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About liquid0624

  • Birthday 07/13/1982

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  1. This list is old plz reference either my guide or dead0s guide as well both are very informative and up to date for the RTM version of windows 7 thank you
  2. if you try my latest x86 batch file in the other thread, you should be able to get the install wim to around 505mb! Which one specifically for x86 you have a few. Do you have one for 64 bit what size did you get the install.wim for that?
  3. Dead0 hi! Can you explain how to reduze the size install.wim in 565mb??? I try your last session and dwm.zip, but my install.wim size is 890 mb. Why? I don´t understand what i delete in temp winsxs to reduze space. Thnx!!! Sorry for my poor english This thread is kinda closed but i was wondering the same thing dead0 !?!
  4. Make sure you are using the Vista SP1 Server 2008 AIK and not the Windows 7 AIK. Yes when you initially run vLite for the first time it should try to install the WIM filter for you.
  5. Please go here for my updated post and guide thanks and enjoy bro
  6. Hold tight will be posting an excellent easy to use guide very shortly watch for a post in this forum
  7. make sure the base filtering engine service is set to automatic and start it if its not then try starting firewall
  8. My bad jeronimo i believe you are right on this not finding processor Architecture in that encrypted mess but looking at the size of browcli.dll in System32 is 57KB and the size of it in SysWOW64 is 40.5KB meaning the 64-bit versions are in System32 b/c the size of a 64-bit dll is always bigger nice work never new this though it was the other way around great work once again my friend I still don't know how you are getting you install.wim down to 800 MB though lowest i can get mine removing all packages you do and cleanup all the files you do as well except for the .net stuff i just removed the .net 3 package and i can only get mine to 1.15gb install.wim and a even 1.30gb for my ISO size.
  9. Thanks for pointing that out. I really haven't tested the x64 be because I'm writing this from my iPod. On top of that the only computer I have access to at the time I made that guide is a 800mhz intel celerom box running nLited XP on it! Guys, mod the batch files and the guide as much as you want and then upload it! It's for all of us to tweak!
  10. copy "%mount%\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" "%mount%\Windows\system32" Hey Jeronimo was looking of your internet explorer removal BTW whole batch file is very nice like it lots any ways in this line why are you copying the 64-bit version of that dll into a 32-bit system Dir?
  11. ===== Post Nº1 ===== Thanks for the information dead0, was tested 2 times with total of removal .Net also without success ... I recommend leaving internet explorer at this time but the problem is u need the IE version number to remove the optional one not sure about the other for example you have this after the package name (~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7600.16385) when it should be (Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~8.0.7600.16385) that is probably why you are getting errors ===== Post Nº2 ===== You are quite welcome new stuff to come by the end of this weekend just gotta run some more tests but i am getting there.
  12. I also will be making a new thread and posting a guide oh how to use some tools that i have put together to remove packages using dism and cleanup files and folders by using waik tools. Then using vlite to minimize your install based on 3 versions i have put together. More on this later still testing a few things but almost ready to release these tools. Sausage Hack if you want to talk to me sign onto aim and i will look for you
  13. Please edit that post King George its way to long and attach your presets as files
  14. How did u get your image to 950mb did you use jeronimos batch and preset ?
  15. What was the problem and how did u fix it ?
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