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Windows 7 "Keep" List


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anybody got a solution how to set up power options?

i also have an empty page and it's annoying when the pc turns it self off after a while..

how to set it up? registry? 3rd party prog?

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anybody got a solution how to set up power options?

i also have an empty page and it's annoying when the pc turns it self off after a while..

how to set it up? registry? 3rd party prog?

in vlite, under tweaks > system, did you change anything? i usually have power button=shutdown, power scheme=balanced, sleep button=do nothing...?

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nope, i only did 'Components'.. i removed only few options from the 'SAFE TO DELETE' section at first page of this topic.


i just want to disable going to sleep after idle and set the time to turn off monitor..

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nope, i only did 'Components'.. i removed only few options from the 'SAFE TO DELETE' section at first page of this topic.


i just want to disable going to sleep after idle and set the time to turn off monitor..

if you are using buid 7201, then this could be a bug? :unsure:

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maybe.. i'm using 7201 :)

but i got around it :D

in cmd-line write: powercfg /q >> c:\options.txt

you'll get a txt file with a list of settings you can change by writing: POWERCFG -SetAcValueIndex <GUID> <GUID> <GUID> 5

for more options how to use powercfg: powercfg /h >> c:\help.txt

also one can set some basic options:

 -CHANGE, -X Modifies a setting value in the current power scheme.


<SETTING> Specifies one of the following options:
-monitor-timeout-ac <minutes>
-monitor-timeout-dc <minutes>
-disk-timeout-ac <minutes>
-disk-timeout-dc <minutes>
-standby-timeout-ac <minutes>
-standby-timeout-dc <minutes>
-hibernate-timeout-ac <minutes>
-hibernate-timeout-dc <minutes>

POWERCFG -Change -monitor-timeout-ac 5

This would set the monitor idle timeout value to 5 minutes when on AC power.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been trying to vLite 7100 build (too old? Get new one from MS?) but only gotten to installed size 4,6 GB in virtual pc. I want to get to at least near 3 GB. How can I do this? :blink:

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R.I.P Vlite 2007-2009, You will be missed, but never forgotten. I am officially throwing in the towel, even if I could vlite windows 7, the OS itself has some very nagging problems in the graphics adapter settings department, so with that said I have returned to vista, wiser, now that I know that Microsofts Creto is intact "Dont do today what will become a major problem by tomorrow." and as for nuhi, well he bailed, and yes I know he has a job (problably that big company thats in washington that makes those new fangled operating systems named after a common feature in a house) but if he isnt going to make a new one, or sale a new one, or sale the source code or h*ll give it away then there isnt much you can do with windows 7 and vlite.

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See the Windows 7 & vlite topic. Been busy with 3 others or so. I am getting x64 down to 3.25GB. Only ICS, Windows Firewall and IE are troublesome components where "vLite screws-up" the installation.

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I've actually already figured a way to make it all down to three gigs :thumbup

But that was in VirtualBox with 512mb ram.

But my target machine is P2 233MHz with 160MB ram, which crashed always due to too low amount of ram. I think that has been fixed now. I've gotten untouched iso of Win7 to run on it (well, virtualbox with 160MB ram), so I guess vlited will soon follow. And after that I might try to go for lower ram amount, if I'm able that is.

As you can see, point is not to make usable machine, just to see how low it can go.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
i can nicely say that removing Error Reporting service does NOT break install

as post #1 says

This list is old plz reference either my guide or dead0s guide as well both are very informative and up to date for the RTM version of windows 7 thank you :)

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