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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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Good afternoon,

I have two ST3750330AS affected by the BSY error on my table so I tried to resucitate them according to directions posted here, BUT...

... i/ if I connect the drive to PC (via RS323toTTL board etc.) with the PCB _connected_ to the HDA (= norma state of HDD), I got in HyperTerminal something like this:



LED:000000CC FAddr:0024A051íí­ííïííí

LED:000000CC FAddr:0024A051íí­­íííí­­íí­íïïïïïí­ííýïïíïííííïííííïííï¯íïýïííÿ¯¯¯í



This is not exactly what I would expect, but the error message ("LED:000000CC FAddr:0024A051") seem to be "correct" so I think the RS232toTTL board and all the wires around work fine, BUT...

... ii/ if I try the same with the PCB disconnected from the HDA (as described in directions) I can't get any response from the drive / enter the terminal session, neither Ctrl+Z nor any other of "online commands" work and the "F3 T>" prompt doesn't appear. :-((

Does anyone have any idea what could I do wrong?

Many thanks for any help.


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Hi HappyBear,

I am not an expert, but I had the same problem initially - no response. It seems, and Gradius2 explains this as well on the bottom of his page, that the wires have to be inverted. I inverted them and everything worked fine.

The other problem I encountered was that the TTL board was not recognized by Windows. It seemed that the batteries were not strong enough. So I connected the adapter to the 5V output from the Power supply (red wire and black one).

Good luck,


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:thumbup Another ST31000340AS back from the dead!

I first tried the Aviko method since it was a bit simpler and people appeared to have success with it. But I got no response to the m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 command and after half an hour gave up and started over with the Gradius2 method. It worked!

I used the SparkFun 449 adapter and a couple of D cells for a 3 volt power supply. The hardest part of the whole rig was connecting to the tightly spaced pins on the PCB. I destroyed a plug to extract tiny enough connectors and separated them with bits of cardboard.

What is amazing is how quick and easy the recovery is once you have the setup connected - a less than 5-minute procedure. If Seagate management had half a brain, they would offer to repair and return all bricked drives with a 24-hour turnaround. They could train their managers, secretaries, and salespeople to do the job if they needed more capacity. Too bad if their own stupidity and arrogance costs them their company.

I think they could've made the recovery adapter free provided the user paid shipping and handling.

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I tried with that cable (Ca-42) from the previous post and i dont get any answer in the Hyper Terminal connection.I have used the green and white cables fron the CA-42 data cable...according to this link

Does someone knows wich can be the cause?I have pressed CTRL+Z in the hyperterminal connection but nothing appears there...

Thanks in advance.

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I tried with that cable (Ca-42) from the previous post and i dont get any answer in the Hyper Terminal connection.I have used the green and white cables fron the CA-42 data cable...according to this link

Does someone knows wich can be the cause?I have pressed CTRL+Z in the hyperterminal connection but nothing appears there...

Thanks in advance.

You can try a loopback test to see if the connection is working. You connect the RX to TX on the cable itself, and once you connect in hyperterminal, anything you type should show up on the screen, indicating you have a working connection.

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Can anyone knows if i have a data cable from a mobile phone let's say Nokia CA-42 or Siemens C35 with usb conector for PC (not serial) i need a alimentation power to the othe side of the cable

besides the RX and TX cables that are conected to the HDD?

I saw that others have used alimentation from sata for a cable that have serial port conector for PC...

If i have a usb conector, did the usb provide that alimentation for the circuit board of the cable and is not necessary a power from sata?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi HappyBear,

I am not an expert, but I had the same problem initially - no response. It seems, and Gradius2 explains this as well on the bottom of his page, that the wires have to be inverted. I inverted them and everything worked fine.

The other problem I encountered was that the TTL board was not recognized by Windows. It seemed that the batteries were not strong enough. So I connected the adapter to the 5V output from the Power supply (red wire and black one).

Good luck,


Eddy, thanks for your effort, but -- as I wrote in my post -- I get some output from the drive (but only in the BSY state and maybe a bit strange), so I suppose the wires are OK as like as the TTL board communicates with Windows. I spent several hours on this problem yesterday and I also tried to swap TX/RX wires but I get really no response if I do that so I belive the problem must be elsewhere -- I only can't find our where is it... :-(( Has anyone any other idea please? See the original post #787 for details...

Thanks a lot.


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Hi HappyBear,

I am not an expert, but I had the same problem initially - no response. It seems, and Gradius2 explains this as well on the bottom of his page, that the wires have to be inverted. I inverted them and everything worked fine.

The other problem I encountered was that the TTL board was not recognized by Windows. It seemed that the batteries were not strong enough. So I connected the adapter to the 5V output from the Power supply (red wire and black one).

Good luck,


Eddy, thanks for your effort, but -- as I wrote in my post -- I get some output from the drive (but only in the BSY state and maybe a bit strange), so I suppose the wires are OK as like as the TTL board communicates with Windows. I spent several hours on this problem yesterday and I also tried to swap TX/RX wires but I get really no response if I do that so I belive the problem must be elsewhere -- I only can't find our where is it... :-(( Has anyone any other idea please? See the original post #787 for details...

Thanks a lot.


Is ground TTL well connected to PCB? :blink:

Edited by CLAUDIUS84
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Can anyone knows if i have a data cable from a mobile phone let's say Nokia CA-42 or Siemens C35 with usb conector for PC (not serial) i need a alimentation power to the othe side of the cable

besides the RX and TX cables that are conected to the HDD?

I saw that others have used alimentation from sata for a cable that have serial port conector for PC...

If i have a usb conector, did the usb provide that alimentation for the circuit board of the cable and is not necessary a power from sata?

Thanks in advance.

you don't need an alimentation power to the othe side of the cable

the usb provide the alimentation for the circuit board of the cable and is not necessary a power from sata, although you need the SATA power for the hard disc

Edited by pichi
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Is ground TTL well connected to PCB? :blink:

Claudius84, you've hit the nail on the head and you've moved me one step forward, thanks a lot. The messy bytes that surrounded the error message (LED:000000CC FAddr:0024A051) in the BSY state (the PCB connected to the HDA) have disappeared, BUT...

...when I disconnect the PCB from the HDA (either by inserting a business card and/or by removing the PCB) I still can't enter the terminal and get the "F3 T>" prompt. :-( When exactly shall I press CTRL+Z? Or what could cause that keys/commands aren't sent to the HDD? Did I miss some special Hyperterminal setting? Any idea? Thx.

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Hello, I finally found a DKU-5 cable from craigslist, I got it from this dude for $10.

I installed the DKU-5 drivers from the CD and then

I connected the DKU-5 to my usb port and my computer detected the new hardware and proceeded to install the drivers.

I then checked hyperterminal to see what com port was added (com1 was there before) and I saw that com3 was added when I plug in DKU-5 cable.

Stripping the DKU-5 cable It comes with 6 wires.

outside exposed wire (unused), then inside wrapped in silver foil are red (TTL +), black (TTL -), yellow (unused), blue (rx) and white (tx).

(using the DKU-5 pinouts from http://buffalo.nas-central.org/index.php/U...RM9_Linkstation I used a continuity tester to determine which color wire is which on the pins on the phone plug end)

I connected the red and black to 2 AA batteries and shorted the blue and white wire and then I connected DKU-5 to the usb port. I then started hyperterminal connected to com3 and started typing on the keyboard. I saw that what I type in was showing on the screen. I then disconnected blue and white and typed something just to check, and viola no text shows up on hyperterminal.

A friend of mine gave me his spare CD/DVD drive audio cables and I removed the plastic casing on the end to extract the small crimped female jumper metal thingy which is already connected to a wire which would be perfect for connecting to the rx/tx pins of the hard drive.

Now I am stuck because I cant find any torx screw driver size 6. sigh so close.

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Now I am stuck because I cant find any torx screw driver size 6. sigh so close.

They are not easy-easy to find.

"Professional" toolcases are unjustifiably expensive, as well as "single" screwdrivers.

Some "kits" have it, and if you are lucky you can find them in "bits" format:



"Normal" bit series has #7 or #8 as smaller. :(

I bought this small set from a Chinese street seller for 3,50 €:



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