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Windows 7 "Keep" List


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This is a GENERAL roadmap for using Vlite 1.2 against Windows 7, This is just a roadmap (Updated on June 10, 2009)

As far as I know we need to keep the following (please add to the list if you know of any more)

(Do not select Unattended Setup as it will error during install or try to add hotfixes, this is due to vlite not being designed for 7 but for vista)

(Do not remove anything from hardware support, it causes a plethora of problems)

(Do not remove drivers either, windows 7 has a slightly different driver style than vista, it wont use all vista drivers, specifically it needs the storage drivers)


*Component Cache winsxs

*Internet Explorer

*Microsoft HTML Engine

*Performance Counters

*Crash Dump Support

*manual setup (something to do with sources folder, being investigated by myself)

*SQM Software Quality Management (needed for installing Windows 7, and for hotfixes)

^Task Scheduler (needed for SQM and Defrag)



*Windows Update



*Error Reporting

(SAFE TO DELETE) As in wont break install and the system should function on its own OK without these.

*Languages (keep C_949.nls for KMPlayer)

*Accessibility (keep if you need Tablet support)

*Character Map

*Disk Cleanup (keep if your going use SAT)


*Mobility Center




*Sidebar and Gadgets

*Welcome Center

*Speech Support

*System Information

*Snipping Tool (keep if you need touch/tablet)

*Floppy Disk Support (Unless you love those 3.5" little guys)

*iSCSI Support (I couldn't even find a NAS on newegg that needed this)

*Smart Card support

*Media Center

*Media Metadata Handler (no more video thumbnails)

*Music and Video Samples

*Photo Metadata Handler (No more photo thumbnails)

*Sample Pictures


*Shell Event Sounds

*Sideshow (if you have a little screen on the outside of your notebook keep)

*Sound Recorder

*Aero Theme (it does make the interface snappier but at the cost of consuming video memory)

*Windows Media Codecs (needed for wmp)

*Windows Media Player (once again some games need these)

*Connect to a Network Projector


*Internet Information Services

*Remote Desktop Assistance

*Remote Desktop Client

*RIP Listener

*Simple TCPIP Services

*Telnet Server

*Telnet Client

*TFTP Client

*SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

*Windows Collaboration (not really there but will delete useless pre-final files)

*Windows Mail (not really all there in 7 and will mess up mht support)

*Desktop Window Manager (needed for aero when this is running a small portion of video memory will be consumed)

*Offline Files

*Protected Storage

*Quality Windows Audio Video (needed for media center)

*Remote Registry

*Superfetch (the OS will still use up all memory but will be available for programs)


*Windows Search (system will still search)

*Windows Time (computer may or may not lose time)

*Beep (the little in-case speaker)

*Bitlocker Drive Encryption (needs TPM to operate)

*DRM (if you keep WMP keep this)

*Disk Quota


*Imapiv2 (might be needed for zune?)

*Microsoft Client for NFS

*Message Queue

*Natural Language (will kill voice/speech)

*Parental Controls

*Run a legacy CPL elevated

*Security Center


*Sync Center

*System Restore (will kill windows backup)

*Tablet PC (inkball will die)

*Windows Defender

*Windows Easy Transfer (No longer able to upgrade)

*Windows SAT (must turn windows aero on manually if removed)

*Zip Folder

(RECOMMENDED NOT TO DELETE or there could be BAD consequences)

*File and Printer Sharing Server

*Link-Layer Topology Discovery

*Network and Sharing Center

*Network Explorer

*Windows Firewall (most of the other networking features need this)

*Application Experience (Will be VERY annoying if removed)

*Computer Browser

*DHCP (....)

*Windows Remote Management (I know this can be deleted but it will open up a whole new can of worms so I wouldnt)

*Event Log

*Dynamic Volume Manager (Windows Backup needs this, cant remove windows backup yet, so I would leave it.)

*Distributed Link Tracking Client


*DNS Client

*EAP (Wireless)

*ICS Internet Connection Sharing

*Interactive Services Detection

*IP Helper (IPv6)

*Multimedia Class Scheduler

*NAP (Wireless Internet)

*Network List Service

*NLA Network Location Awareness

*Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (needed for VPNs)

*Remote Access Connection Manager (VPNs as well)

*Routing and Remote Access (VPNs as well)

*Secondary Logon


*SSDP Discovery

*TCP/IP netbios helper


*UnPNP Universal Plug and Play

*Usermode Driver Framework

*Volume Shadow Copy (cant remove windows backup)

*Windows Color System

*Windows Connect Now

*Jet Database engine

*remote differential compression

*Windows Picture and Fax Viewer

*Game Explorer

*Reliability and Performance Monitor


(I know im saying to keep all the networking but believe me its for the best, all these items are tied together you remove one and you remove them all, which means no PnP, no vpns and no firewall, and theres only like 3 x64 firewalls in existence.)

(UNABLE TO DELETE not in the list) Due to limitations of Vlite and the Windows 7 WIM

*Disk Defragmenter

*Windows Photo related programs


*Drivers (or so I have heard vlite wont delete them even though you selected them)

*Windows Backup

*Windows DVD Maker

This is everything that is listed for removal on the 7RC.

Also on Windows Server 2008 R2 (Based on 7) is ALOT more lenient towards removal, so server 2008 r2 needs a different list.

Edited by FridgeTooFar
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Good topic!

If i find something i will let u know.I think i spotted Help mentioned as one component nessesary.I still have to confirm this tho.

Ofcourse i hope everyone knows by now to avoid the Unattended tab :whistle:

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Vlite tends to work ok with Windows 7 but as many people had pointed out its very "particular" about what to keeps, things that were safe to remove in vista completely destroy 7 so I know that services/system removal section need to be looked at with special attention.

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*manual setup

I've been removing "manual setup" for all builds since 7000 and haven't had a problem installing Windows 7 on virtual pc or a vhd install or a physical partition install.

I can't remember if manual install is necessary for something or not after the installation, but it will install without problems.

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*manual setup

I've been removing "manual setup" for all builds since 7000 and haven't had a problem installing Windows 7 on virtual pc or a vhd install or a physical partition install.

I can't remember if manual install is necessary for something or not after the installation, but it will install without problems.

Well when you combine it with everything on my list it causes the installation to fail at like 98% someone would have to do some testing on the RC to check it but on 7057/7077 it caused installation failure for me

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(Do not select Unattended Setup or try to add hotfixes)

Do not select "Unattended" at all? Can you explain why this is breaking setup?

I`ve been working on that without solution. :no: THX for reply.

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Without removing any component, Office 2003 installed and worked nicely.

I used vLite to slim the install down and then Office 2003 started giving pop-ups everytime I opened any Office application that said:

'Configuring Office 2003...'

What component could be associated with this?

Thanks in advance.


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I never had a problem after removing the following components. Just reinstalled RC without a single problem.

I tend not to remove a whole lot though.

I didn't remove manual install thinking I needed that doing an upgrade but upgrade didn't work.

; vLite preset file
; vLite v1.2
; Framework 2.0.50727.4918
; Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7100.0 32-bit
; Windows 7 ULTIMATE 32-bit
; Version 6.1 English (United States)
;# Accessories #
; Accessibility
Games-Inbox Games
; Games-Inbox Games
Games-Premium Inbox Games
; Games-Premium Inbox Games
Speech Support
; Speech Support
Welcome Center
; Welcome Center
;# Drivers #

;# Multimedia #
Intel Indeo
; Intel Indeo
Media Center
; Media Center
Music and Video samples
; Music and Video samples
Sample Pictures
; Sample Pictures
; SideShow
;# System #
Natural Language
; Natural Language
Tablet PC
; Tablet PC
Windows Defender
; Windows Defender
Windows Easy Transfer
; Windows Easy Transfer

In addition, I removed all Languages and TV Tuners.

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If you use a third party PVR application, and have a digital tuner, you have to keep media center, or your digital tuner will not work.

Also, IMAPV2 is needed for Zune software install - software will not complete installing without it.

Didn't I read somewhere that it was necessary to keep the game explorer?

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You need Windows Easy Transfer or whatever for an upgrade + manual setup, the unattended file changed on 7 as compared to vista thusly you cannot use vlite unattend on a Windows 7 Disc. I made an oops on game explorer, yes you should keep it, essentially this list is for building a bare bones windows 7 no fluff I didnt factor in how many of Microsoft's programs would crap out from this masterpiece, obviously you need to be careful if you like MS Office or zune so....there you go

Edited by FridgeTooFar
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You can add one third party BITS dependancy:

ESET NOD32 v4 Antivirus.When BITS service is disabled or not present on 32bit systems program install will not complete.On 64bit system result might be BSOD.

This actually holds true for Vista too but neverless...

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You can add one third party BITS dependancy:

ESET NOD32 v4 Antivirus.When BITS service is disabled or not present on 32bit systems program install will not complete.On 64bit system result might be BSOD.

This actually holds true for Vista too but neverless...

Well this list was sort of for making an OS that functions, I wasnt factoring certain software (unless its really bad, BITS is on the list as it is NEEDED for windows update and thus cannot be removed anyways), I run Clam AV (Open Source) on my own system (server 08 R2x64)

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Well this list was sort of for making an OS that functions, I wasnt factoring certain software (unless its really bad, BITS is on the list as it is NEEDED for windows update and thus cannot be removed anyways), I run Clam AV (Open Source) on my own system (server 08 R2x64)

May as well list 'em if we have the knowledge about breaking the OS for apps though, right? Unless you think a separate thread would be more appropriate.

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Well this list was sort of for making an OS that functions, I wasnt factoring certain software (unless its really bad, BITS is on the list as it is NEEDED for windows update and thus cannot be removed anyways), I run Clam AV (Open Source) on my own system (server 08 R2x64)

May as well list 'em if we have the knowledge about breaking the OS for apps though, right? Unless you think a separate thread would be more appropriate.

I have been appending notes to each item that causes undesirable effects to certain programs, that one thing that puzzles me is Windows update breaking the install, 7077 didnt do that now the RC it becomes a show stopper.

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I've tested a vlited version of Win7 RC x86 on a Virtual Machine (with last version of VMware), just removing all the components that are supposed to be safe. I get a BSOD in the 2nd part of the installation, after "starting services", it says "Memory error" or so. Non-vlited Win7 RC works fine on Virtual Machine, so it may be some component/s...

thx for your work

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