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Now I am stuck because I cant find any torx screw driver size 6. sigh so close.

I got my torx screw driver set from The Source (formerly Radio Shack store), $20 a set.

...when I disconnect the PCB from the HDA (either by inserting a business card and/or by removing the PCB) I still can't enter the terminal and get the "F3 T>" prompt. :-( When exactly shall I press CTRL+Z? Or what could cause that keys/commands aren't sent to the HDD? Did I miss some special Hyperterminal setting? Any idea? Thx.

For EddyDel5 & Claudius84 (who tried to help me yesterday): My problem was quite simple at the end: Wrong serial ports controller in PC -- both ports could receive data, but didn't send anything out... :wacko: I replaced the controller and both disk were alive again within five minutes -- many thanks to Gradius (& others) who found out the process and posted it here...

HappyBear (more happy than ususal at the moment:-)

Posted (edited)

Hi guys I have a problem I type m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 command in terminal and didn't get any answer from terminal I wait about 30 minutes. It still show the m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 command and i can't write any signs on terminal. What can I do now ?? I read I can't turn off power. Help please. Sorry for my bad english.

Edited by mastertab2
Posted (edited)
Hi guys I have a problem I type m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 command in terminal and didn't get any answer from terminal I wait about 30 minutes. It still show the m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 command and i can't write any signs on terminal. What can I do now ?? I read I can't turn off power. Help please. Sorry for my bad english.

I got that too . Start from the beginning, including the optional command "Aviko": F712, F,, 22 and F712. (with SD15 only ).

It worked for me.



Edited by CLAUDIUS84
As many times you close and open the hyperterminal, as many times you open new virtual com port.

Hyperterminal was innconet this time I think, the controller card (Kouwell 222NE BTW:-) was really half-dead and it cheated both Hyperterminal and me for two days... I work in IT for fifteen years and I've met many incredible faults during all these years, but this one was unique...

Have a nice weekend.



Txh CLAUDIUS84 for help. I risk and turn off power after m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 command. Next I once time again follow with aviko instructions and everything work disc alive :thumbup

Probably i miss one step in aviko instruction :blushing:

Time to copy my data to another disc. Thx everybody for this solution.

Posted (edited)

I have a 1.5 TB seagate drive that is giving me 0GB capacity after a random reboot. it shows the following in drivedetect:

Model: ST31500341AS, Serial: 9VS09SRT, Firmware: ZZ7L

the firmware version seems whacked (it was SD17 before the problem popped up). i can't flash using the firmware cd i downloaded from seagate, it says no match found, even though the model number matches what it detects. i was assuming it didn't like the firmware version ZZ7L.

my question is to people with the 0LBA problem, am I going to be able to fix my drive myself using this technique? I want to buy a CA-42 cable and use the command to quick format the drive, then update to the latest firmware and be done with these problems, but i haven't heard anyone else mention having a wild firmware version detected like i do, so I'm wondering if my problem is something worse.

thanks :)

Edited by diddlyd

Hello diddlyd,

I have 1 TB ST31000340AS P/N 9BX158 on my table (apart two 750s affected by the BSY error I mentioned above:-) and a few days ago this hdd suddendly stopped to boot Windows and it started to report size = 0. I didn't have time to analyze the problem in depth, but -- in accordance to some post on Seagate's forum -- I tried the very common Seatools for DOS program which has an option "set drive capacity to maximum" (or something like this, I don't remember the exact wording) and after that the hdd -- to my big surprise -- started to boot Windows again as usual. The disk size displayed in BIOS is still strange ("0.002" instead of "1000" or so), but the hdd works without any problem at the moment... Maybe it worths a try...




Hi, I'm another unlucky seagate hd owner... this bug has ruined my week too.

So I've been reading this awesome fix (thanks to the author), but I'm kinda of a newbie in this stuff ( soldering? tx? Rx? what the hell!?!!) So I need some help.

I have this old cell phone cable: http://pinouts.ru/CellularPhones-A-N/lg_co...4p_pinout.shtml

Will it work? there are a lot of cables, which one am I supposed to use? How do I connect the cables from the cell cable to the HD? do I have to cut them from the cable plug? do I have to solder other cablese on the plug? sorry for the newbie questions..

thank you

Hi, I'm another unlucky seagate hd owner... this bug has ruined my week too.

So I've been reading this awesome fix (thanks to the author), but I'm kinda of a newbie in this stuff ( soldering? tx? Rx? what the hell!?!!) So I need some help.

I have this old cell phone cable: http://pinouts.ru/CellularPhones-A-N/lg_co...4p_pinout.shtml

Will it work? there are a lot of cables, which one am I supposed to use? How do I connect the cables from the cell cable to the HD? do I have to cut them from the cable plug? do I have to solder other cablese on the plug? sorry for the newbie questions..

thank you

a friendly word of advice...

take the time to get the right equiptment and tools; practice soldering before you ruin any equiptment, see if you have a friend who can help show you the correct technique. print out and understand the recovery solution you are going to use- then, when you are ready, recover your hard drive. if you try to rush or short-cut through things you increase your risk of ending up with a dead drive.

Hello diddlyd,

I have 1 TB ST31000340AS P/N 9BX158 on my table (apart two 750s affected by the BSY error I mentioned above:-) and a few days ago this hdd suddendly stopped to boot Windows and it started to report size = 0. I didn't have time to analyze the problem in depth, but -- in accordance to some post on Seagate's forum -- I tried the very common Seatools for DOS program which has an option "set drive capacity to maximum" (or something like this, I don't remember the exact wording) and after that the hdd -- to my big surprise -- started to boot Windows again as usual. The disk size displayed in BIOS is still strange ("0.002" instead of "1000" or so), but the hdd works without any problem at the moment... Maybe it worths a try...



thanks for the advice happybear, but no luck. i booted to the dos version of seatools, and it identifies my drive as i posted above, but when i tried to set it to max native size, it would bring up a dialog box asking for input like i hit "set drive capacity manually". nothing i entered would be accepted. i tried using the "set to 32GB" option, and it said that failed. both the long and short test immediately failed as well.

this is what im trying to clarify. do the other people who have had their drive's suddenly start reporting 0 LBA or 0 GB size (but never had the busy bug, where it isn't even recognized by the bios) still show a normal bios version when they check their drives, or are they getting wild version numbers like i am? do i have a special case problem where my drive's firmware is so fried that it can't be communicated with, even using the techniques described in this thread, or will I still be able to fix it?

i've been trying to get a response from seagate for about 10 days now, and not a word. surprise surprise.

Posted (edited)

Will data remain intact for a member of a RAID 5 array?

People are obviously recovering their data successfully, but I'm wondering if anyone has had success with a drive that was in a RAID 5 configuration, without having to rebuild the array.

One of the four identical drives in my RAID 5 array died on me last month (BSY issue, but I didn't know it at the time). I continued to use the PC with the array in degraded mode, expecting to rebuild the array once my replacement drive arrived from Seagate. Unfortunately, another drive bricked itself (BSY) before I got the replacement drive. I breathed a sigh of relief when I came across this thread and Gradius' solution.

But when I saw the commands regarding partition formatting (see below), I was a little less confident that I would get my data back. I understand file systems at a fairly low level, but I have no low-level knowledge of partitions or block-level striped data (as in RAID 5). I can imagine the possibility of a fundamental difference between a partition on a single drive, and the arrangement of striped data on a drive.

Can anyone explain what a User Partition Format actually does? Will it will break my RAID array?

Thank you much.

Partition regeneration:

F3 T>m0,2,2,,,,,22 (enter)

For reference:

Level T 'm': Rev 0001.0000, Flash, FormatPartition, m[Partition],[FormatOpts],[DefectListOpts],[MaxWrRetryCnt],[MaxRdRetryCnt],[MaxEccTLevel],[MaxCertif


You should get something like (in around 15~30 seconds):

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 14, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 00C8

User Partition Format 10% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00004339, ErrCode 00000080, Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

Edited by capt.skinny

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