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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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I'm so happy I learnt a new language here!!




Actually the correct is just "Vai te fuder Seagate", no need - (hyphen) there. ;)

Personally I prefer "Vá se fuder Seagate!". :whistle:

Edit1: Those who are using a cable from mobile phone will need to use GND too, that is not necessary if you're using a dedicated RS232 to TTL adapter (like me).

Edit2: I recommend to everyone who updated SD1A with older version, do it again with the NEW version. I'm sure they messed with code again, the most recent (and probably the last one) is from 27/01/2009 (or 01/27) released in 29/01/2009 (01/29) at best. Firmware is from 27/01 and flasher from 29/01.

Details here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...st&p=836051

Edited by Gradius2
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In portuguese, "vai-te" or "vai te" both are correct, In portugal uses more the "vai-te" but in brasil use more the "vai te", BUT speaking a correct portuguese the sentence is "fode-te seagate" :thumbup

I'm so happy I learnt a new language here!!




Actually the correct is just "Vai te fuder Seagate", no need - (hyphen) there. ;)

Personally I prefer "Vá se fuder Seagate!". :whistle:

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Hi all,

I am another victim of this firmware issue! It seems getting all the parts and trying to unlock the drive will be too much effort and frustration for me. Is there anyone who will help me to unlock my drive? If you live in London; I can happily drive to your home; if you dont then I can post my drive to you. I mean instead of everyone trying to get all the parts and fix this by themselves; we can help each other here. Of course I will pay to anyone who is willing to do this for me since I wont be paying for any parts or spending my time for it.

I probably dont have any important data in the drive since I got a few backups in the past or it wont be that much important to loose them. I just want to save the drive and the time I will be spending to install all those programs again. So dont be afraid to take risk here; I wont blame you if anything goes wrong with my drive.

Hello mate, im from Cardiff and I fixed mine using a Nokia 3210 data cable bought from ebay for about £3 delivered this is going to be cheaper than posting your drive to someone and them then posting it back to you. If you would like to give it a go yourself feel free to pm me any questions you have. If you are not sure about doing it yourself I would be willing to do it if you post your drive to me but tbh would only do this if no one closer to you can fix it for you as I no how unreliable royal mail are.

PM me if you like

YAAAYY!! I am also managed to revive my drive! I thank you everybody in this forum who made an effort to help others like me to save their drives. There were a lot of usefel info here (Although some useful parts are scattered into 39 pages now) I was sure that I had lost my drive; but now i am using the same drive to write this message!

I spent all they yesterday for reading this forum and of course searching the net for necessary parts and I managed to buy a DKU-5 nokia data cable (£10) this morning form a mobile phone unlocker (I know I am lucky to find this from a guy 2 mins near my flat and his actual business is dry cleaning :) - ebay has alot of these cables but I just didnt want to wait for another day) and it came with its CD as well. At first I wasn't able to install the necessary driver for the cable but then I realized laptop doesn't have the XP Sp3. After installing the Xp Sp3, OS managed to find the driver files from the CD and recognized the data cable on COM9. I also got a T6 torx bit from a maplin shop and the rest was just easy; just followed Gradius2's guide with a few trial :)

If you have the same problem and you are just starting to fix this, I strongley suggest that you use one of DKU-5 / CA-42 / CA-45 nokia data cables; it seemed to me an easier way. Please note that Gradius2's guide requires different componenets which I found more difficult to gather and set up but you may have already necessary parts in your home though; so just read different ways and decide which one is best for you.

Of course a special thanks goes to bp2411 who answered my several questions promptley last night and helped me to do this in a short time :thumbup

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Greetings from Vancouver BC Canada, My 500 GB seagate 7200.11 harrddrive also suddenly cannot be detected by the bios. Good thing I found this forum. I am planning to get the DKU-5 or CA-45 cables. My question is those pins at the back of the hardrive is sooo small ! how did everyone connect the wire to there ? I dont have any soldering equipment and I am a newbie to electronics. I can strip wires and connect two wires together and put electric tape around it but thats the most I have done and not at this small scale. Can anyone tell/show me how do I connect the wires from my usb data cable to the HD pins ? Or can I find something at "Circuit city/the source" to connect to the hd pin ?



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Greetings from Vancouver BC Canada, My 500 GB seagate 7200.11 harrddrive also suddenly cannot be detected by the bios. Good thing I found this forum. I am planning to get the DKU-5 or CA-45 cables. My question is those pins at the back of the hardrive is sooo small ! how did everyone connect the wire to there ? I dont have any soldering equipment and I am a newbie to electronics. I can strip wires and connect two wires together and put electric tape around it but thats the most I have done and not at this small scale. Can anyone tell/show me how do I connect the wires from my usb data cable to the HD pins ? Or can I find something at "Circuit city/the source" to connect to the hd pin ?



Some places (electronic hobby stores) should be selling jumper cables, which you can put onto the end of a wire and have it connect to the pins on the hard drive.

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Greetings from Vancouver BC Canada, My 500 GB seagate 7200.11 harrddrive also suddenly cannot be detected by the bios. Good thing I found this forum. I am planning to get the DKU-5 or CA-45 cables. My question is those pins at the back of the hardrive is sooo small ! how did everyone connect the wire to there ? I dont have any soldering equipment and I am a newbie to electronics. I can strip wires and connect two wires together and put electric tape around it but thats the most I have done and not at this small scale. Can anyone tell/show me how do I connect the wires from my usb data cable to the HD pins ? Or can I find something at "Circuit city/the source" to connect to the hd pin ?



I had asked the same question to another member here. With his suggestion I have modified a spare mother board cable's head by using a knife to fit to the Drive's pins; and then join the nokia cable wires to its wires. I have seen a few pictures in this forum where people used soldering or a simple tape. But I guess jumper cables would be the easiest thing.

Edited by Otake
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Greetings from Vancouver BC Canada, My 500 GB seagate 7200.11 harrddrive also suddenly cannot be detected by the bios. Good thing I found this forum. I am planning to get the DKU-5 or CA-45 cables. My question is those pins at the back of the hardrive is sooo small ! how did everyone connect the wire to there ? I dont have any soldering equipment and I am a newbie to electronics. I can strip wires and connect two wires together and put electric tape around it but thats the most I have done and not at this small scale. Can anyone tell/show me how do I connect the wires from my usb data cable to the HD pins ? Or can I find something at "Circuit city/the source" to connect to the hd pin ?



I took the curcuit board out and flipped around to solder some "wire wrap" wires to the back of the pins. You can try to use those plastic connectors like a video card fan power connector and break them open so only the metal pin is show, I tried that but found it to be too closed together and can short each other easily when it is pushed into the HD's pin, especially if you tries to connect all three (TX/RX/GND).

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I will try to get the "jumper cables" from The Source (used to be radio shack) Not sure if that is the correct term for that connector. I googled some connectors the closest I can find is a D-Sub Jumper Wire, Female to Female (http://www.jaykang.com/djuwifetofe.html) not sure if that is the same.

I will try The source and hopefully they will have it.

unfortunately I dont have spare motherboard or video fan cables :( and I dont have a soldering kit nor am I skilled to solder something that small.

keep my fingers crosss that The Source has the jumper cables :D

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don't get your hopes up with the source; it is more about upselling electronic device eg alarm cloks and crap like that- than electronic equptment; the jumpers you might find are too big for the requirements of the pcb. I can recomend ordering from sparkfun in the states; got my convertor in about a week and wish I had ordered the jumpers too, but I made due.

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Hi to all...

My HD on a raid0 array is affected by the busy issues, and for a week I tried to contact seagate to have helpful information on restoring e data backup my HD with no response...

until i read the gradius post!!!

Now i have ordered all the cable and converter to restore the drive, but i want to simplify the operation of removing and reistalling the pcb on the hd.

The only connection between the PCB and the HD is within the 3 pin??

To semplify the operation of reinstalling the PCB and be careful to don't make any cort-circuit, i suggest to unscrew until a doublepiece of insulanting-tape can be placed to isolate the pins. then re-screw to make the pcb more stable and follow the guide. When yuo need to establish the connection between the pcb and the hd simple pull the tape out. I think this way is riskless than the original!!

I hope that my English is understandable, however i'll make some pics to explain what i'm doing!!!


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:thumbup Another ST31000340AS back from the dead!

I first tried the Aviko method since it was a bit simpler and people appeared to have success with it. But I got no response to the m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 command and after half an hour gave up and started over with the Gradius2 method. It worked!

I used the SparkFun 449 adapter and a couple of D cells for a 3 volt power supply. The hardest part of the whole rig was connecting to the tightly spaced pins on the PCB. I destroyed a plug to extract tiny enough connectors and separated them with bits of cardboard.

What is amazing is how quick and easy the recovery is once you have the setup connected - a less than 5-minute procedure. If Seagate management had half a brain, they would offer to repair and return all bricked drives with a 24-hour turnaround. They could train their managers, secretaries, and salespeople to do the job if they needed more capacity. Too bad if their own stupidity and arrogance costs them their company.

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anybody tried

pcb change reflash and rechange pcb

i have 3 st3500320as

they are same model

2 of them working with latest firmware

but 1 of them bricked with bsy problem

if i change pcb flah bricked one and rechange it

would it work

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I joined to support a valuable resource, and to say thanks. My ST31000340AS P/N: 9BX158-335 was successfully resurrected and my data is all intact. I did the firmware upgrade ( after backup up all irreplaceable data, as well as most of the rest ), and all seems to be in order. Needless to say I am extremely happy! The thing was practically full ( something like 20+GB free out of 1TB ), some of the files being irreplaceable. I will say it, even though we all know it, backup, backup, backup...

Yes, I do feel like an id***, as normally I make two (2) backups of everything...

I wish I could say lesson learned, but this isn't the first time I have lost files via not backing up, only the worst.

Again, a grateful person saying thanks. ( And yes, even though Seagate *says* that they are offering free data recovery now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I *definitely* am not handing any of my private data over to someone I don't know unless there is no other way... )

Note: I did the 'busy' and 'LBA0' recoveries.

Note2: my www dot nkcelectronics dot com UL94V-0 RS232 to TTL adapter ( off of eBay ) needed a RX -> RX / TX -> TX hookup to work. FYI.



Note3: The RX/TX connectors were scavenged from a 4-pin floppy power connector, and I crushed the ends to make them small enough... Simplify, simplify, simplify...

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Last weekend I received my TTL adapter (from eBay) and did some soldering. Than I followed the exact instruction of Gradius2 - thank you :thumbup - and my Seagate came to life again!

I went through the exact procedure as described by Gradius2. It required a bit of soldering, but everybody can do this. I am not an expert at all. I just took my time and patience.

I followed the instructions step by step and my HDD came back to life! Once "unbricked", I transferred all the data to another drive - both two WD Caviar Blacks and put them in a RAID1 array, and than I upgraded the firmware following Seagate's instructions (see their website).

Why did I buy Western Digital? Well I mailed Seagate support and they never took the time answering my mail. They know it is a known problem and they make nice promises on their website, but when it comes to fulfill their promises, well... :realmad: .

I'll keep my Seagate as a backup drive know, but I have more confidence in other brands. Not that I believe that Seagate makes bad drives, but their customer support s***s.



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