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KernelEx 4.5.2

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Yes, I've installed successfully update 26 using a silent mode.

Which KernelEX Version you have? I'd tried the msi installation on two machines with the same result. Did you tested Java26 with the pluginchecker?

If i try to start Java in the control panel a following error message appears:

Could not find the main class: com.sun.deploy.panel.ControlPanel. Program will exit.

The silent installation stops after my firewall asks to allow the internet connection. (shows the MS ProcessExplorer)

My System: ME, KernelEX 4.5.1, RP9.72

Edited by schwups
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Which KernelEX Version you have? I'd tried the msi installation on two machines with the same result.

I have 4.5.1 version and Win98 SE.

Yes, it was tested on pluginchecker (Mozilla plugincheck too) and other sites and everything is ok.

Btw, I've uninstalled a previous version before I've started install a new one (offline installer).

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I was able to install Java 6.26 on a third machine in silent mode, but it also doesn't work. I think it's the same error. Maybe it's related to Win ME. Perhaps some ME users could test it.

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Unfortunately I must report non-working Flash10.x (with severel Firefox-Versions, and even Opera tested), described here Firefox with Flash 10.x Does not work, even with KernelEx 4.5.1. Installation of different Flash 10 version is no big problem.

But if I go to Adobe's Flash test page, I only get a white area instead of a "flash-box". This is also on all(!) other sites with flash content. I suppose Java JRE is not responsible. Also I suppose not the browser is the reason, because this occurs with different Firefox-Versions. I tried different KernelEx compatibility settings for the flash file NPSWF32.DLL, with no success.

So I don't understand why I always read in internet "flash 10 works with KernelEx in Win98SE" :wacko: ?

Her this isn't so. I tested it on an old notebook with Intel Pentium III CPU and on my old PC with AMD T-Bred-B CPU.

What could be the reason?

- German Version of Win98SE (instead of the English one)?

- any missing system updates (which I don't know)?

- some removed Windows components (some of them with 98Lite)?

- missing Codec-Packs?

- wrong KernelEx version?

- wrong KernelEx settings for $browser.exe and/or the NPSWF32.DLL?

- wrong registry-entries?

For me, I must finally say "Flash 10 is not generally working on Win98SE, with unknown reason". :(

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Six months ago the hardware requirements for Flash 10.1 were:

Intel® Pentium® II 450MHz, AMD Athlon® 600MHz or faster processor (or equivalent)


Today the requirements for Flash 10.3 are:

Intel Pentium 4 2.33GHz, Athlon 64 2800+ or faster processor (or equivalent)


This most certainly means that a CPU supporting SSE2 instructions is now mandatory for running the latest Flash 10 builds whereas the earliest ones didn't even require CPUs having SSE support, Athlon 600Mhz having only MMX and 3DNow. I think you've got to find the most recent possible Flash 10 compatible with your CPUs on OldApps, FileHippo or any other similar website.



I might be wrong though but you'd better try that first and then report whether you can run earlier Flash 10 versions or not.

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I'm not sure if I got 10.3 installed or 10.2, but I'm using a Tualatin PIII and it only has SSE and so far things run... I recently had update happen this or last week so I think I got 10.3 installed, I got to verify it

EDIT: I got installed, and it works without problems on my Tualatin

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I think you've got to find the most recent possible Flash 10 compatible with your CPUs on OldApps, FileHippo or any other similar website.



I might be wrong though but you'd better try that first and then report whether you can run earlier Flash 10 versions or not.

I have tried different flash 10 versions - all with the same result:

A white area instead of flash box.

I tried even to disable Java to exclude it as reason for the issue.

For results on adobe's test page see the images attached below. Both images show adobe's test site, one with Flash 10 and the other one with Flash 9.

This is all with disabled Java. Flash 9 shows the version Info, Flash 10 does not so.

I dimly remember that I had installed an early Flash 10 version a long time ago, and that it worked at that time (without KernelEx and not stable, but I had a Flash box generally).

Could removed Windows components (with 98Lite) be the reason?

I have e.g. removed Windows' Shockwave Player, MS-XML-Support, msinfo and some other.

Is any of them required for Flash 10?



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Could removed Windows components (with 98Lite) be the reason?

I have e.g. removed Windows' Shockwave Player, MS-XML-Support, msinfo and some other.

Is any of them required for Flash 10?

Perhaps but I don't think those you specifically mention should be an issue. Anyway, thanks to TmEE we know that the latest Flash 10 should run on your T-Bred Athlon so it's got to be something else than a CPU issue.

Perhaps you could try to see if the standalone Flash 10.3 projector runs on your system and if it doesn't, inspect it with Dependency Walker, including profiling it, as to perhaps get a clue why it doesn't work.



You'll find a standalone Flash 9 projector in the archive below should you want to test it with dependency walker as well to see the eventual differences with the Flash 10 one.


Not sure all that Flash discussion has anything to do with KernelEx btw, and perhaps it should be moved to the other thread, your call DenCorso.

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Could removed Windows components (with 98Lite) be the reason?

I have e.g. removed Windows' Shockwave Player, MS-XML-Support, msinfo and some other.

Is any of them required for Flash 10?

Perhaps but I don't think those you specifically mention should be an issue...

But perhaps other such Windows components, see below...

OK, I can tell news:

The issue seems to be solved! :thumbup

It was definitely not a KernelEx problem. (That means, the discussion can be moved to the other thread.)

The problem was following:

I had removed ICM colour profiles with 98Lite. This included (or more precisely "excluded"...) the file Mscms.dll from the C:\Windows\System directory. File properties of Mscms.dll say "Microsoft Color Matching System DLL". I copied it manually back, and now all Flash 10 versions are able to work (in principle) on both computers, even on the notebook with Intel PIII CPU. :yes:

Heaven only knows why Flash 10 requires this mysterious file Mscms.dll, but Flash 9 does not :blink: .

Maybe oc_dt had the same problem (he described installed, but not working Flash 10).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Encouraged by this report about VLC, I downloaded and installed version 1.1.9 and it worked just fine on my P3 machine with KernelEx default mode. So, nothing particular seems to be required, other than having KernelEx 4.5.1 installed.

Then I tried to do the same on my P2 machine (with P3CPU.VXD and FineSSE23.exe installed) but although it installs and initializes its font cache OK, it crashes when trying to display any video (no error message).


VLC 1.1.9 has an internal error handler that often quietly terminates the app when an illegal instruction is encountered. It reports the error as "handled" rather than passing it to the system default handler for debugging.

To enable FineSSE to have the first chance to handle the errors, launch VLC by dropping it onto FineSSE.

Or do as I did and modify the VLC desktop shortcut target to be:

"C:\finesse.exe" -v "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"

Answer "No" if asked to send a bug report.

I have KernelEx 4.5.1 installed. VLC 1.1.9 will launch on my VIA C3 but opens off-screen. After moving it back on-screen (every time!), the menus don't open. I'll try VLC 1.1.10 soon.


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I've tested several versions of the PDF Foxit Reader. Latest version installs without an error (compatible mode WinXP SP2), but doesn't run. I get following error messages: Error starting program:The Foxit Reader.exe file is linked to missing export secur32.dll:Get User Name ExW. A device attached to the system is not functioning

Has anyone managed Foxit 5 to work?

Foxit skipped Win2000 support.

The last but one version works stable for me. The main issue I have, is that the bookmarks in the navigation panel on the left are not readable. Instead of words I see squares or little boxes. This problem appears since version (november 2009). It's OK in the version before Some versions of 3.0 and 3.1 suck a little to much resources so that a crash is possible.

The last version of 2 (2.3.4015) works stable. It already opens PDF version 1.7. files.

MySystem: Win ME, KernelEX 4.5.1; RP 9.72

BTW I also added it on the KernelEX Wiki page - (Foxit Reader/Discussion)

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I've tested several versions of the PDF Foxit Reader. Latest version installs without an error (compatible mode WinXP SP2), but doesn't run. I get following error  messages: Error starting program:The Foxit Reader.exe file is linked to missing export secur32.dll:Get User Name ExW. A device attached to the system is not functioning 

Has anyone managed Foxit 5 to work?

Yes, I have tried Foxit Reader 5.0 but I've got the same message as you.

I'm using also Foxit 4.3.1 (build 323).

Btw, you haven't problem with installation of it?

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