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Windows 7 "Keep" List


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Jeronimo in your latest preset you added the protection of these files...



What is your reasoning just curious these weren't in your original preset at the top of this page.

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Ok good news, i just did a test with very pleasing results but i ran into the select network stall problems (home, public, work, etc during install it just sits) would be nice since I was able to remove nearly everything but IE and a few others (i even yanked WU)

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I took a screen shot of the power options in build 7201 that are completely weird i am just wondering if its like this because i am using a virtual machine for testing or if i removed something that has changed. Its not crash dump support causing this either tested that one. let me know what u guys think or if you have any ideas why its like this...

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I took a screen shot of the power options in build 7201 that are completely weird i am just wondering if its like this because i am using a virtual machine for testing or if i removed something that has changed. Its not crash dump support causing this either tested that one. let me know what u guys think or if you have any ideas why its like this...

I do not know, I am tossing windows 7 its not worth the work, you have to keep IE which kinda stinks, I am going to stick with Windows Vista

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I do not use home networking or a firewall: I have a Hardware firewall in my router, a Virus scanner with a bit of mallware protection, a well protected browser (Firefox) and a good brain + common sense that I can use in case all else fails :D.

As I said I did a Sysrep-install in which I choose to remove IE via Windows features. The files that remain are in Winsxs and some in Program Files (around 8MB) do not bother me.

I kept browcli.dll because otherwise I can not use "net start/stop" or SysInternals equivalent psservice to start and stop services (good point I had forgotten about this).

I think 7100 and 7137 where builds without debugging code and 7127 did have that, not sure on 7201 though as I have not gotten my hands on it yet. I have seen it is 3.29GB oppposed to 3.04GB for 7137 x64 so this probably indicates that it does have debugging code.

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We need a vlite thats been equipped to work with the windows 7 waik, thats why all this crap is happening, its compiling the image incorrectly I would guess, but since nuhi jumped ship, vlite doesnt do the most important task for me (remove IE) and yes I know W7 is not out but its nearly finished its at feature freeze and possible rtm and will be out on Oct 09, so we need something an alpha a beta something to work with.

you coud try removing some of the packages including internet explorer with dism (without installing waik 7) before you vlite? if you extract this batch file:

..into your sources folder, mount the image, you might need to change the image folder location in the batch file & run.

use this proggy created by BM wnuku with the /m switch first before you use the batch file

ps this works with x86 7201 build

Edited by dead0
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I took a screen shot of the power options in build 7201 that are completely weird i am just wondering if its like this because i am using a virtual machine for testing or if i removed something that has changed. Its not crash dump support causing this either tested that one. let me know what u guys think or if you have any ideas why its like this...

did you disable the power service in tweaks?

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I took a screen shot of the power options in build 7201 that are completely weird i am just wondering if its like this because i am using a virtual machine for testing or if i removed something that has changed. Its not crash dump support causing this either tested that one. let me know what u guys think or if you have any ideas why its like this...

did you disable the power service in tweaks?

No i did not if you have a preset for 7201 x86 or x64 could u plz share it so i can compare thanks.

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I took a screen shot of the power options in build 7201 that are completely weird i am just wondering if its like this because i am using a virtual machine for testing or if i removed something that has changed. Its not crash dump support causing this either tested that one. let me know what u guys think or if you have any ideas why its like this...

did you disable the power service in tweaks?

No i did not if you have a preset for 7201 x86 or x64 could u plz share it so i can compare thanks.

here you go:

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still working on trying to figure this one out next step is to install untouched x64 of b7201 and see if it is like that for the power options other then that everything else seems to work great with this build. Thanks for uploading your preset it did help i will be uploading some new ones possibly writing a guide soon as while.

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installed a untouched copy of 7201 and tweaked all the services and stuff removed unwanted features, and everything works great including the power options. So its something vlite is removing but i don't think it has to do with services as of now. I wonder if i need to protect some sort of file or files to make the power options work with vlite?

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Power options work as they should with my preset on build 7137.

I did encounter 1 additional issue and that is that I can not dismount my external HD from explorer (option not shown for the HD) or from the system tray icon (shows Open devices and printers as well as ..., but I can not remove the drive safely).

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Is there a win6x_registry_tweak_bin_v1.1 for X64 Systems.. If i write the path from the install.wim in the Script they did not find the install.wim. and the cmd crashes :-(

did you first mount the install.wim with imagex? you still need to have waik 1.1 installed! see this thread on removing packages: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=104130&hl=

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I cant figure out this power options thing for the life of me its driving me nuts its something vlite is doing for sure tried and install with just languages and drivers removed nothing else and it still does it only way so far i made it work was using the original ISO so its gotta be some file vlite is removing.


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