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7Slimmer MMX-R2


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is there a step by step picture guide?

i tried with the guidev3 but do not understand really, sorry.

The command line versions work fine, but are outdated in favor of the 7Slimmer. Grab it on page 1, post 1. No real guide is needed, just follow the readme and the included Word document.

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  • 1 month later...

Doesn't work for me... I get the error:

[Window Title]
C:\Users\Genmutant\AppData\Local\Temp\3CFC.tmp\C32.exe ist keine zulässige Win32-Anwendung.

Which means C32.exe is no Win32-application.

I'm working with Vista 32bit and am trying to modify a 32Bit Windows 7.

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I get the following error when I try to remove packages. It complains about Tweak.exe, but I dont see anywhere in the youtube vid or in the pdf where to put the wim_tweak file (which I presume it is looking for?). I tried manually copying it to the root C: but that didnt help :(


Edited by theKramer
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I get the following error when I try to remove packages. It complains about Tweak.exe, but I dont see anywhere in the youtube vid or in the pdf where to put the wim_tweak file (which I presume it is looking for?). I tried manually copying it to the root C: but that didnt help :(


That's a very weird error. The install_wim_tweak is actually included, but if you get this error, apply it manually using GImageX or imagex.

Doesn't work for me... I get the error:


[Window Title]



C:\Users\Genmutant\AppData\Local\Temp\3CFC.tmp\C32.exe ist keine zulässige Win32-Anwendung.


Which means C32.exe is no Win32-application.

I'm working with Vista 32bit and am trying to modify a 32Bit Windows 7.

genmutant, download the DOS supplemental disk from here. Now, extract the files into a folder and rename choice.com to C32.exe. Then, after you see the errotr, replace C32.exe with the new one.

This fixes some weird compatibility problems. Otherwise, use a Windows 7 install, it supports everything. (This might mean upgrading to W7 from Vista, then running 7Slimmer MMX, then installing the slimmed disk.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I'm new here.

I've followed the guide but get this error:


Hope for a quick answer, I'm desperate to get this installed!

I'm curious as to what's the difference between using 7Slimmer and using vlite by itself. Ive managed to make a 2GB (I need Media Center) ISO by just using vLite, but I havent tested to see if it works.

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I've had a similar errors with Removal, but unfortunately it seems the original authors of these Win 7 slimming guides have moved on to better things. They are all sat at their computers using their barebones O/S's, and here we are with our O/S partitions bursting at the seams. ;) Can't fault them, and it serves us right for not being here at the right time. I've gone back to my vLited Vista x64 which is much smaller than my vLited Win 7 Ultimate.

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Hi, I'm new here.

I've followed the guide but get this error:


Hope for a quick answer, I'm desperate to get this installed!

I'm curious as to what's the difference between using 7Slimmer and using vlite by itself. Ive managed to make a 2GB (I need Media Center) ISO by just using vLite, but I havent tested to see if it works.

Still working on some weird bugs like this. I noticed in your screenshot you have quite a few apps open. Try rebooting, and before you do anything else, run the removal code. This has solved some problems in the past. I am currently working on a new revision whenever I have a few extra minutes ;)

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  • 1 month later...


I am uploading 7Slimmer MMX R2, a simple program I made to ease the process.

- Add drivers

- Remove bloat

- Integrate your language

- Cut out services and junk programs

- Smaller and faster install!

Download it from post #1!

Edited by SausageHack
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  • 4 months later...


I am uploading 7Slimmer MMX R2, a simple program I made to ease the process.

- Add drivers

- Remove bloat

- Integrate your language

- Cut out services and junk programs

- Smaller and faster install!

Download it from post #1!

Website is http://sausagehack.t35.com/en/programs.html

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