on dependencies, should I keep or remove these dependent components?

Use your own judgement really, but I recommend that you keep the ones that you aren't sure about. If you know that it's something you don't need/use, it may be smarter to just keep it.

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Some people were having the same problem on Jeronimo's thread. They solved the problem by using a different version of WAIK (should be Vista SP1)


Still got the same problem. Uninstalled the old one and installed the one that I downloaded from that link. This really sucks :angry:

Edited by theKramer
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I'm on Win7 64 and I was able to install WAIK SP1 for Vista.

I'm able to build images for 32 and 64 bit versions w/o any problems, following the batches by SausageHack (c/o Jeronimo).

You might want to install Win7 FULL then run these batches. The best way would be to have a dedicated machine for building images so you can test them out.

Some people were having the same problem on Jeronimo's thread. They solved the problem by using a different version of WAIK (should be Vista SP1)


Still got the same problem. Uninstalled the old one and installed the one that I downloaded from that link. This really sucks :angry:

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I got the same problems with theKramer can you help me to fix it

Do u think I need to install windows 7 and then run that batch file?

I don't know for sure, but I think your probrem wasn't completely solved by just uninstalling the old WAIK. For example, vLite copies wimflt and wimgapi files from WAIK on first use. I recommend re-installing Windows and installalling WAIK Vista SP1 and see how that goes. I have run this from XP and Vista without problems, but just to be safe you may want to run it from a 'vanilla' Windows 7 installation :)

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i need some help modifying removal64.bat for my use. i need to edit it isit?

i installed WAIK 1.1 already, i noticed the batch looks for C:\imagex.exe which is not there.

also how do u get windows 7600? i have 7100.0.090421-1700_x64fre_client_en-us_retail_ultimate-grc1culxfrer_en_dvd btw, so i guess i set

set cb=amd64
set build=7100
set svn=???
set pre=???
set II=4
set edition=U

btw, what components/packages are removed? can i change them? how will i know what am i removing in


UPDATE: i guess i see packages.xls for the above

Edited by iceangel89
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I don't know for sure, but I think your probrem wasn't completely solved by just uninstalling the old WAIK. For example, vLite copies wimflt and wimgapi files from WAIK on first use. I recommend re-installing Windows and installalling WAIK Vista SP1 and see how that goes. I have run this from XP and Vista without problems, but just to be safe you may want to run it from a 'vanilla' Windows 7 installation :)

Would I also need to reinstall a full version of Win 7, that is, a non-vlited version, and then try again, or would reinstalling a vlited version not matter?


Hope that makes sense :)

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Great job sausagehack its hard work and takes a lot of knowledge careful planning and time to test cause and effect to create successful scripts I couldn't do it myself if I tried right now oh btw this is like the name says I'm liquids b1tch lol but I'm still semi noob anyways again great job and be sure to check out liquids new post and attachments
let us know what you think I helped him with all the wording see his post @

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